Podman Desktop 1.0 released: a challenge to Docker Desktop

The RedHat-sponsored open source project Podman Desktop has hit general availability, with features including building and running containers, running Kubernetes locally, and connecting and...

Copilot crazy? Microsoft shoe-horns AI assistant into Windows 11, Power BI, Analytics and more

Microsoft’s Build developer event kicks off today, with a heavy focus on AI including Copilots for Windows 11 and a bunch of other products....


Fluent UI proposal for Visual Studio raises fears about another botched redesign

Microsoft is planning to redesign the Visual Studio user interface to make it conform better to the Fluent Design System which is used by...

TypeScript is ‘not worth it’ for developing libraries, says Svelte author, as team switches to JavaScript and JSDoc

Svelte creator Rich Harris has made the case for switching from TypeScript to JavaScript and JSDoc, countering a trend that has seen strong growth...

Return of the applet? CheerpJ 3.0 runs a full JVM in HTML5 and WebAssembly

Learning Technologies will release CheerpJ 3.0 later this year, an implementation of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) in HTML5 and WebAssembly, including a JIT...

Despite ‘extremely disruptive’ Jakarta EE change, Red Hat releases the Quarkus 3.0 container-optimized framework

Red Hat has released Quarkus 3.0, its Java framework for containers and Kubernetes, with this being the version based on Jakarta EE 10. New...

Reduce costs by 90% by moving from microservices to monolith: Amazon internal case study raises eyebrows

An Amazon case study from the Prime Video team has caused some surprise and amusement in the developer community, thanks to its frank assessment...

90 minutes from code to deployment: VS Code team describes internal development process

Microsoft has released version 1.78 of the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) editor and IDE – while also revealing details of the development process...

Centralized secrets management picks up pace

Sponsored Feature: There’s no question that fast-feedback software delivery offers multiple advantages by streamlining processes for developers. But in software development, as in life,...