

This is a list of subreddit related to books, reading and writing, and is an ongoing work in progress. Subreddits must have at least 1000 subscribers to be added to this list; message the mods if you have a suggestion. See our wiki pages on self-promotion if you want to promote your subreddit in /r/books. For more book/reading/writing related subs please check out /r/BookRelatedSubs, which provides an overview of all book related subs on reddit here.


/r/52Book - A subreddit for the participants of the 52 Book Challenge (one book per week for a year) to discuss their progress and discoveries

/r/AskLiteraryStudies - A multi-lingual community for discussing literary works and studies

/r/bannedbooks - News and discussion of banned books

/r/BookDiscussion - For general discussion of books

/r/CurrentlyReading - For sharing and discussing the book you are currently reading

/r/GoodReads - For general discussion of Goodreads, a reader recommendation sharing site

/r/JustFinishedReading - For sharing your thoughts on what you just read

Images & Videos

/r/badscificovers - Gob-smackingly bad sci-fi covers

/r/Bookinscriptions - A sub to display your found book inscription

/r/BookHaul - For sharing pictures of your recent book purchases and finds

/r/booknooks - Mini worlds created within your bookshelf

/r/BookPorn - For sharing high-res pictures of books, libraries, etc

/r/bookshelf - For sharing pictures of your bookshelves

/r/BookTube - Book lovers on YouTube

/r/ComicBookArt - For sharing art from comic books

/r/CoolSciFiCovers - For sharing science-fiction and fantasy artists and covers

/r/ForgottenBookmarks - For sharing pictures of forgotten bookmarks and other items found in books

/r/LiteratureVideos - For sharing videos relating to literature, poetry, books, or authors

/r/VintagePaperbacks - For cool paper back and other book covers from the past -- pre year 2000 books


/r/BookQuotes - For sharing and discussing quotes from books

/r/ProsePorn - Post passages or stories with excellent prose

/r/quotes - For sharing and discussing quotes from anywhere


/r/BookLists - For sharing lists of books

/r/BooksThatFeelLikeThis - A place to get book recommendations based on a picture

/r/IfYouLikeBlank - A subreddit for people who are in search of new, relevant media - whether it be music, TV shows, movies, or anything else

/r/SuggestMeABook - For personalized recommendations/suggestions of books

/r/WhatToReadWhen - For personalized recommendations/suggestions of books


/r/altcomix - This is a subreddit for cool artsy, alternative comics of America, Europe, Asia, and the world

/r/bandedessinee – An English-language subreddit about European comic books

/r/BettermentBookClub - For those of who want to discuss self-improvement type books with like-minded people

/r/ChildrensBooks - For discussing children's books

/r/ChristianBooks - For discussing books related to Christianity

/r/ComicBooks - For discussing comic books - also a huge list of comic related subreddits in their wiki

/r/CozyFantasy - A genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure that gives a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.

/r/Fantasy - For respectful discussion about the greater spec fic genre: fantasy, science fiction, horror, alt history, and more

/r/FantasyComedy - A place for discussion/recommendations of comedy with fantastical, supernatural, magic realism, or sci-fi elements.

/r/HorrorLit - Here is your place to share your love or loathing for horror literature

/r/GraphicNovels - A sub to discuss graphic novels of all kinds

/r/manga - For discussion of manga

/r/nonfictionbooks - For the discussion of non-fiction

/r/PrintSF - For discussing all kinds of speculative fiction writing

/r/RomanceBooks - For discussing books in the romance genre

/r/romancelandia - For discussing romance as a genre in more than one medium

/r/urbanfantasy - A sub to discuss book in the urban fantasy genre

/r/WeirdLit - A community focused on news, discussion, and the practice of collection in the field of Weird Literature, old and new

/r/YALit - For discussing books in the young adult genre


/r/LGBTBooks - Sharing and discussion of literature featuring LGBT characters

/r/MM_RomanceBooks - A place to discuss M/M romance books

/r/QueerSFF - A subreddit dedicated to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Speculative Fiction that explicitly centers queer characters and themes

Specific Authors

/r/AlanMoore - Dedicated to discussing the works of Alan Moore, author of Watchmen and V for Vendetta

/r/asimov - Dedicated to discussing the works of Isaac Asimov, author of The Foundation Series and I, Robot

/r/AynRand - Dedicated to discussing the works of Ayn Rand, author of We the Living and Anthem

/r/bakker - Dedicated to discussing the works of R. Scott Bakker, author of The Second Apocalypse

/r/ChristopherHitchens - Dedicated to discussing the works of Christopher Hitchens, author of God is not Great and The Missionary Position

/r/heinlein - Dedicated to discussing the works of Robert Heinlein, author of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and A Stranger in a Strange Land

/r/JamesJoyce - Dedicated to discussing the works of James Joyce, author of The Dubliners and Ulysses

/r/JaneAusten - Dedicated to discussing the works of Jane Austen, author of Emma and Pride and Prejudice

/r/JohnGreen - Dedicated to discussing the works of John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars

/r/Lovecraft - Dedicated to the works of H.P. Lovecraft

/r/MarkTwain - Dedicated to discussing the works of Mark Twain, author of Life on the Mississippi and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

/r/murakami - Dedicated to discussing the works of Haruki Murakami, author of IQ84 and Dance Dance Dance

/r/neilgaiman - A subreddit to discuss everything Neil Gaiman related

/r/PhilipKDickHeads - Dedicated to discussing the works of Philip K. Dick, author of Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

/r/RobinHobb - Dedicated to discussing the works of Robin Hobb, author of The Farseer Trilogy, Liveship Traders Trilogy and Tawny Man Trilogy among others

/r/shakespeare - Dedicated to discussing the works of William Shakespeare, author of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet

/r/StephenKing - Dedicated to discussing the works of Stephen King, author of Cujo and Carrie

/r/ThomasPynchon - A sub dedicated to Thomas Pynchon, author of Gravity's Rainbow and The Crying of Lot 49

/r/tolkienbooks - A tribute subreddit for JRR Tolkien, for collectors of his works

/r/TolkienFans - Dedicated to discussing the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit

/r/UrsulaKLeGuin - A subreddit to discuss the works of Ursula K. LeGuin

/r/vonnegut - Dedicated to discussing the works of Kurt Vonnegut, author of Breakfast of Champions and Cat's Cradle

/r/Wodehouse - Dedicated to discussing the works of P.G. Wodehouse, author of My Man Jeeves

Specific Books and Series

/r/ayearofwarandpeace - A subreddit about War and Peace - also functions as a book club to read War and Peace as a group over the course of a year

/r/asoiaf - News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels, his Westeros-based short stories, and all things A Song of Ice and Fire

/r/CampHalfBlood - Celebrates the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus series

/r/TheDarkTower - For discussing the Dark Tower series by Stephen King

/r/DiscWorld - For items relating to Discworld

/r/DontPanic - To discuss Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, see also /r/HHGTTG

/r/DresdenFiles - This is the place for everything related to the Dresden Files book series by Jim Butcher

/r/eulalia - A community to discuss the Redwall book series by Brian Jacques

/r/goosebumps - A subreddit to discuss the goosebump series

/r/HarryPotter - For discussing the Harry Potter Series universe

/r/HHGTTG - To discuss Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, see also /r/DontPanic

/r/TheHobbit - This is the subreddit for all things related to the Hobbit films, the classic novel and anything else Hobbity

/r/HouseOfLeaves - For discussing Mark Danielewski's novel House of Leaves, the misadventures of Johnny Truant and the mysteries of the Navidson Record

/r/HungerGames - For discussing the Hunger Game series

/r/InfiniteJest - For those of who have found the true Entertainment

/r/KingKillerChronicle - For discussing Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicle series

/r/lotr - For all things Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, Silmarillion, and more ...

/r/Malazan - A subreddit to discuss The Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson and the companion series by Ian C. Esslemont

/r/metro - A home for the masses of people who are fans of the current implementation of the Metro book series, in the hit game, Metro 2033, and it's upcoming sequel, Metro: Last Light

/r/PowderMage - For discussing Brian McClellan's Powder Mage book

/r/TheSilmarillion - Discussion and artwork related to The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien's lifework

/r/stormlight_archive - This is a community to discuss the fantasy series A Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

/r/trekbooks - Subreddit exclusively for star trek books, comics and other written paraphernalia

/r/wot - For discussing the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan


/r/OCPoetry - For original poems

/r/Poetry - For discussing poetry

/r/verse - A place for you to submit your favourite non-original (ie, not written by yourself) poems


/r/bookdownloads - A place for writers to offer free downloads of their books via Amazon or any other site

/r/eBookDeals - For sharing links to ebooks that are on sale

/r/eBooks - For general discussion of ebooks and ereaders

/r/FreeEBOOKS - For sharing links to free ebooks (not pirated)

/r/kindle - For discussing the Amazon Kindle and Kindle Store

/r/KindleFreebies - For sharing links to free books for the Kindle

/r/Kobo - For discussing anything and everything about the Kobo eReader

/r/Nook - For discussing the Barnes & Noble Nook and the Nook store


/r/audible - for fans of Audible, the online audiobook service

/r/AudioBooks - For discussing and sharing audiobooks

Book Clubs

/r/Book_Buddies - A place to find people to read through the same book together

/r/BookClub - A monthly bookclub

/r/ClassicalEducation - Reading and discussing works in the western canon

/r/ClassicBookClub - A book club where we tackle a work of classic literature by reading and discussing one chapter each day

Book Care and Collecting

/r/BookBinding - For discussing practices in book binding

/r/BookCollecting - For established book collectors or those who would like to start collecting themselves; feel free to ask questions!

/r/rarebooks - Have a question about whether your book is rare? Find a cool story about a recently discovered masterpiece? Share and discuss!

Book Identification

/r/TipOfMyTongue - For helping you figure out what you can just barely remember

/r/WhatsThatBook - A subreddit to help you figure out what book you are thinking of

Book Exchanges

/r/BookExchange - A meeting ground for bookies to trade books for books


/r/librarians - About librarians and librarianship

/r/Libraries - For discussion of libraries and secret librarian stuff

r/LittleFreeLibrary - A place to share little free library plans, ideas, and stories


/r/Publishing - Focused on publishing and the technical/marketing/social information that comes along with it

/r/PubTips - A place where people can go for publishing and writing advice

/r/SelfPublishing - For those interested in self publishing literature

For Writers

/r/betareaders - Connecting authors with betas

/r/ComedyWriting - A subreddit for people who want to be funny in words

/r/FantasyWriters - For those writing in the fantasy genre

/r/KeepWriting - Helping writers improve their craft and fuel their creativity

/r/scifiwriting - For writers of sci-fi

/r/Writers - Covering topics, discussion and resources centering around the love of writing

/r/writerchat - A place for writers to chat with one another

/r/Writeresearch - For authors to fact check their stories

/r/WritersOfHorror - A community for writers in the horror genre

/r/Writing - For sharing personal works, getting critiques, or discussing writing - Also has a huge list of writing subreddits in their wiki

/r/WritingHub - A one-stop hub for sharing writing resources, groups, critique partner requests, competitions, and calls for submissions

/r/WritingPrompts - Find a prompt that moves you and respond with a story or a poem

/r/WroteABook - A community for redditors to openly and freely promote their books

/r/yaWriters - A discussion subreddit for authors of young adult books


/r/BadReads - A showcase of the most unhelpful book reviews from all over the internet

/r/BooksCirclejerk - DAE Ender's Game and George Orwell??one!!

/r/writingcirclejerk - Parodying online writing communities

Books in Other Languages

/r/BDFrancophone/ - Comics discussion in French

/r/buecher - German-language book sub

/r/Hoerbuecher - German-language audiobooks

/r/libri - Italian-language book sub

/r/libros - Spanish-language book sub

/r/livros - Portuguese-language book sub

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