
This is my last reveal of the week ! This is Bloodheart (considering renaming this one thoug), a mossy tree that can be found sparsely in savannas and the new oases of deserts to add a little matcha green to the sea of yellow ! The scarlet tones of this wood also make a good compliment to sandstone, making it the perfect additions to the homes of desert villagers !!

My starter base on the Reloaded OG SMP! It started as a slim land bridge that I turn into massive stone arch ruins supporting a house! It also homes my prismarine shop in the lower portion of the stone base, and likely a moss shop in the other half, along with my storage room in the middle!  Still relatively new with terraforming, and it’s not quite natural, but was still fun to do!

The house portion also has a full interior, but it’s harder to get shots in the smaller rooms, so I just took images of the bigger areas, and the smaller attached building is a greenhouse. :D Loads of entrances and exits all over the place and people have gotten lost while visiting me on the server lol. 

It’d be easier to show the build as a walkthrough, but I’m not sure if there’s any interest. Let me know!

Textures: Winthor Medieval stained glass, VanillaTweaks leaves

Shaders: Complimentary

now to my fave minecraft worldbuilding topic

what can you cook? what's edible? what's possible with enough imagination?

I'd like to start with things that are present in-game (vanilla), first, the foods and drinks (ingredients too), having a loaf of bread with a nice mushroom stew seasoned with dandelions for breakfast is an option taken straight from the game

now let's say that I take the apples, wheat, milk, sugar and eggs to make an apple pie, that isn't in the game, but it's something possible to craft


in an extend things like salt can exist because the presence of sea water, same as things like bacon (pigs), cheese (milk) and so on

what if I throw the existing leaves in hot water to make tea?


or since all the dyes have an organic source can I make a rainbow cake?


how you cook things must be important too I imagine, maybe steak cooked in the smoker tastes way better than cooked with a fire aspect sword

cooking meat in a smoker gives it a nice flavor similar to smoked meat irl. the meat comes out tender and takes on a unique flavor from the fuel/charcoal you used (coal is not very popular for its awful taste, lava unpopular due to it being difficult to regulate its heat). a furnace can be much the same, but tends to lead to over cooking due to the high temperatures needed for smelting ores (also turning sand to glass)

setting an animal on fire, through enchantment or flint and steel is a gamble. it could come out charred and black, nearly inedible. if that happens you're lucky to get any food at all. it could be nearly blue, cooked only in the barest sense of the word. no matter what it tastes of ash and cruelty and is oft a last resort or never even considered.

if you dare to use a soul fire as a source of heat, you risk your meat reanimating and/or being possessed by a wayward soul. preferred for players who feed on souls, not at all recommended for players that are not some form of undead. living bodies shouldn't be made to house multiple souls.