
❤️ by Toka_harry in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Except Portable Ops is more solo work while Peace Walker and Phantom Pain both have an episodic style structure and war vibe.

I'd say MGS3 - Phantom Menace

Portable Ops - Attack of the Clones

Peace Walker - Clone Wars

Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain - Revenge of the Sith

MG1/MG2 - Rogue One

MGS1 - A New Hope

MGS2 - Empire Strikes back

MGS4 - Return of the Jedi

Tbh though I think the Halo franchises matches up much better for a comparison for Star Wars.

What character rocked the trenchcoat look best? by jodlad04 in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04[S] 87 points88 points  (0 children)

It might have something to do with the MGS4/AC crossover.

Snake could dress up as Altair in MGs4. And Ezio could dress up as Raiden in AC2 or Brotherhood iirc.

So the Umbrella Corps game is apparently canon and takes place after RE5... by Red-Raptor3 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04 13 points14 points  (0 children)

That'd be lame for two reasons. He could never truly be killed then. Since he'd live on.

And secondly the best version of Wesker in the games would end up not being the real version.

Is there a lore reason why Jill and Claire look younger in Death Island than their last chronological appearance? by jodlad04 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04[S] 135 points136 points  (0 children)

By Capcoms logic shouldn't Sherry, Alexia and Rose have aged slower aswell then?

Sherry had regenerative abilities from the G Virus, Alexia had T-Veronica Virus (an evolved T-virus), Rose had the mold (the mold/cadou gave immortality to Miranda and the four lords).

All those viruses are supposed to be more powerful than the T-Virus.

Since most would agree that Albert Wesker is the best villain in the franchise, who would you say is the next best? (Excluding characters like Nemesis and Jack Baker who are more controlled) by jodlad04 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No because unlike Jack Baker who had no control of his actions.

Birkin was still a villain even before he mutated. Chief Irons had his own freewill and chose to accept Umbrellas bribes because it benefited him and his cruel desires.

Since most would agree that Albert Wesker is the best villain in the franchise, who would you say is the next best? (Excluding characters like Nemesis and Jack Baker who are more controlled) by jodlad04 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Lucas was in control (he was communting with The Connections) and was already evil before the mold came. He already killed a kid when he was younger and left him to starve in the attic.

Jack Baker wasn't a villain, he was a victim of Eveline.

Which team would win in a fight, characters from the Big Boss era or the Solid Snake era? by [deleted] in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 82 points83 points  (0 children)

Yeah I felt that Ocelot and Gray Fox could almost be on the other team aswell since they're both present in the different eras with Big Boss and Solid Snake.

Worst mgs game in your op? by MeEatSoup in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Let me guess MGS4 (story reasons), P.O. (Gameplay reasons)

Worst mgs game in your op? by MeEatSoup in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think the Boss fights in Portable Ops are better for at least having variety. I do love Zeke and Peace Walkers fight but the others one were just ok. PW and MGSV had repetitive Boss fights (metal gears and skulls) with barely any human fights.

Gameplay is better for sure in PW but one thing I like more about PO is the map and sqauds system. You could bring 3 squad members with you. And with the map you could drop in anywhere (a map system which phantom pain should have had) portable ops had a bunch of smaller scale ground zeroes type levels.

I do however think the story and especially the villain are better in Portable Ops over PW. Overall I do prefer PW mainly for the gameplay and motherbase system.

Code Veronica is a mainline game by horrorfan55 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Code Veronica has more storyline importance than RE3 and RE4.

Being a numbered game doesn't subtract this. Revelations 2 wasn't a main numbered game but it had more importance than RE6 and even RE7.

Code Veronica is a mainline game by horrorfan55 in residentevil

[–]jodlad04 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not quite

RE2 and RE3 original are canon to each other same goes for the remakes. Can't really say that RE2 remake is canon with RE3 original or RE2 original with RE3 remake.

With RE1 and RE4 you can consider either version canon.

With RE1 I feel that the remake has replaced the original. With RE2 I consider the remake version but with the zapping and b scenario structure of the original. RE3 is strange tbh because i prefer the actual game of the original but have a canon preference for the remake. RE4 remake has the better story, but the original characters were mostly better except Ashley and Luis. Leon's good in both.

I don't think Code Veronica or RE5 can be replaced though. Unless a Code Veronica remake keeps every single area and plot point and has better voice acting I don't think it can. An RE5 Remake might end up being a better game but it won't be able to replace those versions of Wesker, Chris, Jill or Sheva for me.

The biggest canon breaking thing for me is the amount of changes with voices and character models.

true! by VictoryWide2251 in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They stay in the brig until they join. There is no out right now. Only civilians have left before

They either join or they don't, because Zadornov certainly didn't join and there could have been others that never did.

The plan was to always use them as a bargaining if he needed to.

Using the nuke is basically game over, most of the people that want to use them are either pure evil (Volgin, Skullface) or have gone insane thinking they'll be fine (MG1/2 Big Boss, Gene, Coldman, Liquid etc).

Going directly for Paz and her link to Cipher is as direct as it gets. A job he himself did that’s how important it was.

Well she betrayed him at the end and would have been responsible tens of thousands of death if she killed big boss with Zeke. And she was just a pawn of Cipher so he was trying to figure what was happening behind the scenes. And most of the important jobs in MG fall on Big Boss, Venom, Solid and Raiden. It's because they're the main playable characters.

Working with Ocelot was still a possibility. Not doing it is down to Big Boss.

We saw him in MGSV working with us and nothing much would have changed if was working with us in PW. He's basically a fanboy of Big Boss and didn't have any facade in MGSV because he's loyal to Big Boss. He would have been like Kaz in PW except he wouldn't have hidden the truth from us.

Big Boss canonically works with people on assignments as the Kazuhira Blues audio dramas tell us. Even works with a team while at MSF but something tells me you don’t actually know Big Boss’ full story.

Yes the tape that tells use how they met and where Kaz's squad or atleast half of it (what he says) gets wiped out. Big Boss later established MSF, and recruited Kaz as 2nd in command. In order to ensure Miller was pardoned by the base commander instead of interrogated and/or executed, he also blackmailed the base commander with a private journal dealing with subject matter that could result in the latter's execution.

He’s the aggressor in PW and only does it for an unconfirmed story if a girl and mostly for the tape. Fighting for his own personal gain once again.

If Big Boss hadn't been the aggressor in PW and had decided to sit on the beach for the whole game then the world of Metal Gear would have turned into Fallout.

Is Snake the aggressor for going to Shadow Moses?

Chico shouldn’t have been tortured and neither should Paz tbh but Big Boss didn’t know what was going on in that camp. Skull face was sick but Big Boss didn’t go after Skull face.

But is he just supposed to leave Chico to rot then? Even without the other knowledge. That's reason enough to go there.

He chose to go and remove evidence of their nuke while also extracting info on Cipher. Covering his own ass and pressing further into his war on Zero doesn’t sound like good motives to me.

Well yes after Cipher tried using their nuke. At that point they're option were let inspection happen, nuclear catastrophe happens or hide it.

No one could guarantee that Volgin would launch.

He was a madman with lightning powers. It's like giving Thanos an Infinity stone or Albert Wesker a virus to convince them that they're are on the same side and then hoping it doesn't backfire

The Boss was imperfect? Wow crazy. Not really though, she knew she wasn’t perfect but still laid down her gun and was ready to sacrifice herself and Big Boss for the possibility of peace.

She sacrificed herself but she was already dead the second the Russians demanded her death. There was no escaping. She's soldier, she wasn't Ghandi.

Big Boss forced Kaz to join MSF, to keep fighting, and then betrayed him and Kaz didn’t try and annihilate the world.

Right he made Kaz join, but what's the alternative? Kill him? Let him go and where he will probably continue fighting regardless? Be executed by his commander? Yup Big Boss betrayed him and left him to die. That was evil and heartless while he left his men to do all the work.

Yes she’s a hypocrite because Big Boss would never achieve true peace but Big Boss didn’t have to become a monster who wanted to drag the world down with him.

Yes he becomes that monster in the Phantom Pain. I'm not disagreeing that he's a villain. I'm disagreeing about when he became a villain.

true! by VictoryWide2251 in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Volgin, Huey and Sundowner seem to be definitively pure evil. Huey went from being Otacon in a wheelchair to literally evil.

true! by VictoryWide2251 in metalgearsolid

[–]jodlad04 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The brainwashing is aided by kidnapping, illegal detention without trial. This guy has cult leader like charisma and that’s established so well throughout the series.

But all we know is that people go in the brig or join straight away. If they go in the brig they either eventually join or they don't. What happens if they don't? We don't know, it's not shown. They might be killed, they might be exiled, we do know that Zadornov stayed in a cell and he was neither killed (not until after 7 escape attempts where he is aiming a gun at big boss) or exiled.

Big Boss has the final word and chose to have the nuke. Kaz even told him they could get rid of it if he wanted.

Fine I'll agree with this but consider that in his mind he was using it for deterrence. Justified? Not necessarily but Big Boss didn't intend on actually using Nukes until Outer Heaven and Zanzibar when he wanted to hold the world hostage.

You don’t have to start up an overt war. How about trying to contact and work with Ocelot who Big Boss had some sort of leash on already by infatuation.

Again Big Boss doesn't officially go on an all out war until Outer Heaven. Throughout Peace Walker and Phantom Pain he's just running a PMC in the ocean and either goes on solo ops or sends people out on contracts. In every Big Boss game, he mostly goes himself, only exceptions are in Phantom Pain when venom bring SA buddy or Big Boss bringing 3 man squad in Portable Ops. The only time in that era we see big boss leading an army is when they are lead by Kaz to save him from Coldman and Zadornov.

Buddy, canonically Big Boss uses lethal weapons for the whole of Peace Walker as the cutscenes reveal. He’s got a kill count of like 50+ if we count Ground Zeroes lol. He’s the aggressor in most of them too.

He uses them when fighting Metal Gears or when he's cornered by Strangelove and Coldman. Ground Zeroes? Well these guys were holding hostages, one of them was a child. And if the headphone jack is anything to go off, then they were probably already testing the parasite in camp omega. So even if big boss kills them, it's not any worse than other fictional characters that kill at all. As for the rest of the games? Well in MGS3 he's saving the world from a Russian guy who wants to launch a nuke, in PO he's preventing Washington from being nuked, in PW he's again saving the world from a metal gear that launches a nuke based on the ability if a human will fire back. And finally Phantom Pain where he (Venom technically) saves the world from another MG and worse a deadly parasite that can destroy the world. So if you want to call him the aggressor in those games, that'd mean you're calling Solid Snake the aggressor for stoping the events of MG1 and MG2.

And the worst of all: The denouncing of The Boss and her sacrifice, peace in general

that didn't stop her from giving Volgin a Davy Crockett which killed all the countrymen there.

the promise to keep fighting because he liked it.

Well probably because war is all he knows, he probably never would have been a soldier if The Boss never adopted him when he was an orphan and groomed him into being a soldier.

MSF are literally the bad guys of Ground Zeroes. They are trying to cover up evidence of their illegal actions because they know they have done wrong but I see Big Boss got to you through the fourth wall already.

Big Boss only becomes the villain and terrorist in MGSV, MG1 and MG2 though when he sacrifices an entire hospital, uses his best man and later tries to hold the world hostage.