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Are you in the wrong?


Posted by1 day ago
Take My Energy

This entire situation is quite long, but I'll try to keep it as short but detailed as possible.

About 5 years ago, my(17f) mom(42) was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was a hard time, and my mom fought like hell to beat it, and she did, thankfully. However, after multiple surgeries and a couple of months after starting chemo my mom was getting really sick and had started to lose her hair, it was the sickest I had ever seen my mom. Around the same time, my dad(44) served her with divorce papers in front of me and my two younger siblings, who were all kids at the time. We were all confused and crying, and the only thing my dad kept saying was, "I didn't sign up for this, I don't want this." He moved out of our home almost immediately and rarely even contacted his children for 2 years.

During those 2 years, though, my mom had beat breast cancer and was in remission. While her health was looking up, all of the stuff that was happening with my dad kept getting dragged on as he really didn't want to be in mine or my siblings lives and he ultimately had to be mandated by the courts to. Fast forward to a year later(3 years after my mom's diagnosis and a year and some change since recovering), my mom meets Stephanie, her now partner, my stepmother. For the past couple of years my parents have shared custody of my siblings and I and we usually go to my dad's ever other weekend, but recently within the past few week, i have been opting out on going especially this past weekend, as I didn't want to spend the three day weekend with him.

Prior to all of this, about 3 weeks ago, Stephanie came to me, my brother(14), and my sister (12) and asked us for our mom's hand in marriage. We were all so happy and so excited because Stephanie has brought so much love and happiness to our mom and we all love Steph she's really like another mom to us, so we of course said yes.

So as my brother and sister are at my dad's this past weekend, I'm not sure how the conversation transpired but all I know is that my sister said something along the lines of "I hope Stephanie doesn't propose to mom without us there" to my brother. That was enough to send my dad into a rage, making him call me and go on a complete rampage about how he's all alone and doesn't have his family and how could my mom and Steph think this was okay without discussing it with him first. I simply said, "This is what you wanted. You divorced her. You got what you wanted and deserved." I then just hung up. Since Sunday, my dad has been calling and texting me, saying that I am a "disrespectful little shit" for saying that to him and that he's still my father regardless. Am I in the wrong?

Posted by9 hours ago

So as the post says my GF's brother' and his fiance has been living with use rent free and eating free for about 4 months now. Recently his fiance has started to act really shitty towards me and my gf for no particular reason for last few weeks.

She's been telling my gf lies to try and make us fight and my gf has even caught the fiance lying to her. She's said some really hurtful comments and remarks to my gf and my gf was upset about how she's been acting. Well I hadn't said or done anything till the other day when I caught her lying to both me and my girlfriend about something so small there was no reason to lie about it.

Well when I caught her lying I texted her calling out her lying straight to my face and told her I would no longer be doing any favors for her and that she had lost my trust. The favors are things such as giving rides or getting them little things that aren't super expensive at the store when I'm there. The rides that she asks for multiple times a week that are 25-35 mile rides one way I get no gas money for this and haven't ever asked but it's the principle to me that if someone is giving you a ride that long multiple times a week you should at least offer them something even if it's only $10.

Well I told her all of this and now my GF'S brother is trying to paint me as the bad guy for telling her off and that I went about it all wrong and that I don't get to talk to her that way, etc. Never did I say anything to bad the meanest thing in the texted and I quote " your attitude has been shitty the last few weeks and lying to me was the thing they broke the camel's back." I don't think that's very mean considering that I'm pretty sure she has also been stealing things from me and my gf here and there because things have just started to go missing around the house.

It's gotten to the point that I've even told my gf that I'm considering moving out and back into my parents house if things do not improve. Her brother and his fiance had a problem when I wouldn't loan them out $150 dollars after they went out and probably spent several hundred dollars on other junk. When I won't give her rides before this because I work all the time about 55-65 hours a week literally writing this at work lol and have house work to do as well as other things.

Her brother doesn't have a job and will not hold a job and I'm assuming it's because he's not being made to pay for really anything at all and he had a problem when we said we may be needing 1 or 2 hundred a month to help with their share of utilities and groceries and that was a big issue as well. My grocery bill almost tripled when they moved in.

I just don't know if I'm being an asshole or not cause on one point they are my GF's family but on another they don't pay for anything and want to treat us like this. Sorry for the long post.

Posted by1 day ago

My SIL is a thief. Last spring she was caught stealing credit cards from an elderly family member suffering from dimentia and spent over $20K.

Shortly after that she was fired from a job cashiering at a gas station, for stealing lottery tickets. She spent a total of five days in jail before my MIL posted her bail.

When I started receiving credit cards I hadn't opened the situation became more personal. It's apparent she's moved on to trying to steal from ME directly. I received the last such credit alert two weeks ago. The beiareus notified me of a change of address, from my address, to hers. I explicitly instructed my husband that she was not welcome over to our house under any circumstances.

I worked yesterday and arrived to find my SIL hanging out with my FIL in MY driveway. I was LIVID. I pulled my husband aside and asked if I had not been clear that she was not welcome. He insisted my FIL had invited her over because he wanted to spend the evening with her children (11f, 8m, 4f and 2f) and was concerned she wouldn't just drop them off. He said, for the sake of the children, I should just avoid making direct contact with her because I can't "prove" she's responsible for the fraud anyway.

I'm still angry about this. I was made to feel singled out and uncomfortable in my own home. I can't get over how disrespectful it was. So Reddit, Am I Wrong?

Editing to answer some questions because this blew up. I have submitted the form to report the fraud to the government. I appreciate everyone for those suggestions. I have also submitted a form that my husband's and children's information may or may not have been compromised as well.

I have sent screenshots and a copy of the form I submitted to my attorney. I am in agreement that she will not stop this behavior until there are severe legal repercussions.

This has definitely created animosity between myself and my husband. He is away at work for the week and we've barely spoken since Monday. As heartbreaking as it is, it's definitely not lost on me that my in-laws become a non issue if we simply divorce.

I didn't flip out and drag her off of my property by her hair because I love my nieces and nephews dearly and didn't want to cause them any grief. Their mother has caused them enough problems as it is.

Thank you all for your advice and kind words.

Posted by7 hours ago

Kind of a long read but don’t know where else to turn to with this.

My family situation is messy. I am the eldest son of 3, and one of my two siblings is my half sister, the other full. I along with my full sister, have never met our biological dad. The only father figure any of us has ever known is our step dad.

We come from a middle class background. When my mom divorced my bio dad when we were babies, she decided to keep us and worked part time jobs while our grandma took care of us. A few years pass she meets my step dad and he became the only father any of us ever knew. Even after marrying my step father though (as he also didnt come from an affluent background), we moved from place to place often and switched schools as my parents attempted (and did) work hard to provide for us. This was anything from working at restaurants, gas stations, convenience stores, to construction. All of which my mom also helped or worked with my dad.

Our step father was abusive. Physically, verbally, and s*xually. He physically hit all of us, including my mom, but me the most. He was verbally abusive to all of us and often went on rants by himself or cursed/yelled at us for no apparent reason because of a bad day at work or even a bad dream. He SA’d me (not seriously tbh but as we’re korean) he jokingly touched me to “see” how big I’ve grown. This stopped in middle school.

On the other hand he touched my middle sister and groped her all throughout childhood until their divorce when we were in high school. My sister informed my mom of this when it happend and my mom seemingly did nothing but attempted to talk to my dad which led to him just screaming and hitting my mom. He did technically stop but its more so because they were separated in the following months.

Throughout our childhood my relationship with my family was not great either. I constantly stood up and talked back to my father which obviously never helps or ends well. My middle sister constantly lied or exaggerated which led to me getting beat more often and more resentment towards her. She spread rumors about me at whichever school we were at at the time and I responded by hitting her. I’ve hit her likely 5 times in my life (I remember each time vividly as I was irate). I’m not proud of this and I’ve apologized to her in recent years. I stopped this behavior in high school but our resentment towards each other continued.

So I go off to university and graduate (as of one year ago). I moved out and lived alone for most of this time leaving my two sisters at home with my mom. During this time whenever I would catch up with my mom (not my sisters given our relationship) she would tell me about how stressed she is because of my middle sister. She would ask her for help with something tech related or around the house and my sister would respond rudely or start blaming my mom for her problems. It would also end in tears and a tangent onto some trauma because of my mom and my mom gives up as she feels guilty and sorry as well.

My sister blames my mom for marrying my step dad, for not divorcing him sooner, and seemingly doing nothing when she was SA’d. She also blames her for the quality of life that we have and the reason our life is “like this”. She claims she has commitment issues because of our dad which i personally think is a stretch. She, for a fact, resents my mom the most out of everyone in my family including myself and my step dad which I think is strange because my mom gave all of us the most love and was never abusive. She tried her best.

Even now at the age of 50 she works part time jobs trying to make ends meet while she goes through the motions of her divorce. Our father is admittedly a shitty person and has not contacted any of us.

Its important to note what type of person my sister is. Im not exaggerating as I’m simply here for other perspectives and genuine advice. But as stated before she constantly lies or exaggerates. She has been unable to hold a friendship for more than 3 years, ( not attributed to moving as Ive held many for 10+). She always ‘complains’ about whatever drama in her friend circle at the time. She keeps her ringer on the loudest volume in the house and says things like ‘why is xyz messaging me, omg so annoying”. She has stated to my mom that she wishes that she was born white. Her ‘friends’ now from uni that she brags about are supposedly rich. I think she resents my mom for not being as rich as she constantly compares and lowkey asks my mom a few times for money for extravagant trips or even just complains about our quality of life. This is just my speculation though. She has bragged to my friends when I was little about her body count (which is completely stupid given her age at the time); goes to show her mentality.

Posted by5 hours ago

I recently had a fight with my mom. The day before, after coming back from the gym with my brother (I went using a guest pass to try out the gym), my mom was telling me that should keep going to the gym to get a flat stomach like my cousin. She has been making fun of my body for long time now and she has repeatedly bring up my younger cousin to tell me to be skinny like her, but I usually kept it inside to not make a big fuss, because every time I try to speak up about something, she kept saying I overreacted. However, when she said that the day before, I couldn't take it anymore and snapped at her. At first I wasn't screaming, I just told her that what she said was unhealthy and is especially harmful and discouraging to say to someone who is trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I also mentioned that my cousin's body is different than mine and that no matter how much I exercise or hit the gym, I would never be able to look like my cousin. She then said that she only said that as a joke, that she just wanted to motivate and encourage me to work out more to be skinnier (which I don't know why she thought it was a good idea to compare bodies as a way of encouragement). She then also brought up one of our mutual friend (he used to teach me martial arts) that he used to be big but is now super skinny. I pointed out to her that when he was doing martial arts and exercising, he was still big, and as only became skinny recently because (his mom told us this) he has been working and did not have time to eat at work; therefore, he lost a lot of weight due to not eating enough (which his mom did not think that was good). I told my mom that if I wanted to be like both of the examples she mentioned, I would have to starve, but then she said oh I only said it in passing and didn't mean anything for real, then said that I overreacted and that I made a big deal out of something so trivial. To me, it was not something trivial as I have been insecure about my body for a while, as I have not been exercising much due to focusing on my studies, which my parents also has a part in it, as they told me that I was already fit and don't need to exercise much, just focus on my studies and schoolwork, but they've been on my ass the past year when I gained weight.

I told her that if she wanted to motivate me to go to the gym more, there are other ways, then I mentioned seeing other people going with their parents to the gym to not only get exercise in and get fit themselves, but to encourage their children to do the same. I told her that if she wants me to be like other people, then why can't she be like other parents to directly support their kids rather than sitting at home telling their kid to be skinny like other people. She then told me that she can't go to the gym because she is old and has an injury from work, so she can't be like other "better" parents. She even said that if I don't want to do what she said, that I have no reason to bring up other parents and want her to do what they do. Such hypocrisy. She then said that I'm nothing without her and that she's better than a lot of parents out there, that she did everything for me and I still talk back to her. At this point I had gotten more angry and got into a screaming fit with her. I was so frustrated by everything she said, that I told her that whenever she is sick, I help her out with chores and everything, in fact, when she is sick, I became that sole person to take on her responsibility, my siblings don't. She told me that she doesn't need me to do that as she can perfectly do things herself and that I only helped her a little bit but now thinks I too good to not talk back t her, and in the fit of rage, I told her that if she were to be sick in the future, that I will no longer help her and to not call me.

She has now even extend her anger towards my siblings and say things like I don't care about any of you anymore, "I'm tired" and that it was a mistake to even birth any of you, that she shouldn't have had us nor that she shouldn't have "take too good care" of us that now we've become bad kids who talk back to and defying their own mother. My sister says that she agrees with everything I said, but thinks that I took it too far by telling mom that I won't help her if she gets sick in the future. She also said that it's in my mom's nature to joke I ways like that (my dad said this too) and that I should have joked back instead of escalating things like I did. Was I wrong for telling my mom that? Did I really take it too far? Should I apologize for saying that? I'm planning to apologize for screaming at her, because that was wrong of me, but any other advice?


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Created Apr 6, 2011






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