Jello Biafra

There's always room for left-wing propaganda
*special introductory paragraph!
*No More Cocoons
*High Priest Of Harmful Matter - Tales From The Trial
*Last Scream Of The Missing Neighbors (with D.O.A.)
*I Blow Minds For A Living
*Jello Biafra With Plainfield
*Prairie Home Invasion (with Mojo Nixon)
*Beyond The Valley Of The Gift Police
*If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve
*Become The Media
*The Big Ka-Boom, Part One
*Machine Gun In The Clown's Hand
*Never Breathe What You Can't See (with The Melvins)
*In The Grip Of Official Treason
*Jezebel 7" (with Brown Town West)
*The Audacity Of Hype (with The Guantanamo School Of Medicine)
*Enhanced Methods of Questioning EP (with Guantanamo School of Medicine<)

Jelo Binarkers used to sing for the Dead Kennedys. He's a political shitmonger, so when they broke up he started doing spoken word tours and recording them. He also got together with some of his favorite artists to record some music every now and again. Here's reviews of both, Jack!

No More Cocoons - Alternative Tentacles 1987.
Rating = 8

Jello's first spoken word album! This is a double album that is split between scripted speeches (some strictly political, others humorously political), short soundbites of radio appearances and a 26-minute casual talk on censorship. Jello is VERY left-wing, to the point of making me question whether he might be too easily accepting everything he reads that fits his world view. In short, everything big business and Christians say is a lie, and everything that the liberal books he reads is true.

Quite frankly, he's probably right! The "facts" he spreads in pieces like "Mild Kingdom" (a spoken word version of "The Great Potshot Heard Around The World") and "What Reagan Didn't Know" may very well be true. And if they are, they're FRIGHTENING. I'm not saying I believe everything he says, but it's certainly food for thought. It's good that we have people like Jello actually READING these alternative texts, letting us know about covert government goings-on that may very well have occurred.

So that political stuff, plus an uproarious piece in which Jello suggests new names for bands ("MONDALE"!) is the upside - and it's a big upside! He's got an interesting voice, clearly believes very fiercely in what he's saying, and is filled with punk rock charisma. On the downside, he spends way too much time addressing the way that pussy parents treat their kids, reads a bunch of random newspaper clippings, recites the words to "Stars And Stripes Of Corruption" and does this incredibly tasteless thing called "Why I'm Glad The Space Shuttle Blew Up." He has his reasons, but for a guy who pretends to real