
Please by cmars118 in BiffyClyro

[–]cmars118[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m sure Simon has honed a healthy screaming technique by now, given how much he’s used that style throughout his career!

Please by cmars118 in BiffyClyro

[–]cmars118[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Damn, that’s unfortunate! Thanks for the info though. Hopefully we at least get an album announcement or a single soon, though.

Please by cmars118 in BiffyClyro

[–]cmars118[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ah, where did you hear that?

Please by cmars118 in BiffyClyro

[–]cmars118[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Dropping Harvest and then going silent for 2 months is the equivalent of walking into someone’s house, lighting it on fire, and then just leaving.

Emotional Singer Songwriter tracks that incorporates falsetto vocals? by prodcapri_ in fantanoforever

[–]cmars118 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looks like you need to discover Sufjan Stevens.

Eugene, Should Have Known Better, Casimir Pulaski Day, Predatory Wasp of the Palisades, Concerning The UFO Sighting…, are all great songs to start with.

what's the longest song you routinely listen to? this is mine (bell witch- mirror reaper, 1:23:15) by IDontLikeRylee in fantanoforever

[–]cmars118 1 point2 points  (0 children)

One time I listened to Mirror Reaper while stoned and watching a massive thunderstorm. Sometimes the lightning would flash in sync with the music and it was the coolest shit ever.

To answer your question though (besides Mirror Reaper) - Impossible Soul by Sufjan and Liturgy’s long-ish songs, like 93696. It’s not as long as some of the stuff here, but I listen to it a ton. 

The Warriors sub is actually unhinged. Shades of the 2020 election lmao by cmars118 in lakers

[–]cmars118[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dude I don’t speak for or represent anyone in this sub other than myself. If some of our fans are obnoxious about refs and start conspiracy theories, they should be called out too. Again, I just thought his comment was funny.

The Warriors sub is actually unhinged. Shades of the 2020 election lmao by cmars118 in lakers

[–]cmars118[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I mean, I’m sure Laker fans can be dumb as fuck too lol no one is immune to stupidity. I just thought it was funny man idk

There Will Be Blood - How Daniel Day Lewis Reacts To His Subjects | Paradigm Unshifted by SharadAnanth in OnCinemaAtTheCinema

[–]cmars118 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Something I always thought was a bit of a missed opportunity with this film was the fact that the title “There Will Be Blood” clearly teases that there was going to be a film called “Blood” released right after. It’s still a five bagger, but I urge Paul Thomas Anderson to give the movie-goers what they want and release the long-awaited sequel!

The Warriors sub is actually unhinged. Shades of the 2020 election lmao by cmars118 in lakers

[–]cmars118[S] 55 points56 points  (0 children)

“She didn’t want another fist-sized hole in our drywall and for the neighbors to call and ask if everything is okay”

The Warriors sub is actually unhinged. Shades of the 2020 election lmao by cmars118 in lakers

[–]cmars118[S] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Shit my bad dude I’ll take this post down. I should’ve consulted a Bulls fan first.

The Warriors sub is actually unhinged. Shades of the 2020 election lmao by cmars118 in lakers

[–]cmars118[S] 202 points203 points  (0 children)

Fuck man you’re right. I wonder if Silver would let us retroactively concede games 1 and 3? It’s the right thing to do.

Lakers Legend Retiring by barevaper in lakers

[–]cmars118 10 points11 points  (0 children)

the very last link to Showtime is ending

This is a crazy way to put it, damn.

Thoughts on Soft & Quiet (2022) and it's "disturbing" content by AhnSolbin in horror

[–]cmars118 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey this is a late reply but I had a couple of thoughts and I was curious to hear your take on them. I just watched the movie and I’m a little conflicted, but I basically have ~80% the same takeaways as you. There are just a couple things that left me wondering if there is actually some merit in the movie.

So, my dad has some pretty fucked up and racist views… not the type of person that would do the vile shit in this movie, but probably the type that would think that these sort of executions don’t still happen. So whenever I watch media that tries to shine a light on things like this, I can’t help but view it from his perspective - because to this day I still butt heads with him on issues like this.

This is kinda hard to articulate but I’ll do my best: As fucking infuriating as it is to say, being around my dad and other conservatives growing up basically made me realize that a lot of people have a sick tendency to “play both sides” when it comes to depictions of violence against two different parties, no matter how clear-cut it is who the victims and the oppressors are. What I’m getting at is, if the film had shown the victims exacting Django-esque, bloody, revenge on the white women, I can envision someone like my dad coming away thinking, “Wow that was just fucked all around!” Instead of, “Oh my god, literal lynchings still happen to this day”. So in that way, I thought it was powerful that the film brutally confronts you with just how undeserving these poor girls were.

That’s about as many olive branches I can extend to the movie.

Cause at the same time it’s like you said - maybe none of that sort of nuance matters when, at the end of the day, the film just makes POC feel bad. It’s kinda paradoxical - on one hand, I would love for my dad and people who think like him to watch this movie and to be made immensely uncomfortable. But on the other hand, I can totally see how exhausting it must be to see characters like those girls being used as sort of “teaching tools” that get atrocities inflicted upon them, just so racist people can hopefully learn something.

And then there’s the reality that a racist is probably just gonna turn this movie off after the first 20 minutes anyway, so it ends up just being a horrendously upsetting display for people who already agree with the filmmaker’s message.

Anyway, I’m rambling. I thought your comment was really thoughtful and just wanted to chime in. Have a good one :)

Anthony Fantano finally let me know how to actually feel about the album! by rubydaacherry in TheNational

[–]cmars118 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He’s always done reviews like this though. It’s like a recurring joke that every once in a blue moon we get a joke review. He actually used to do them more often than now.