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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by4 hours ago
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Posted by19 hours ago

I guess this is more of a “last few weeks” I’ve fucked up, but I thought it fit here.

Been having intimacy issues due to some trauma that happened a few months ago. Husband has been great and supportive throughout me seeing a therapist. But still, lack of intimacy is hard.

I saw a post on Reddit of a guy saying that he was going to get a sugar baby and didn’t lie to his wife. He told her once her libido came back, he’d end it. I showed it to my husband and made a joke that maybe that was where we were heading and “this is what I’m worried about”. It is not uncommon for us to joke in this way.

We talked things out after he made sure I was just kidding and I thought that was the end of it.

Last couple of weeks he’s been his usual self, but brings home “gifts” more often (favorite foods, a plant, etc). And then I REALLY fucked up this past week.

I was sick with pneumonia and went to see the doctor. Doctor offered to run an STI test and I was like, eh why not.

Results come back, husband is on the phone with me hearing about how I’m doing and doctor gives me the all clear on STIs, great. Exactly what I expected.

Next thing I know, my best friend reaches out to me (friends with husband as well) because he contacted her to figure out a good surprise… on top of everything else. (She knows I dislike surprises.)

Today I finally ask WTF is going on and he freaks out. Turns out, he’s been terrified about the damn sugar baby thing! He’s been leaving his phone around unlocked (his password is our anniversary, same as mine) or being very explicit about where he is at all times. He’s been getting me anything he thinks I might like. He skipped playing basketball with some friends because he didn’t want me uncomfortable (was still sick and didn’t want to go).

I laughed because I have access to all his emails and text messages. It’s all on a shared computer. He has the same for me. I handle money in our relationship and he’s always had his location shared with me. Oh, and I trust him??? He thought I was hinting that I was concerned this was something actually happening.

Posted by9 hours ago
Posted by21 hours ago
Posted by1 day ago

Happened just a couple hours ago,

A bit of background, I work remote most days and my camera is always off during meetings.

SO. I figured this out on my own, no one called me out or anything but I was sitting in a meeting and my manager decided it'd be cool to add an entire project onto my already packed workload. I use a blue yeti mic so I pressed my unmute button and said "yeah sounds good, I'll hop on that" like a good little employee and pressed my mute button again. Thinking I was on mute, I said "Fuckin Asshole" pretty loud and clear and then continued scrolling on reddit in my other monitor.

So a couple minutes later I felt a sneeze coming on and checked my mute button on my yeti, still red, so I let that shit go. Loud af. Then a couple people in the zoom said Bless you. I said thanks. After a moment I realized that they heard my sneeze through my muted mic. Literally this gif- I clicked on zooms settings to see what mic it was using and.. well.. It was using my ps5 controller mic that was sitting right next to me on my computer desk and is basically always plugged into my pc.

I quickly swapped it back to my blue yeti and sat there, staring at my keyboard like I just had a fresh lobotomy. There's no way they didn't hear me call my manager a fuckin asshole.

Hope I still have a job tomorrow. Learned my lesson though. Either ALWAYS mute on zoom/check what mic zoom is using or unplug my ps5 controller before meetings.

also, pretty sure I fuckin farted too..

TLDR: Didnt notice zoom was using my ps5 controller's mic instead of my main mic and called my manager an asshole.

Posted by7 hours ago
Posted by18 hours ago

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