
Madame Kiksters (Kaz)


| Pronoun: She/Her | Age: 28 | Where I post about my stories. My likes are eclectic so expect my blog to just be full of the most random things. Sorry not sorry. | AO3 Account: Madame_Kiksters |

Kurapika on a phone call, before he hangs up: it all started when I was a child. My clan was killed. Their eyeballs plucked from their sockets.v.v

I vowed vengeance. Then I met a man named Leorio and a kid named Gon. And his snot nosed friend Killua. But we met him later. After I passed the hunter exam. I got my license stolen and had to earn it back after learning nen. My ability to imprison others gains its strength from the vow I placed on my heart, "Cross my heart and hope to die, should I imprison not a spider guy" and then

Mafia boss on phone trying to get info on his daughter: wh wha



Whoa, hold up there a minute. If you’re cutting your wrists after your boyfriend broke up with you again, THAT’S STILL SELF HARM. I don’t see how it suddenly isn’t just because you don’t approve of their reasons. Any attempts at injuring yourself is self harm even if you do it once. And it’s still really bad no matter how often it happens.

Bulimia IS making yourself puke AT ALL. It’s not normal to make yourself puke EVER. Chronic Bulimia is where you do it often. Plenty of bulimics don’t puke after every meal. You only have to force yourself to puke three times a week to be diagnosed. Edit: Some bulimics do not puke at all! The only rule for diagnosis is PURGING. Purging also is done through laxatives and does not always include self-induced vomiting. To be Bulimia, though, it has to be paired with binge eating.

Insomnia IS ANY DIFFICULTIES WITH SLEEPING. “Transient insomnia lasts for less than a week. It can be caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, by the timing of sleep, severe depression, or by stress.” So when you’re stressed about a test and can’t get into a deep enough state of sleep or stay asleep, that is insomnia. Chronic Insomnia isn’t not sleeping for two nights but insomnia can be.

Schizophrenia is not seeing things when you’re high, but getting high too often can cause schizophrenia.

Someone who complains about a sudden switch when they’re depressed might really have MPD. Switches are often triggered as emotional responses to certain situations. No two people’s MPD behaves the same; patients display huge differences in number of “alters”, methods of switching between them and frequency of those switches.

Depression is ANY period of deep emotional low. “Depressed mood is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder.”CLINICAL DEPRESSION is the disease that causes a person to feel depressed with no known cause, though it can be linked to events in the patients life.

When someone complains about anxiety before a test it is not actually anxiety. But if their stress manifest as, say, that worry triggering you to worry about ridiculous situations such as leaving the car door open when you never would or having forgotten to turn off the stove, it is anxiety. No matter how often it happens. Anxiety is an EMOTIONAL STATE of worrying intensely about things unlikely to happen. When it becomes a psychological problem, it’s called General Anxiety Disorder. People can be Anxious and not have a disorder at all. It’s an emotion.

Check your facts before trying to control how people label their emotions. There are some good points here, but some of these are just awful or misinformed. Like how in the world is that self injury example NOT self injury?


*slow clap*

Follow Ultrafacts for more facts


The picture in the background of the second one

Tama is boss



Sad update everyone, Tama recently passed away… An estimated 3,000 people, including railway officials, attended Tama the cat’s funeral on Sunday, days after she died of heart failure aged 16. [x]


For those who haven’t read articles about it, the local shrine elevated her to a god. She’s now the Eternal Stationmaster and patron god of the station.



Now I’m crying thanks


and a new cat was hired right?

yep! her name is Nitama (essentially ”second tama” or “tama II”) and she served under Tama as an apprentice before being appointed her deputy


she works very hard


Everytime this crosses my dash, I reblog. It is the law.


I’m crying at 11pm over train cats

Nitama, already now a mature cat (born 2010), has a protege named Yontama (fourth Tama, b. 2016).  There is no information available for either the physical befellment or tragic self-disgrace which has removed Santama from contention.

^Nitama majestic, and below with Yontama


a legacy

okay but actually what happened to santama (or sun-tama-tama, which is her name because it’s a pun on santama) was that she was basically sent to train for the position in okayama and they liked her so much they refused to send her back

“Sun-tama-tama” (a pun off of “Santama”, lit. “third Tama”) was a calico cat sent for training in Okayama. Sun-tama-tama was considered as a candidate for Tama’s successor, but the Okayama Public Relations representative who had been caring for Sun-tama-tama refused to give the cat up writing, “I will not let go of this child, she will stay in Okayama.” [25]
As of September 2018, Sun-tama-tama is working as the stationmaster in Naka-ku, Okayama and appears occasionally on Tama’s Twitter account.

Every time I see this post there’s new info and it gets better

You are only allowed to scroll pass this after you pay tribute to the great Tama Station masters.

THIS. I wish I could be as eloquent as this person. Because this is how you make a difference.


for everyone in the notes asking: this was @raindovemodel​ (who is no longer active on tumblr, they’re active on instagram where this was posted but i wont link it because tumblr would hide this in the notes)

Rain (any pronouns) is a genderfluid model & posts a lot about how their ability to “pass” as either a man or a woman influences them, and shows off the absurdity of double standards such as mens vs womens olympic uniforms and societal treatment based on perceived gender

They’re also incredibly patient with transphobes and other bigots, and much more so than most of us can manage and I think it’s amazing that they put up with what people say & do


BRO !!!!!!

Listen. Please. Don’t look at this.

If you haven’t read “The Shadow in Our Swamps” which is probably the best crackfic I’ve ever read, then please feel free to find it… Or feel free to ignore this post.

I haven't​ had occasion to draw Shrek or Shadow the Hedgehog before or since, but this fic inspired me to create something and… I needed to share it with the author.

So this weekend I found myself chatting with an established comic writer, he asked me about my interest in the matter and I told him I ran a webcomic but before he could even respond I qualified it with;

“Well it’s a fan comic, I’m not a real comic creator.” He was appalled.

“What do you mean you’re not a real comic creator?” He demanded. “Do you have a comic?”

“Well yeah but its a fan comic its not a real-” He literally put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

“You have a comic. You made a comic. You’re putting in the work. You’re a real comic creator.” He told me about how one of the people he works with on a comic started by writing Mass Effect fanfiction even. I’ve been thinking about that ever since.

I’ve thought about how many times I’ve heard myself and other say things like, “Oh, I’m a writer but I write fanfiction not like real writing.” And thats so bullshit, he was right. 

If you write you’re a writer, end of story.

To all the fanfic writers and artist out there…hear this!!! What you do is art and is real and you are important, loved, and appreciated. Don’t let any douchebag, dickwad tell you otherwise!!!

Catch myself doing the same all the time. But then I remember, all the professional comic artists at Marvel or DC basically all just draw fanart :D