
This Knicks-Heat series is alarming on many fronts by this_place_stinks in clevelandcavs

[–]this_place_stinks[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In that case Donny is overrated if we gave up that much for him and he’s not expected to be an amazing player in the playoffs

What's the biggest waste of money? by gejiw94601 in AskReddit

[–]this_place_stinks 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I think there’s solid use cases as basically a digital certificate of authenticity type of thing.

The whole image of a monkey being with $1 million I’ll never get though

American dads worried bringing baby into this society? by aaronkelton in predaddit

[–]this_place_stinks -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It’s probably closer to like 3000 per 100k (call it 3 out of 100) when looking at the lives negatively impacted permanently though.

A high school shooting that kills 10 could have 2000 others fucked up for life from the experience

Have to imagine nearly all 5 year olds that were at sandy hook have big problems from the experience

Bank buyers expect sweeteners as US government sets new bar by Zapermastic in wallstreetbets

[–]this_place_stinks 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Eh partially true. It depends though. If the bank holds some value at all then an acquirer would for sure buy for $1 a share or whatever as opposed to letting FDIC seize it and go to open auction

And the distressed bank would obviously take any deal over seizure

So it all depends if the bank in question is just bad, or realllllly bad

Anybody else wanna lock their little one up forever.....? by BozidaR1390 in NewParents

[–]this_place_stinks 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Kindergarten? My little girl has had active shooter drills at daycare since she was like 2.5. So sad

[Highlight] Marcus Smart gets the three after the buzzer and the 76ers win! by Zhugo in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Does he not realize holding the ball until there’s less than 5 seconds left just means an automatic double team

[Jay King] Joe Mazzulla on the final possession: “We just had to play with a little more pace there.” by WarWolf343 in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I legit thought the Celtics players thought it was a tie game with how much time they were burning

[Highlight] Marcus Smart gets the three after the buzzer and the 76ers win! by Zhugo in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I can live with that. But two things at play

  1. When you’re losing you should always try and shoot with like 5 seconds left. That way if you miss you can still foul and get another try. I get going for the win if you’re like a huge underdog, but that’s not it here

  2. Why did they wait until like 5 seconds left to get started?!

How many years do you think LeBron has left in the tank? by bjtbtc in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Physically I have no doubt 45 year old lebron could still be a capable stretch 4 type with amazing passing

The question is will lebron want to keep playing if he’s just a “capable” player as opposed to all star level

Next season, Embiid turns 30, while Giannis and Jokic turn 29. They are all entering the latter half of their careers. How do you think the three of them will age? by BigDaddyJuno in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Only think with Joker is he’s already not the most fleet of foot on defense. When he loses a step does he become a complete turnstile?

Nothing Is Bigger Than Stephen Curry vs. LeBron James: Curry and James are meeting in the playoffs, perhaps for the last time. Together and apart, they have redefined a generation of basketball. by [deleted] in nba

[–]this_place_stinks 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Joking aside, how long do you think lebron could play if his goal was to just be a serviceable player type of thing?

Like could 50 year old Lebron be a PJ Tucker type of player

How company profits are keeping prices high by marketrent in Economics

[–]this_place_stinks -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

If this was all profit then stocks would be through the roof

How company profits are keeping prices high by marketrent in Economics

[–]this_place_stinks -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

The competitive environment today is not drastically different than 2019 and prior. Most industry’s were monopolized (in the sense we’re discussing here) long before 2022-2023

You know what did change a ton though? Mikey supply and various conservative massive stimulus programs funded by printing money

The most obvious answer is usually the correct one…

University of California Berkeley associate professor who falsely identified as Native American her 'whole life' issues apology by ChocolateTsar in news

[–]this_place_stinks -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Maybe not as extreme as dolozal but all three are white women that misled folks about their race presumably for professional advancement