
Magnitude by [deleted] in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 3 points4 points  (0 children)

> All we have to report on when it comes to violations is FINRA or the SEC. Both are compromised

I am glad you mentioned that the "SEC" is compromised as well, because off late on SuperStonk, any post/comment against Gensler, would term you as a "shill". Gensler has been proposing new rules (which is good), but is not enforcing any of the current rules or holding firms responsible. Also to mention, that under Gary Gensler, Citadel been fined ZERO times, but before Gensler, Citadel has been fined for violations from 2017 to 2021.

My question to you is, what do you think about Gary Gensler? Is he doing to good job so far?

SEC Alert! SEC Chair Gary Gensler Statement on Current Market Events: "As I’ve said, in times of increased volatility and uncertainty, the SEC is particularly focused on identifying and prosecuting any form of misconduct that might threaten investors, capital formation, or the markets more broadly" by Dismal-Jellyfish in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 27 points28 points  (0 children)


Hey Hedge Funds, you can short MEME stocks all you want, but if you ever dare short bank stocks, we will "identify and prosecute any form of misconduct that might threaten investors, capital formation, or the markets more broadly. "

Pulte on the bird... by YurMotherWasAHamster in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Which broker you guys think he is using, as per the screen shot provided?

1.89 billion dollar put position disclosed against GME. The largest of ANY stock in the entire market.. 1/3 GME's marketcap!! by ShortHedgeFundATM in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 5 points6 points  (0 children)

If you go to https://www.quinnopportunities.com/ , they literally have a "wordpress" favicon logo, on their web page's title in browser tab . WOW!

and their CFA, CPA, CHIEF OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCE is Salem Griffin (might just be a total coincidence)

RC Ventures Buys Nordstrom shares Page 79 by avoidablerain in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 9 points10 points  (0 children)

This is a place for theoretical discussions about business and stocks - specifically GameStop Stock ($GME).

RC Ventures Buys Nordstrom shares Page 79 by avoidablerain in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

> but this is not an RC Ventures sub

Then why allow this post in the first place?

What if RC Ventures buys 10 other companies, will SuperStonk allow all of them, just like we did for towel?

How Reputable Is WallStreetOnParade? by JMKPOhio in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Due to their "website name", you might feel it is not genuine, but if you actually read the stuff they put out, its better than any other "Known named" website out there.

Let me give you an example:

I had posted this article of theirs,


On Dec 21st, wallstreetonparade published an article about an obvious "conflict of interest" in the Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Criminal Trial. The most baffling part is, none of the other so-called main news outlets like New York Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, Financial Times, CNBC.. caught this!!!

The owner of that website is Russ Martens and the editor Pam Martens, who do their research before publishing anything. I hope their articles continue to be published on Superstonk.

A court orders 25 brokers to provide share counts on a stock shorted into bankruptcy + stock spun off as a dividend, by the end of the next day, & both take off like someone needs some shares right fucking now? Are you telling me it's possible brokers don't ACTUALLY have the shares?*Shocked Pikachu* by TwoStonksPlease in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 275 points276 points  (0 children)

WOW! This is actually HUGE!

Browsing through fintel for SRNE and it seems like LMR Partners LLP which is based in London has a huge put position (only) .

Also did some quick digging and found this:

Gabriele Sarais, the former head of risk for macro strategies at Citadel in London, has joined LMR Partners, the London-based hedge fund founded by ex-UBS traders Ben Levine and Stefan Renold.

It's time to end PFOF and excessive off-exchange trading, We The Investors first comment letter on the new SEC rule proposals is out by dlauer in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 63 points64 points  (0 children)

dlauer , in your last interview with Gensler, GG hinted that he is NOT going to ban PFOF. He mentioned

"There are brokerage houses that use PFOF, but there are also brokerage houses that pay no PFOF, that are still sending their marketable retail order to the wholesalers and so even there was no PFOF, the bulk of marketable retail orders are going to the dark markets"

Gensler has made up his mind on PFOF and he is NOT going to ban it.

Why not just push Gensler, to look at the FTD issues, instead of PFOF?

Source : https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1rmxPknrmXQJN (from 52:10)

US capitalism is ‘breaking down before our eyes’, says Ken Griffin — "refusing to bail out SVB depositors in full would be ‘great lesson in moral hazard’" by Gnurx in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 2625 points2626 points  (0 children)

“The regulator was the definition of being asleep at the wheel,” Griffin said.

If the regulators did their jobs, Kenneth Griffin would be in prison.

Michael Burry TWEETED by BuciKE in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Burry will tweet Slayer's "Reign in Blood" tomorrow.

this is about to get very interesting by [deleted] in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Just having my coffee and saw atobitt's post. \m/

The "Citadel Has No Clothes" DD (2 years ago) with Securities sold, not yet purchased, at fair value topic has tons of interest off late (yup, after 2 years). atobitt, is there any more new DD in the writing?

SeeNBeeSee on RC - China, Alibaba, other BS by Express-Newspaper806 in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 1380 points1381 points 2 (0 children)


RC just tweets "Hello" and they openly attack him. Seems like RC has pissed off their owners. This only mean one thing, that RC is doing something behind the scenes, which is pissing them off.

I think we are close!

Explain GME / SHORTS saga to me like im 7 yrs old! I need a short CONCISE story I can share with random strangers in 2 to 5 minutes! DRS GME 100% by Just_Coin_it in Superstonk

[–]StonkCobain 17 points18 points  (0 children)

This is going to be children's story:

You and your friends go to a store to buy some lollipops. These are special lollipops, which are only sold in that one store. But unfortunately, the store doesn't have it right now, but promises you the lollipops T + 2 days , if you give him the money and also mentions that there are a total of only 1000 lollipops of that kind. You and your friends give the store owner the money and he gives you a "IOU a lollipop" slip.

T+2, you go to the store, but he still hasn't got your lollipop and tells you to come in a week's time, but also tells you that the price of the lollipops have dropped and you can get double the lollipops for the same price. You and your friends think its a good deal and tells the whole class about it.

Now the whole class buys a total of 3000 lollipops when there are in fact only 1000 of them. T+35 passes by, and the store still doesn't have your lollipops. You and your friends are angry and complain to the cops . The cops cannot do anything, because due to loopholes, the store does not have to give you the promised lollipops.