Ben Pritchard - 2003

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Although the Fall is one of my favorite bands of all time, even I can't keep up with all the line-up changes. Especially since firing long-time guitarist Craig Scanlon (after Cerebral Caustic) and losing the rest of the band after his NYC domestic violence arrest (after Levitate), Mark E. Smith has been vice president of one big revolving door of British musicians. One young fellow who has survived the slicing arm of his boss for a full TWO albums now (!!!!) is guitarist Ben Pritchard. I had the opportunity to interview him live in person at a bar following a FANFRIGGINGTASTIC concert at NYC's Knitting Factory in early July '03. Seriously, let me just digress here - I've seen several different incarnations of this band play live now, and NEVER have I seen one kick this much ass. They played what may very well be the GREATEST EVER rendition of "Mere Pseud Mag Ed" (it POUNDED!!!!), as well as such unexpected ass-kickers as "And Therein," "Way Round" and five as-of-yet unreleased tracks from the upcoming Country On The Click CD (all of which RULED, and made me really excited to hear the new CD). Even Mark Smith looked excited! And he NEVER looks excited! So I hope Mark gives Ben a break and lets him stick around for a while. He's good! And he's also a terrifically nice guy! Here now the interview - me in bold, he in regular print.


I hope it's okay that I'm doing the interview instead of Mark.

Yeah, that's fine!

Do you want a drink? I'm buying.

Nah, I'm okay.

You sure?


No, come on! Let me buy you a drink!

Okay, a Diet Coke.

Diet Coke? Get a real drink.

No, I'm fine! Oh alright - just get me whatever you're having.

(to bartender woman): Two shots of whiskey.

Bartender Woman (who has a glass already half-full of Diet Coke): Diet Coke?


No no no, just two whiskeys please. Oops! I'll - I'll have that. Thank you very