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Posted by14 hours ago

It all started after we saw the comedy film called Tag in 2018. For those of you who are unaware, it's based on a real story about a group of friends who played an endless version of the children’s game. I think I enjoyed the film at the time, but I can’t remember now. After years of this gradually-worsening hell, I shudder every time I remember the concept that inspired my husband, Elliot.

“Let’s do it,” He said.

“Sorry?” I replied, smirking. “Right here?”

“No,” He laughed, rolling his eyes. “Not that. Tag. A never-ending game of Tag.”

“We live in the same house, so I mean… It probably wouldn’t be as thrilling as the film,” I said. “We’d just end up sitting on the sofa, constantly tagging each other in a back-and-forth slapping match.”

Elliot pondered on my point, tapping his lips thoughtfully. He was always a passionate person – once he became hyper-fixated on something, it was hard to deter him, and I loved watching his face scrunch up as the cognitive cogs whirred away. But this time, my amusement at his fixation would be short-lived.

“Okay,” Elliot eventually said, as we hopped into the car. “We could make the game interesting. Only one person can be tagged per day. The game pauses until midnight, at which point whoever's It can tag the other.”

I laughed. “Midnight? Well, I think we both know that the tagging’s going to happen when we’re both in bed, don’t we?”

My husband smiled. It wasn't an unpleasant smile, to my eyes, but everything seems different in retrospect.

“Who’s saying I’d still be lying next to you?” He said.

Posted by12 hours ago
All-Seeing Upvote

Maria wants to be kept updated on the whole Daniel situation. No - scratch that - she feels obligated to stay informed. She certainly doesn’t want updates in the sort of way that you want to eat ice cream. Rather, she’s keeping track of the situation sort of like how you keep track of a leak in the basement or a particularly stubborn toenail fungus.

I’m kind of sad I’m not using code names anymore because Toenail Fungus would be a great one for Daniel. Is it too late to go back? Has Daniel lost first-name privileges with ya’ll?

I probably shouldn’t make this any more confusing than it already is.

(if you’re new, start here, and if you’re totally lost, this might help)

When I updated Maria on how my conversation with the flickering man went, I also told her about the incident with the geology building ghost. At the mention of his name, Maria’s eyes lit up. I recognized the look on her face. It was the Rain Chaser Maria expression, when someone handed her a shiny tidbit of information like a new toy.

“Do you think his disappearance was in the news?”

She wasn’t asking me. She was speculating out loud. I sat there, staring morosely at my keyboard. We were in my dorm room. Cassie was out somewhere, I don’t know where, but she’d taken the petrified wood with her so I wasn’t worried.

“If it wasn’t in the town newspaper,” she continued, “it might be in the student one. Look him up online!”

“James is a very common name,” I replied.

She stared at me for a moment, her jaw stubbornly set, and when I didn’t move to open up a browser she pulled out her phone and started searching herself. I waited. She’d give up in a moment. There was no way this would be written down anywhere, not with the administration working to cover everything up and with students forgetting the ones that vanished.

Posted by2 hours ago

You know the drill. Stifled yawns, heads bobbing on screens, eyes glazed as donuts. Each minute stretching out like taffy while your whole life is suspended, and you wonder, “Is s/he really still talking?” The droning speaker’s voice takes on the quality of the Charlie Brown teacher: “Wah-wah-wah-wah…” (Typed out, I realize this looks more like a baby crying, “Wah! Wah! WAAAH!” That also works, since it’s how I feel.)

I’m in Zoom hell. And I don’t know how to log off.

Is it bad that I forgot what the meeting’s about? I have no clue what these graphs mean.

I message Donner in the chat:

ME: what’s this meeting about anyway?

DONNER: no idea tuned out ages ago…

LOL. Classic Donner. Not sure what the hell I should do. I have some vague sense that soon, they’re going to spotlight me and I’ll be having to explain my portion of these numbers. I sit up straighter and try to pay attention, but it all swims in my vision. I’ve been staring at this screen so long. When did the meeting start? The fact I can’t remember should alarm me, but with time just dripping out into eternity I can’t find enough motivation to cut through the molasses of the monotony…

Unfortunately, the work screens don’t allow us to open up youtube, google, social media, porn… The only windows I can open are Pong (Seriously? Now I know I’m in Zoom Hell…), and reddit.

Pong just makes me think of the fact that a clump of brain cells in a petri dish were trained in a lab to play. Tells you exactly how much brainpower is needed. The fact I've been playing anyway tells you exactly how bored I am. The fact that I am now insanely good tells you exactly how long I’ve been stuck in this fucking meeting.

As for reddit—I’m guessing it’s not allowed, but some admin mistakenly left it on my screen, and I sure as hell am not letting them know. See, I’m documenting the meeting, typing up my own version of minutes to stave off my brain’s Zoombification. Not that anyone will ever read said meeting minutes—posting to reddit would definitely get me booted—but heck, I have to do something to pass the time while these bobbleheads drone on about “security protocols” and “the ethics of the project”yaaaaawn.

Posted by
March 2020; Best Series of 2020; December 2022
18 hours ago

I have long since decided that I loathe hospitals. They're glaringly bright, with harsh light that hurts the eyes, the smell of disinfectant overbearing and the pictures and decorations almost always dazzlingly colorful. It's like a blatant assault on the senses.

The space I found myself in upon waking didn't immediately register as a hospital room. It was dark, with only the dimmest natural light falling in from the outside, filtered through thick gray curtains. I could make out a small, round table and a chalkboard on the wall across from me. I was lying atop a sturdy mattress in a well-made bed, covered in surprisingly soft clean sheets. The air was fresh and pleasantly cool and my blanket was thick enough to keep me warm but not too heavy. What a weirdly perfect place. Twisting around to look behind me, I found a blinking red light above a large button. There was a sticky note taped to my bedpost right below. "Press when awake."

I shrugged to myself and reached out to push the button with my fingertip. The light stopped blinking and I pushed myself into a comfortable sitting position, figuring that now was the time to wait. Looking down at myself, I found that I was wearing a loose white t-shirt and black boxers. Far more comfortable than some stiff hospital gown. Slowly lifting the hem of my shirt, I inspected the damage with bated breath. My stomach was neatly bandaged up, the tissue covering the wound pristine and soft. From outside the door, I could hear footsteps drawing closer, the sharp clacking of heels alerting me of a woman approaching. Either that or a man with unusual fashion choices.

Eventually, the door swung open and my jaw fell. She was tall and slender, her bobbed auburn hair framing an angular, striking face. I recognized her instantly. Mary Markov, the local celebrity newsreader, was in my room and I had no idea why. I've mentioned her before, I believe—she acted as the moderator of Kit Sutton's beach concert. We've never spoken, though, and why would we? I tilted my head at her. "I know you," I said.

"Most people from these parts do," she replied, indulgently stepping closer and extending a hand towards me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Shirley. You're probably very confused right now. Please don't worry, I'll answer any and all questions you may have in a moment. First off, is there anything you need?"

"No, I don't think so. Not right now."

"Good." She pulled a chair up to my bedside and sat down. "You suffered an injury earlier today that could have spelled the death of many humans. And it could have ended lethally for you, too, despite your remarkable regenerative abilities. You lost a lot of blood, but as soon as the emergency personnel had you stabilized, you started to recover. You're already in a pretty solid state. If you want to, you can probably leave tomorrow. Anyhow, we should not let that distract us from the fact that things were looking rather grim there for a minute."

"Where's Elijah Carter? Is he alright?"

"Oh yes. He kept his wits about him, surprisingly enough. You were not a pleasant sight from what I've been given to understand. He saved your life, you know. He was very insistent on staying with you. Unfortunately, we can't let just any human come in here, so we sent him home to rest."

"What is this place?"

Posted by2 hours ago

Part 1

After seven years, I was still disgusted. I waited for my dad to call me to do the dreaded chore. I sighed, as I lay in bed and halfheartedly played with my phone. He was preparing a concoction that had such vile ingredients it was done in the basement. On the floor of my bedroom, Bella and Barney, our Australian Sheep Dogs stretched out, panting softly.

A text message interrupted my scrolling.

It’s ready, meet me in the kitchen.

I pocketed my phone and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Bella and Barney got up and followed me downstairs. I entered the kitchen where my father waited for me, his mask pulled down below his chin, big orange safety gloves on his hands, holding a large bottle used to feed young livestock. He reached out and handed it to me. I took it, my face closed and resigned. He snorted at my expression.

“It’s almost time,” he said. “Don’t look so glum.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “But only until the next cycle starts.”

I walked to the door, and a sudden thought made me stop. I turned to look at my dad, who was removing his mask and gloves and putting them in the sink.

“Couldn’t we find a way to end it?” I asked.

“Audrey,” he replied. “I think if there was a way to make it stop for good, they would have done it. This is the only way.”

I nodded, the end of my mouth quirking in a half smile. I should have expected that answer, but it was hard to accept it. This will always be my life. Someday it will be my sole responsibility. I walked out into the cool September night, Bella and Barney padding softly behind me. We approached the barn, and I opened the door. There was the sound of a soft and sickly bleat. I stepped inside, but my faithful dogs waited outside. Even they were disturbed.

I flicked on a light and went to the stall where the unnerving sound came from. I opened the door, and approached the animal, my stomach queasy. The lamb looked bloated, its curly coat giving off a greenish sheen. Its eyes were nearly colorless, and it struggled to stay on its feet. I approached the animal, and put one arm around its head, steadying it. Then I took the bottle of formula and shoved it into the animal’s mouth. It was too weak to struggle as I made sure it drank every drop.

When I was finished and closed the door to the barn, the dogs fell into step with me. We were halfway back to the house, when they both stopped, looking past the fields of our farm towards the forest edge. They started growling, a low vibration that made me halt in my tracks. I looked out, towards the forbidding darkness of the forest. I could not see anything in its inky depths. But my stomach was gripped with fear.

“Bella, Barney,” I said. “Let’s go.”

Hackles raised, they started snarling and then barking furiously they ran off towards the forest. I stood there, mouth agape for a few minutes and watched them disappear. I felt a thrill of fear go through me. They had never acted like this before; they were gentle herders of our flock of sheep. I tried in vain to call them back, then gave up and went back to the house, my footsteps an echo of trepidation.

“Dad!” I cried as the door slammed behind me. “Bella and Barney – they ran after something in the forest!”

My father got up from where he sat reading in the living room and came over to me, mouth set in a firm line.

“The forest?” He said, “It’s not time….we are on schedule. Maybe it was a rabbit or something.”

“No, you don’t understand,” I said in exasperation, my hand to my head. “They were growling, it’s like they were afraid of something – but then they just ran off barking. I could not get them to come back!”

Posted by18 hours ago
Take My Energy

Time doesn’t function like it’s supposed to when you work retail. Seconds feel like minutes and minutes feel like hours. Scientist’s have it wrong. It doesn’t work, it stands still sometimes. Stephen Hawking never worked in a shoe shop. With every vapid ramble of a crazed woman in desperate pursuit of a miraculous fitting shoe that at once fits like a slipper, looks like a stiletto and is cheap as a flip flop, time just elongates. Point is, I get a lot of time to think and to watch the paint dry while at work. I hadn't been at the gig for long, but I had already become disillusioned with the trajectory of mankind. It’ll do that to you, retail.

I remember the day when I first noticed it. It was a regular Tuesday. A toddler had pulled a pile of boxes down from a shelf and a small crowd of middle-aged women had strolled in with a list of demands longer than War and Peace. In the centre of the store there was a sea of discarded socks and abandoned shoes, with their boxes and tissue paper splayed out like the innards of some soldier in The Hurt Locker.

“No, no, not that one dear, oh god no, I want something trendy!” Old Agnes said to me as I held up a rather hopeful slip-on with a zip fastening in an elusive wide-fit. She was a regular customer with bizarrely oversized feet. I briefly pondered what an eighty-year old considered trendy in a shoe, deciding that it was probably the precise opposite of what I viewed as fashionable. She shook her hand at me dismissively. “Oh you’re not getting it, no, I want something that’s comfy, but also something I can wear to a wedding all day. I want ah - oh that’ll do! Can you get me that size eight and a half? Oh that’ll be just perfect with my fuchsia two-piece.”

She picked up a ghastly platform wedge in vomit green. I smiled at her patronisingly. “I’ve told you already, we don’t do half-sizes.” I said to her in my best customer service voice.

“Well that’s just not good enough.” Agnes began. I can’t tell you what the contents of her ramble contained in it’s entirety, for I zoned out just after “manager” and “writing a letter”.

I had given my attention to something else. I had noticed it.

If you’ve ever been in a store you’ll be familiar with ambient music. Some of the trendy stores, in the words of Agnes, will play music from the charts. You know the stuff; perfectly listenable pop-music that everyone can at least tolerate for the duration of a shopping trip. Other stores will opt for cheaper stock music that's designed solely to be used in commercial settings. My store was the latter.

I’d never paid it much mind before. I sort of let it drift into the background. It was always there; a dull and slightly off-putting beat that was constantly overshadowed by the sound of screeching children or shuffling feet. As Agnes rambled on and on about “unacceptable variety” and “size discrimination” I decided to give it a little listen in the hopes that it might completely drown her out.

It’s cold outside,
I’d rather be inside


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