‘Featured’ Videos

  • Administra WordPress des de la línia d’ordres (CLI)

    WordCamp Barcelona 2023Speaker: Raúl Martínez

    May 9, 2023 — L’objectiu és explicar com podem utilitzar l’eina WP-CLI per a executar determinades tasques que sovint fem a mà, estalviant així temps i guanyant en efectivitat i eficiència.

    La xerrada tindrà una part introductòria i una més de demostració, de cara a veure tot el que es pot arribar a fer.

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  • Help test WordPress – developer edition

    Speaker: Jonathan Bossenger

    February 24, 2023 — WordPress 6.2 is scheduled to be released on March 28, 2023, with the first Release Candidate (RC) to be available to test on March 7, 2023.

    Testing an upcoming release is a great way to make sure your themes and plugins will work with the newest release, while also making sure you keep up to date with upcoming features.

    In this session, you’ll learn how to use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin to test a new WordPress release, and where to find information to test the new features. We’ll also cover how to log an issue in the WordPress release ticketing system, should you come across a bug.

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  • Let’s code: developer AMA

    Speaker: Jonathan Bossenger

    February 18, 2023 — In this session, I answer any developer-focused questions folks have. What questions do you have about WordPress development? Is there something you don’t understand, a piece of code you’re struggling with, or a problem you’re trying to solve?

  • Introduction to theme.json

    Speaker: Jonathan Bossenger

    January 6, 2023 — Introduced in WordPress 5.8, the theme.json file allows block theme developers to control the settings and styles of the blocks in the Editor.

    In this video tutorial, you will be introduced to the theme.json file, how it works, and how you can control these settings and styles.

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  • Let’s code: WordPress plugin security

    Speakers: Jonathan Bossenger, Thelma Mutete

    January 6, 2023 — In this online workshop, we’ll be looking at one of the most vital but overlooked aspects of developing plugins for WordPress, and that’s ensuring your plugin’s code is secure!

    We will look at why this is important and learn how to implement a security-first mindset as you add functionality to your plugins, using real-world examples.

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  • State of the Word 2022

    Speaker: Matt Mullenweg

    January 4, 2023 — In the State of the Word 2022 annual keynote address, WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg reflects on WordPress in 2022 and aspirations for the coming year.

  • A new era of WordPress themes is here: block themes

    WordCamp US 2022Speaker: Rich Tabor

    December 21, 2022 — This talk explores the foundation of block themes, patterns, templates, parts, and style variants: all the elements that encompass this new era of WordPress.

    Learn more about how the full block editing experience introduces many new concepts for editing and publishing with WordPress.

  • Designing for accessibility

    WordCamp US 2022Speaker: Sara Cannon

    December 20, 2022 — Learn more about designing for accessibility. Find out how designers can work to WCAG standards and create a beautiful inclusive web.

    This talk is best suited for designers working in a layout tool such as Figma, but it can also be useful for individuals auditing sites for design and accessibility.

  • Making connections

    WordCamp Italy (Italia) 2022Speaker: Simon Kraft

    December 18, 2022 — At a 2011 WordCamp, Simon connected with other WordPress people for the first time. He started his local Meetup one year later. Now ten years later, after leading more than 150 in-person, online, and hybrid events, Simon looks back on one of the most rewarding and enjoyable hobbies he could have wished for.

    In this session, Simon combines his own experience with the shared knowledge of Meetup organizers worldwide. This talk offers guidance to anyone interested in starting local Meetups, revitalizing dormant groups, or building sustainable local communities.

    Presentation Slides »

  • WordPress through the terminal

    December 11, 2022 — Remember the famous WordPress “five minute installation” process? Find out what WP-CLI can do in five minutes. Keep watching and you might learn everything else that can happen from the terminal in 40 minutes.