June 2012

RT @CriticalReading: San Francisco public workers made the issue corporate tax dodgers not the budget deficit and won a better contract.
>  30 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
RT @nybooks: The US ranks 48th in infant mortality among all nations; in 1960, it was 12th. http://t.co/uwgoQzsv
>  27 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
@datakind: "Google Fusion Tables is great for #dataviz, but any data you post is publicly accessible. Practice safe stats!" #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
Surprise, delight, and situations of wonder can be tools for organizing. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK
RT @jeremycliu: Common thread of few #changebydesign panelists, they're artists/arts in background. @zacklieberman calls artists R&D; dept for humanity #diwo
>  25 June 2012 | LINK
@zachlieberman: "As an aesthetic strategic, an open mouth is a pathway to someones heart." Oohs, ahhs, and laughter. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK
Research for Organizing, a facilitation toolkit for participatory action research. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK
@rstnrstn: "The felt board is the center of the Affordable Housing kit. You don't need a big budget for great #dataviz." #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
Lure of easy data: Are people happy? Or are people who Twitter how happy they are? What question do you really want to answer? #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
@blprnt: OOH / AAH design principle: graphics should dazzle and entertain as well as enlighten. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
@amandacox: data visualization is a great tool for telling stories about scale, context, and patterns. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
9/11 memorial explores what happened and to whom—a touching, sensitive collective witness—but does not help understand why. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
Not just technology, but stories and story telling connect people together. #changebydesign
>  25 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
RT @Adweek: Droga5 Wins Grand Prix for Good for Inventing Bandages That Save Lives http://t.co/cfNra0go
>  23 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
"The #map you make today will be seen differently tomorrow." #NYCArc cc @NYCArcuser
>  22 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
Whitehouse garden wasn't enough? @michaelpollan: How the food industry beat back every initiative on childhood obesity: Reuters Special Report
>  22 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in , ,
RT @occuprint: Rise up like the sun! http://t.co/8uImM6BD
>  21 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
Street Tweet. Here's a nice offline use of Twitter. Last month ONE ran a campaign around the G8 meeting in Camp David and Washington DC outputting selected Tweets about hunger and poverty onto the pavement.
This is the road to end hunger
>  21 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in , ,
Documentary film on widespread #rape in the US #military inspires policy change: http://t.co/sPsUnbNH. Implementation remains to be seen.
>  20 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
And then we discovered that the dreams were in fact not our own, but owned by the companies who set up the messaging between them.
>  16 June 2012 | LINK
Remnant of my #Occupy #MayDay #lolcats poster in the wild. http://t.co/Yv5XG8d8
>  14 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in , ,


From a recent review of the 2006 anthology The Revolution Will Not Be Funded:

‘Because the [Non-Profit Industrial Complex] looks for “measureable” outcomes, the people we hope to serve and love become “clients”, “constituents”, “customers” and “contacts” rather than brother and sisters or neighbors. We begin to fetishize people. We pity them. We begin to believe that they need our unique service and that they have nothing of value to share with us. The more of “them” we see or help as a non-profit, the more funding we receive. This dichotomy—between “us” and “them”—is just one such disastrous and unintended consequence of the NPIC.’

There’s been some really excellent critique of the White Savior Industrial Complex around the web these last few months, but not quite as much on how much these assumptions are baked into, and facilitated by, the legal and regulatory regime of civil society and its funding.

>  14 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in ,
Streaming tweets, counting words. "Love" is trending. #twitter
>  9 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in
U.S. Military Suicides in 2012: 155 Days, 154 Dead http://t.co/r71Lqxli via @PGourevitch
>  8 June 2012 | LINK | Filed in

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