
Is it hard for a foreigner to become a good friend of a local Irish person? by champagnesprn in ireland

[–]Traditional_Box1045 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hi, I am Italian too, moved to Ireland 5 years ago. I made just a couple of Irish friends but I actually don’t get to see them that often, as they have family and childhood friends from here it can be a bit hard for them to find the time to see the “new friend”. As soon as I moved here I joined a group of women meeting for coffee and a chat, there I found another girl that had just moved to Ireland from England and she is definitely my best friend in here, we have been there for each other in many ways. You may have better luck at a long lasting friendship with another expat like you

Dirty dozen: nonorganic fruits and vegetables with the highest amount of pesticides by Traditional_Box1045 in ScienceBasedParenting

[–]Traditional_Box1045[S] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Hi, I usually lurk and don’t post in here, but I read a post about encouraging everyone to post more articles/studies, not just the mods. I receive several medical newsletter, so I’ll start to post here if I see and article that I think may interest the community.

This study, as the article said, is a bit controversial, but many parents may still prefer to adjust the baby diet with more clean food and less food with a higher risk of pesticide contamination.

Let me know what you think

Crying increasing in intensity by cherrysw in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I am sorry, I don’t have much advice. I did SWAP for naps and by the time we moved to bedtime we did CIO with little crying ( he actually cries after the bath while I dress him because he want the milk) and he take the soother to sleep. Maybe if you post his wake windows someone wiser may help.

Edit: I actually remember that for a while for naps he started to cry as soon as I started to sing the lullaby, so over time I totally cut on the routine, now is sleepsack-soother-crib-kiss-blinds down-byebye, no more than 2 min, unless nappie change is needed

Western world should stop the Russian propaganda by dhoukl in ukraine

[–]Traditional_Box1045 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Now I m curious, spell it in a way the bot can’t recognize it

People who are bad at their job how do you cope in work? by smallon12 in ireland

[–]Traditional_Box1045 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What’s happening there? The community is set private now

Documentary Friday Archive by gklemming in u/gklemming

[–]Traditional_Box1045 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks for putting them all here. I just watched the 28th and now going back for the rest of them, all very interesting!

Toddler cries until vomiting by penguintummy in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did something called SWAP, from Precious Little Sleep, I did a gradual thing, first wait with him with a hand on his chest for him to fall asleep, then no hand, then chair further and further away until he fell asleep on his how. The soother helped so now I just put him in the sleeping bag, give the soother and bye bye. But first you may want to look at her routine. How his her nap in the afternoon? Wake windows?

‘Make sure to iron his shirts for him, dear’ by Andiwowow in ireland

[–]Traditional_Box1045 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Well, you are here, so it worked anyway for your parents, good woman your mam. When I went for dinner the first time my FIL peeled them for me. It was something new for me, in Italy we wouldn’t serve steamed potatoes with the skin on, I didn’t say anything he just did it, it was so sweet. I don’t iron and my MIL doesn’t either, I guess I am lucky that way.

I hate daylight savings. by taramisue_ in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

We went through a fase like that already, had to shorten every window by 30 min and add a power nap… thanks, I’ll prepare myself for it to happen again once he starts walking (at the moment loads of standing and crawling)

I hate daylight savings. by taramisue_ in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’d say the fault is of the stupid daylight saving change. When we went to Italy I kept his Irish times and he would go to bed at 10pm and wake up after 9am no problem. Now he goes to bed at 9pm but his up most days at 7am… not much I can do I think but hope that he gets adjusted a bit at at time since milk is at 8am anyway

I hate daylight savings. by taramisue_ in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

3.25/3.25/4ish. We try to keep a consistent bed time but go to bed earlier if he looks a bit too tired

I hate daylight savings. by taramisue_ in sleeptrain

[–]Traditional_Box1045 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Same situation here, bed time is moved at the normal hour but he keeps waking up an hour earlier. He is 10 months old and we were also transitioning from 3 to 2 naps. He wakes up at 7am when he used to wake up at 8-9 am… If he is awake and only fussing and playing around in the cot I leave him till 8am on his own before I go in for the milk… I am hoping that at some point he’ll get use to it but no luck at the moment…

Mother of Loudoun County Bathroom Rapist Blames Victim: 'You're 15. You Can Reasonably Defend Yourself' by ultimatefighting in Conservative

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can see what I answered to the other guy, I genuinely don’t understand this groomer thing… I may be missing some important context here

Mother of Loudoun County Bathroom Rapist Blames Victim: 'You're 15. You Can Reasonably Defend Yourself' by ultimatefighting in Conservative

[–]Traditional_Box1045 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why groomer? I genuinely don’t understand. I think that mother is sick and an idiot, her rapist kid is scumbag no matter what way he identifies. I was only answering to someone posting about a study and writing conclusions about it without even reading it. That study is actually a great example of bias and ignoring comorbidities in a study. Now, if we want to shout fake news and twist facts only when it hurts the woke agenda fine, but we are definitely not helping the polarizing of opinions. Done, let the downvotes rain!