Never forget
Today's most popular posts.
I know it's old, but seriously, it's so important I thought its worth sharing. Drive safe, stay alive
Shutup and take my money!
A Disgrace to the Sport
Bear eating a pear
Richard Dawkins about being Atheist
Star Wars Cutaway Dumparooni
Musk, the modern day Ford
For All The Canadians Out There, Add Your Voice
Meme Dump Thirty Three Kings
Still Goin Strong
My Twi'lek singer cosplay in honor of May the Fourth
The force is strong with this one
Baby Breath
This is on the door of an Airbnb I'm staying in
Jeezus Todd
Oh no!
Wholesome post to brighten your day 870
Cute Cats
farts are funny
it's literally 2am at my place right now and instead of sleeping I'm uploading a meme and watching a movie
My most treasured screenshot
When sleight of hand skill level is low.. #collection
At the age of 63 I was finally able to buy a car without any down payments!
What a transformation
Vajoozle Biscuit
Rebel Rebel
Poke me in the coconut
Corrupt to the bone
What could possible g......
May the 4th be with these stolen memes
I approve of this trolling
Nobody told her enough
Busy Crosswalk with instant karma.
Just here for the trophy!
There is only one GOAT in Hollywood.
Mid-Day DUMP!
What abortion looks like
Hey, at least he apologized....
Visit Rapture
May the 4th be with you!
The Russian "diplomat" was punched in the face in Ankara.
I've been having a rough time lately but I bought this wicked Spider-Man suit.
May the Force be with you!
Happy Star Wars Day
My boy burned to death
Dads joke
Never forget Carrie's request!
Star Wars art & appreciation MEGA dump (part II)
Snoop Dogg arriving in Glasgow
One gif, the entire war encapsulated
Freakin' Legends
Follow the money trail.
When you take a quick look...
May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars Day, my Dudes! Here are some pics from two out of the three events I've done today. I'll post some more pics after the fundraiser for disabled Veterans tonight.
May the Fourth be with you
Nikola Tesla said if we want to understand the Universe we need to understand Energy, Frequency and Vibration