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Posted by3 years ago
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Posted by23 days ago

I know I am late to the party but Rey’s death is so perplexing, there just doesn’t seem to be a theory that fully fits the evidence. Since watching the UM episode years ago I still find my mind wandering and thinking about how he met his tragic end. After much deliberation I was resigned to the theory that he experienced a psychotic break and jumped to his death from the Belvedere roof, but there has always been a niggling feeling inside that it was something else.

Suppose Rey was in the parking garage opposite the Belvedere and he is alone and set upon by a group that want to mug/rob him. They beat him and steal his money clip. He is hit/kicked in the head and chest but he manages to break free and makes a run across the parking garage breaking his flip flop. He climbs the wall at the edge of the car park, scuffing his other flip flop, his phone and glasses fall out of his pocket. He needs to ensure that he puts considerable distance between him and his attackers, so he launches himself off the wall and jumps as far as he can across the meeting room roof. He punches through the roof, IDK what condition that roof was in but flat roofs are a maintenance nightmare especially old ones, could it already have been compromised by water ingress since the meeting room was no longer in use. He breaks his leg on impact, he may have still been alive at this point in the meeting room, enough at least to move himself slightly away from where he landed.

His attackers flee the scene but not before they throw his belongings and flip flops on the roof. This was not a mob hit, a Freemason initiation gone wrong or suicide, just a bunch of low life scumbags that cost Rey his life.

Posted by1 month ago
Posted by1 month ago

Speculation. So the Ppty Mgr said Rey’s dead body created a stench due to not being found for 8 days, why did no one in any adjacent rooms or passageways notice a stench from a dead body coming from under the door? His body was even located near the door. The stench would have been noticed from the open hole in the rooftop even -did no one walk on the rooftop and notice the hole while Rey was in there ? No inspections or maintenance recorded on the rooftop in 8 days to stumble upon the hole ? Was the hole not visible from a CCTV camera? Does just anyone have access to the roof or are you required to show a roof access permit to access it ? Was the hole created many days after Rey was placed in the room ? Was DNA around the hole taken ? What was the distance between roof and floor of the disused room ? Was there a security manager in the Belvedere accessing cameras at all or did the property mgr just access them when there was an incident ? IMO could Rey have also been attractive as an employee as he was charming yet big and intimidating - ie he was asked by Stanberry to handle illegal volumes of cash or other from someone or meet someone somewhere near the Stanberry offices to do something similiar and was actually the victim of theft ie missing money pin ? Is this why Porter placed a gag on the employees because they were asking him to do something illegal and this accidentally resulted in Rey’s death ? Is this why the 3 employees knew of the general area where to look because they knew illegal Stanberry transactions took place in the area or on the roof ? Such a small reward offered - to not wanting to seem like they actually have loads of monies to spare for a reward. Can Rey’s phone be checked for tracking still ? I think his note was not suicide related but stress relief and he was simply being a writer and brain storming ideas for a new piece of work. It probably took his mind off the questionable stuff that Stanberry was asking him to do. He didn’t want anyone to see it as it was meant to be for his own purposes and harmless. Feel free to comment but I will not answer to trolls or non constructive comment.

Posted by2 months ago
Take My Energy

40 feet from a 118 foot tall building, we would need to use the equations of motion. Specifically, we would use the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity (the speed the deceased needs to reach at the point of the jump), u is the initial velocity (the speed the subject has when it starts the jump), a is acceleration (which in this case is due to gravity, approximately -9.8 m/s^2), and s is the distance traveled (40 feet in this case).

We can rearrange this equation to solve for v: v = sqrt(u^2 + 2as). We can plug in the values for u (which is 0, since the deceased has no initial velocity at the point of the jump), a (-9.8 m/s^2), and s (40 feet, or approximately 12.19 meters). This gives us a final velocity of approximately 14.39 m/s, or approximately 32.09 mph.

32.09 mph is a very fast speed to run a 40 yard dash. For comparison, the world record for the 40 yard dash at the NFL Combine (a standardized test of athletic ability for American football players) is currently held by John Ross, who ran the 40 yard dash in 4.22 seconds at a speed of approximately 27.49 mph.

At 32.09 mph, a runner would cover the 40 yard distance in approximately 3.7 seconds. This is a very fast time, and would be competitive at the highest levels of professional sports.

The coroners , in my opinion , did not calculate Rey's jump properly using gravitational simulations matched with the weight of Rey's body.

The parking garage seems far more likely.

To determine the speed the robot would need to reach in order to jump 20 feet from a 33 foot tall building, we can use the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity (the speed the deceased needs to reach at the point of the jump), u is the initial velocity (the speed the robot has when it starts the jump), a is acceleration (which in this case is due to gravity, approximately -9.8 m/s^2), and s is the distance traveled (20 feet in this case).

We can rearrange this equation to solve for v: v = sqrt(u^2 + 2as). We can plug in the values for u (which is 0, since the deceased has no initial velocity at the point of the jump), a (-9.8 m/s^2), and s (20 feet, or approximately 6.096 meters). This gives us a final velocity of approximately 7.69 m/s, or approximately 17.2 mph.

It's important to note that this is just a rough estimate, and the actual speed required could be slightly different due to various factors such as air resistance. But in 1/10 fractions not full numbers.


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Created Jul 5, 2020





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