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Today I Fucked Up


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Posted by20 hours ago
Wholesome (Pro)heheheheAll-Seeing Upvote

TIFU by kissing my dead grandma on the forehead.

I (41F) was fortunate enough to spend the majority of the last two weeks with my dying grandma (89F) who has been in the late stages of dementia. My mom (71F) had brought her to the family house as she was growing concerned about Grandma's care at the nursing home. Mom is a bit of a holistic sort of lady and was hoping a diet of good food and a lot of beet/carrot/green juice might perk Grandma up. (I hate that Grandma's last foods were carrot/beet/spinach juice - I'd probably refuse to drink that too)

My sister (43, former paramedic) had kept a very close eye on her and spent the week helping feed, change, and keep Grandma as comfortable as possible. Her body was very frail and only around 90 pounds at the end. She especially became concerned last Saturday as Grandma was having increased difficulty swallowing and had been refusing food/juice/water. (Aspiration is a very real concern as is pneumonia from asperating) After an ER visit and hospital stay, lab work, CT scans, and swallowing tests the doctors recommended hospice care.

Our family was lucky enough to have my grandma comfortably set up in the great room of my mom's home. We had five generations of women with her at the end. Her daughter (my mom), 4 granddaughters (myself included), 3 great-granddaughters, and 1 great-great-great granddaughter. How cool is that?!

What folks don't tell you is a death watch is pretty fucked-up. You sit there counting respirations, checking blood oxygen levels and just waiting. My grandma's last words were on Thursday when she was cursing out my step-sibling that had gotten up in her face shouting "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" - but that is another story for another time. (she left shortly after) By Friday afternoon Grandma had been completely unconscious for over 24 hours. Her respirations were slowing, blood oxygen levels were below 80. My grandpa (83M) had come to say his last goodbyes and shit was getting real.

By the early evening, she was breathing was quick and shallow as her oxygen levels continued to fall and her pulse increased as her body tried to compensate. We held her hand and waited for the inevitable.

It hits nighttime and we are all sharing our favorite stories about Grandma. (My oldest sister had the best stories! It was so cool to hear more about my Grandma's early life) She was a feisty piece of work: a Roller-Derby-playing, pot-smoking/growing, would-hide-a-body-for-you, Puerto Rican beauty. Heck, I remember quite vividly how she used a machete as a tool of all trades in the garden and told me she used it for therapy when she was whacking out roots... she would imagine people who had pissed her off or hurt the people she loved and just go all in.

Anyway, at 9:17 pm she takes her last breath. It was pretty dramatic, to be honest. Not some soft last exhale - but this drawn-in craziness with a gurgling exhale. It was something you'd see in a movie. Had the rest not happened I would call it borderline traumatic. Of course, people are crying and understandably upset. My RN sister checks all of her vitals and confirms - she's gone.

At this point, I wasn't crying. It was kind of strange to just watch this happen. It didn't feel real. After a minute my RN sister is calling hospice to let them know she has passed and I decided that I should go ahead and say my final goodbyes to Grandma. I lean down and gently stroke her hair, then tenderly give her a sweet last kiss on her forehead and whisper "I love you, Grandma." This was it. She was gone. No more suffering. She was at peace.

Suddenly she breathes in with a breath you hear from folks who just had undergone CPR after drowning. Or maybe the sound of someone who had inhaled too much pot, had been coughing, and then was catching their breath? I don't know... but it was loud, it was quick, and it scared the shit out of me.

Posted by5 hours ago
Posted by1 day ago
GoldStar QualityTable Slap2heheheheAll-Seeing Upvote

TIFU agreeing to watch my friend have sex

Posted by9 hours ago

It all started during my daughter's first birthday party. I smelled poo, and checked her diaper. It was clean. The only thing that made sense was that someone had shit themself. Throughout the party, I tried to discreetly find the source of the smell. My grandma made sense, because she's 93. I asked her if she was tired and wanted to go home, and she said she was fine. It wasn't her. I walked around, smelling, but couldn't pinpoint the source of the smell.

I smelled my clothes and was horrified to learn it was myself. Especially horrified because we had guests over who we need to make a good impression, for my daughter's sake. I changed my clothes.

The smell didn't go away. I then realized what it was. This is what I deduced:

A month before the party, I got a tooth pulled, and it made a hole all the way to my sinus. The dentist gave me antibiotics and lots of instructions to follow. One of which was to not use a straw to drink. A week later, I drank with a straw. That interrupted the healing process, and the hole persisted for longer than the antibiotic course. Then it got infected.

This is the US, and we're in a small town, so the medical care isn't what you'd call top notch, and appointments are slow. Months in between. Here's the medical timeline:

  1. First doctor gave me another course of antibiotics. The smell didn't go away.

  2. Second doctor told me it was rhinitis, and to take flonase. I started to think it was all in my head, until I blew my nose in the car, and my wife thought the baby needed a change.

  3. The smell got so bad, I went to an urgent care center. That doctor took a culture sample by having me blow my nose onto a q-tip. The culture came back negative, so I was referred to get a CT scan, and see an ENT.

  4. Got the CT scan. It cost me $750 after insurance.

  5. Follow-up dentist appointment. This was several months late because the office kept postponing my appointment, due to people quitting, snow, etc. Their X-ray didn't show anything. They just said to go see the ENT.

Posted by18 hours ago

This actually happened earlier this week, and I'm still trying to shake off the embarrassment. Like many people these days, I've been working from home and attending countless video calls for meetings. You'd think after all this time, I'd have a good handle on muting and unmuting myself, but apparently not.

So, here's the FU. I was on a video call with my entire team, including my manager, discussing our current project. I thought I had muted myself since I didn't have much to contribute at that point in the meeting, and my cat decided it was the perfect time to jump onto my desk and demand attention.

I'm a sucker for my cat, so I started talking to her in that high-pitched, cutesy voice we all use when speaking to our pets. You know, the kind of voice that would make you cringe if someone caught you using it. Well, as you can probably guess my cat woke up and chose chaos that day and hit the unmute button without my knowledge.

Suddenly, I noticed the awkward silence on the call and saw my colleagues trying to suppress their laughter. My manager, with a smirk on her face, said, "OP, I think your cat has some interesting insights, but we should probably get back to the project." That's when it hit me that I had been broadcasting my baby talk to my entire team.

Needless to say, I quickly apologized and muted myself for real this time. The meeting continued, but I couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment. Now my colleagues won't let me live it down, and I've become the go-to person for cat-related jokes.

TL;DR: Thought I was muted during a work video call, ended up sharing my embarrassing baby talk with my cat to the entire team. Now I'm the office's designated 'cat whisperer.'


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Created Mar 4, 2012


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