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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by17 hours ago

So I have an autoimmune issue that I've found has gotten better by dietary changes and intermittent fasting. I kind of accidentally figured out foods were causing my flair ups. I have been on a somewhat restricted diet but it's mainly just avoiding dairy, raw fruits and vegetables.

I came across some videos by researchers saying fasting can be very good for autoimmune issues, and I was way less hungry on keto, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I planned to fast for a week if I could, taking in electrolytes and caffeine pills.

I decided to troll my roommate and say I was now vegan and getting all my energy from the sun. She knew I was joking. Until she didn't. We both work from home. She realized I wasn't eating by the lack of dishes etc.

2 days go by and she gets concerned and calls a help line, and they tell her I might be psychotic and that she needs to call the police.

They show up and it goes down hill rapidly. If people think you're crazy, you are until otherwise proven.

They ask me what's going on and I explain im just messing with my roommate, but that I am actually fasting because it can help with my medical issues.

They ask me what medical issues I have, and I tell them an autoimmune issue Dr's are still trying to diagnose. They ask if I have a mental health history and like the moron I am state I used to before the autoimmune issue was discovered, but have been in remission.

They say "I thought you said they don't know what's wrong with you" and it continues to go down hill. I try explaining they know it's an autoimmune issue and that psych issues were ruled out by countless psychiatrists. They take this evidence that I've been to countless psychiatrists and ask me what I think about getting checked out. I offer to eat something in front of them and show them research that I'm trying out but they just assume I'm going to bring up a Facebook group or something.

Posted by16 hours ago
Evil Cackle

Today, I (36M) have been betrayed.

This afternoon started innocently enough. I was letting my tiny humans frolic about in back the yard. Girls, of the tender and innocent ages of seven and three.

They were doing what children do at those ages. The eldest was catching bugs and spiders, worms and roly-polys. The youngest had figured out the hose, how to turn on the spigot and how to use the spray nozzle. She was using this information to make frequent, though enthusiastic, trips from it to various plants, watering them with a play size measuring cup. Or they were both working to create questionable culinary delights within play pots and pans… the ingredients of which seemed mostly dirt, leaves and sticks.

I was occupied with assembling a new bike for the seven year old. A task, that despite her beliefs to the contrary, she was not intermittently helping with. Quite the opposite in fact.

Eventually the bike was assembled, and attempts to ride it were added into mix of the child’s antics. A discovery of chalk had briefly derailed the little one’s focus on cooking and gardening.

As the evening progressed, and daylight started it’s slow dim, I began cleaning up the toys of the children. A task I was mostly able to complete as the children had both gone to the far side of the yard, and were engrossed in the discovery of a second hose. This one without a nozzle. Attempts by the older one to stop the water were foiled by her younger sisters new found knowledge of hose operations. Though, I suspect her attempts in this regard were half hearted at best.

But, I let them have their fun until I had finished tidying up the yard. Toys cleaned and secured in the detached garage. The captured bugs were freed, and their home pavement stones restored to their rightful places. The first hose coiled up and stored.

Now it was time to wrangle the children. It was late, and they needed scrubbing. This is by no means an easy task. The children who have their mother’s stubbornness, and my casual disregard for order. In short, my children are dicks. I love them, but objectively, they are dicks.

I managed to secure the secondary hose. I got it coiled. And had even managed to herd the children toward the door. The seven year old, in a show of mercy, decided to listen and actually went inside. After only the fourth time asking.

This left only my youngest. Who I managed to get within two feet of the door before she broke off into a run. She circled behind me, and my pursuit was hinder by her clever use of some potted plants as a barrier. And then it happened.

Posted by20 hours ago

Okay so I don't know if this is more of a TIFU or an off my chest kinda post but here goes anyways. I had been thinking about getting a massage for a little while now. My job is physically and mentally taxing and seeing that massages are now tax deductible I thought "I'll give this a try"

I just went to the closest place from my apartment- like 2 blocks away. I walked in and already something felt a little off. A lady came through and motioned me into a room. She clearly didn't speak enligh very well but she motioned for me to take my clothes off and she left the room to give me some privacy.

When she returned it started off as a very sub par massage. It didn't feel bad but it wasn't very relaxing. After a few minutes she asked me to flip around which I was confused by but I held the towel over myself while I flipped. She massaged my shoulders for like 10 seconds and then asked something that sounded like "do you want pohpoh?" I was extremely confused and asked "what?" She then made a jerking off motion with her hand. I immediately felt sick to my stomach and felt gross about the whole situation. I told her no and she seemed a little offput but I'm super not into that.

The massage ended shortly after and I ran out of there as fast as I could. I just feel so weird about that whole situation. I feel like I can't tell anyone especially my girlfriend of 3 years. This feels really embarrassing and I don't know if I should have known this was that type of place or not but I literally can't get this gross feeling out of my head. I showered until the hot water ran out and I still feel so disgusting

TLDR: Went to get a massage for the first time. Was offered a hand job. Was not my vibe. Now I'm embarrassed.

Posted by40 minutes ago

About an 30 minutes ago I figured I’d smoke. I’m canadian so that’s all fine and dandy. I’m at my parents house, but normally when I smoke it’s at one persons place, and normally in their bathroom, with a couple of us inside the bathtub and others just sitting around it ( just a tradition or something idk). We normally put the joint out by someone just squishing it onto the floor of the tub.

So I’m smoking in my parents tub, then I put it out. When I lift it I the joint from the tub, I feel the colour drain from my face. There’s a burn mark in the tub. I guess the other person has a different material bathtub, and tub is plastic or something. I don’t know why I didn’t think about that before. My first thought was that my parents were going to kill me. They don’t really approve of smoking weed, and don’t really like that it’s legal, so me saying I burnt their bathtub while smoking weed would probably give them a heart attack.

Now I’m quite high, freaking out. I decide to pour bleach onto the stain, but it did nothing, surprise. I finally decide to be logical and get my phone out. It said to use sandpaper to buff out the stain. I’m frantically going through the toolbox, but it had none. So,I grab a nail file and start buffing the shit out of it. It’s a metal file, thank god. I’m going so fast that I don’t even realize that I’m actually wheezing, like heavily over the side of the tub as I buff. It was probably a mix of pure fear and the smoke still in the bathroom. I’m getting paranoid now too, and feeling lightheaded.

I finally finish buffing it. It looks fantastic. I am safe.

TL:DR: I burnt the bathtub with a joint then almost passed out trying to buff it off.

Posted by3 hours ago

The FU itself wasn't today but I only realized my FU today.

About a year and a half ago, my friend visited Japan, our native country, and stayed at my apartment for a couple of weeks. She was born here but grew up mostly in the US and Australia, and at the time of the visit was on vacation from university in the states.

During her stay, she kept turning off the foyer lights every time we went out. This isn't necessary since it turns on and off automatically with a motion sensor. The first time she turned it off manually, I asked her why and she told me that her parents were always on her case about these things so it turned into a habit. I thought this was a bit extreme, but it's just a light switch so why not.

Then, at the end of her stay, she mentioned off-handedly that she never worked out how to use my microwave. Which felt strange since it was a standard microwave, nothing out of the ordinary. But our conversation moved on to the next topic, and eventually I forgot about it.

So she went back to the states, I turned the switch back to auto, never thought about it again, and life went on. Fast forward a year and a half, the lightbulb in question went out for the first time since I moved in, and to change the bulb I turned it off. That was when I had a—this time figurative—"lightbulb" moment. It all made sense. She couldn't read it.

Her main language, and the language we communicate in, is English, but I've heard her Japanese on some occasions as well and she's mostly native. However, it never occurred to me that her reading and writing may not be up to par. (In Japanese we have quite a few kanji characters we need to know to be fully literate, so it takes some conscious effort if you're educated abroad. Hard to learn, easy to forget. If you don't see it daily.) You can get around well enough in the city with just English. There are English signs in public transport, restaurants we went to had menus in English etc. Besides, I knew she knew some basic kanji.

The switch in question has three settings: on, auto, and off. The on and off are very simple (入 and 切 respectively), but the auto is a bit trickier (自動). Easy enough that if you live here you'll pick it up, but she was only here for a short time. Of course, there are ways to look it up or Google lens it, but it's natural not to give it much thought if it's just a light switch and you recognize "on" and "off". Come to think of it, she did struggle with some difficult kanji, like names of places, but I assumed she simply wasn't used to irregular kanji use in proper nouns.

Anyway, it's still a hypothetical until she tells me or there's some other conclusive evidence. It seems like an insensitive question to pose considering she hasn't volunteered the information in my many years of knowing her. As long as there's no rational need to know, I don't think I ever will ask.

Maybe it wasn't not much of a story, but it was a huge eureka moment in my otherwise mundane day to day, and I just wanted to share somewhere. 🤷🏻‍♀️

TL;DR My friend stayed at my place for two weeks and kept manually turning off a sensor-activated light switch. Today as I was changing the bulb, I realized it was probably because she couldn't read the writing on the switch.


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Created Mar 4, 2012


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