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Posted by5 days ago
Posted by13 hours ago

I’ve recovered enough to update what happened the moments after Chloé stepped off the edge of the elevator toward the beast that was pursuing us.

I ran to the edge to see her fall toward the beast and covered my eyes as the explosion hit it directly in its strange misshapen face.

The first thing I felt was the heat from the blast. I could tell from the way the bomb was made it wasn’t professional, so the impact was going to be unpredictable. It was beyond my worst nightmare.

As the heat traveled against my skin and the monster roared with pain, I stumbled backward toward the wall where Phil was slumped over and grabbed him.

I held tight to the maintenance man as the elevator shook and shimmied and I was certain we would drop again. This time possibly for the last time.

Instead the floor itself gave way near the door and I watched as over half of the metallic flooring broke off and tumbled toward the void below.

I saw the last block of c2 and the backpack fall as well and only had time to grab one of the items. I held back my screams and kept Phil from falling out as well as the elevator continued to shake and I wondered if the bomb I had snatched would go off simply from the stress.

Posted by7 hours ago
Posted by
Under 500 18; August 2019
16 hours ago

[Part 0]

No person - actually, no living thing - has experienced more suffering than clinical trial subject S-47. S-47 was a healthy male who volunteered to be a test subject for a trial of a drug called Mentanovox. Mentanovox typically yields mild improvement in memory and cognition. S-47 had a different reaction to the drug.

I’m the research scientist who administered the dose of Mentanovox to this poor man. And I consulted with his doctors in the ER after he was found crumpled under a bench at the Glenmont metro station. I have firsthand knowledge of the devastating trauma that a Mentanovox cross reaction can produce. So I couldn’t understand why someone would beg me to put them through what S-47 had experienced. Then I took the drug myself.

Mentanovox is essentially a calcium ion accelerator paired with a protein that binds to certain dendritic neuroreceptors. It makes signals flow faster through the brain. A lot faster. When I administered a mental speed assessment to subject S-47, thirty minutes after I gave him 25 mg, he was able to perform incredible, inhuman mental feats.

He finished a fifty-word word search in three seconds. Solved a maze drawn onto a poster-sized paper in two seconds. His mind worked fast enough to catch thrown cheerios with chopsticks. Mentanovox had pushed him well into the superhuman range of thinking speeds.

His mental speed was still accelerating when he left our offices. I told him to enjoy the extra time he would seem to have, since, to his super-accelerated brain, minutes would seem like hours. At the time, I thought S-47 would view the drug’s effects as a positive thing. I pictured him at home happily speed-reading through books he wanted to find time to read. That’s what I would have done! Or so I thought.

It didn’t occur to me that from his point of view, just getting home from our office would seem like it took days. He must have experienced hours of perceived time just in the elevator from our office. A day waiting for the next train and another day crammed inside a crowded and smelly metro car. If I had thought of that while he was still in our office, maybe I wouldn’t have just sent him on his way with nothing more than a Mentanovox trial pamphlet.

But what happened to S-47 was much, much worse than experiencing the equivalent of days on the metro.

Ninety minutes after I sent him home, I got a call from the ER at White Oak Hospital. A man had been found “behaving bizarrely” under a bench in the Glenmont metro station. By the time he reached the ER, he was unresponsive. Personnel in the ER found the Mentanovox trial pamphlet in his pocket and called my lab.

I took a blood sample and ran an engram decay. I’m oversimplifying the neuroscience here, but basically the cells in a conscious brain continuously make new connections and tear down existing connections. The new connections represent learning and the torn-down connections represent forgetting. When we sleep, cerebrospinal fluid washes away the metabolic debris from this activity. The test I ran measures how much engram decay - forgetting - has happened since the last sleep cycle. Engram decay is a good way of measuring the equivalent duration of consciousness - how long a patient has perceived they have been awake. We use this in the Mentanovox trials to measure the acceleration in thinking speed - more engram decay means the subject has perceived a longer period of consciousness.

Posted by
March 2020; Best Series of 2020; December 2022
10 hours ago

A couple days ago Elijah Carter, Kit Sutton, Nettie Peterson and I got together for lunch to figure out what had been happening to me. I was slightly uncomfortable being fussed about like that. Not that I'm not used to it, considering who had been my guardian for the majority of my life on earth. Eli had been a bit tricky to get a hold of because of his work, and it was much the same with my savior human, but they all made it clear they were eager to help.

We met up at Tom's Diner after the lunchtime rush was over, the four of us sitting down together in the corner booth Nettie and I favored. Rhonda swung by only to recognize me and turn on her heel with a wide grin. "Fran, your wife is here!" she hollered, and I could hear the clatter of dishes and hushed curses from the kitchen. Frankie Preston came striding out of the back with murder in his eyes, hissing something at the other waitress who only laughed out loud in response.

When he arrived at our table, he squared his shoulders and gave a sardonic smile. "Hey, Sunshine. Sorry about that. I'm the only young man in a place full of ladies in their fifties and forties. It's like I've got six mothers and they all love embarrassing me."

"It's okay," I told him.

"This a special occasion or something?"

"Yeah," Kit piped up. "And you can contribute, actually. Do you have time?"

He shrugged, looking around. "Give me your orders first."

So we did. When he was gone, Nettie leaned over to me, her brows knitted. "Something I should know?"

I gave her a nervous smile, avoiding her scrutiny. Kit answered in my stead. "Oh for crying out loud," she hissed, tugging on my best friend's sleeve which prompted her to fall back into her seat. "He and Eva are… friends. You can relax, we actually hung out together and he's alright. He's nice, actually. He only looks creepy."

Nettie huffed. "Whatever," she said to Kit. "But it's great to hear it from you and not her. I don't feel like an evil governess at all."

Posted by
February 2023 winner
2 hours ago

Twenty-nine days out of thirty, you’d think my daughter Nadine had never had the virus at all.

She’s a happy girl, and smart, already reading her way through stack after stack of YA books even though she’s only in third grade. She’s not a bad soccer player either. She’s a wing, and I’ve seen her set up some beautiful goals this year. It’s actually fun to watch now that the kids aren’t all clumping around the ball anymore.

But one day a month, she’s not my daughter anymore. On that day, she has to be fed.

My wife and I were lucky to have the resources to build her a custom lockroom for the 30th day. It’s got metal walls and a drain, so it’s easy to hose down.

Before dark on the 30th day, we put her in there with something to eat. At first, a bloody steak was totally sufficient. After a while though, it had to be something fresher, something living. Rats and mice worked for a while, but these days it has to be something bigger. A baby goat works best if we can get one.

Of course, we knew what she really wanted. I’ve seen the way she eyes me hungrily through the small bit of bulletproof glass we installed on the room’s door.

Last month, the goat wasn’t enough. I could tell she was hungry, because she was pacing like mad, her steps rattling the house. Toward dawn, we heard an angry pounding like thunder, and in the morning, we woke to find massive dents in the walls, the steel bent thanks to the strength of her blows.

In the country of [redacted] where she first got attacked, the people simply kill anyone with the bite. They don’t even wait for the first full moon. It’s cruel, of course. But then, they don’t have the resources to take care of their children like we do. They don’t tell outsiders about the virus until it’s too late. You wouldn’t believe how much we had to pay to get her back to the U.S. alive.

The day after her change, Nadine is usually exhausted but thankful. We let her watch a few extra cartoons and eat whatever she likes. Any other time, she’d be begging for gummi bears and ice cream, but the day after a change, it’s nothing but protein: eggs and bacon for breakfast, a full packet of deli turkey for lunch, two steaks for dinner. She just inhales the stuff, barely tasting it. Then, by the next day, she’s pretty much back to normal, back to school and playing with her friends.

Yesterday morning, as she left for school, my wife turned to me, tears in her eyes.

1 comment
Posted by13 hours ago

You can read Part One here:

A lot of you have asked to hear more about my experiences at The Midnight Mall, and so I thought I’d let you know what happened next. Partially because I opened this can of worms and figure I owe it to you to close it…but also because a few of you have tried to find out where the Midnight Mall is, and I cannot stress to you how superbly, extremely, ridiculously stupid of an idea that is. So, if my first experience didn’t convince you, hopefully this one will.

Now, where did I leave off…?

Ah, right. I had just dragged my unconscious, heavily bleeding friend Mike out of a pet store with a strict No Outside Food policy when I bumped into someone.

“You seemed to have caused quite the commotion little lady," the man said. "Maybe I could be of some help.”

Holding onto Mike like a lifeline, I slowly twisted around. The first thing I noticed were the man’s shoes. Those thick black combat boots probably saved my life. Running off adrenaline, my first impulse was to look up into the eyes of the man. But the dullness of his shoes caught my attention; they appeared to be somewhat new, but were already scuffed to bits. And what had caused those dark stains covering the tips?

With growing trepidation, my gaze darted from his boots to his dark trousers to the shiny security badge fastened to his lapel. Security Badge. That’s when I remembered Rule No. 5: The Security Guard makes his rounds between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. If you happen to bump into him, do not make eye contact. I swallowed, my mouth going cotton dry.

“Well?” the guard said. “Can I help you?”

It took me a moment to find my voice. Part of me wanted to turn tail and flee, but I knew Mike was running out of time, and even though he could be a bit of a jerk sometimes, I also knew he wouldn’t hesitate to do everything he could to help me in a situation like this. So, keeping my gaze level with the security guard’s chest, I nodded.

“My friend,” I choked out. “He’s hurt.”


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