Building Trust & Effectiveness in Congress
  • Building Trust by Modernizing Constituent Engagement

    Answering incoming constituent mail is important, but should be part of a Constituent Engagement Strategy that every office considers and adopts. CMF's latest brief helps offices better understand why and how to do this.

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  • Personal Safety & Preparedness

    This CMF-SHRM webinar focused on personal safety tips, strategies, and best practices to help staff manage the challenges faced in today's climate. Watch now to learn how preparation and awareness can help lessen your anxiety and stress.

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  • Available Now!

    CMF’s new Citizen Advocacy Academy is an online, on-demand learning platform intended to teach advocates proven best practices to cultivate a relationship with congressional offices.

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  • 2023 Democracy Awards Quizzes Open Now

    CMF invites congressional offices to take a quiz to see if they are candidates for any or all of the main office categories for the 2023 Democracy Awards.

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  • Setting Course

    This comprehensive guide to managing a congressional office has specific chapters dedicated to helping freshmen set up their offices. As one Chief of Staff said, "The best thing a new Member and his or her staff can do is to sit down and read Setting Course cover to cover. Do yourself a favor, read it.”

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  • 2022 Democracy Awards Winners

    Congratulations to the 2022 Democracy Award winners! We're proud to share these seven extraordinary public servants with you.

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Recent Updates

Congressional Management Foundation

Congressional Management Foundation Adds Donato Tramuto to Board of Directors

"Donato Tramuto has demonstrated throughout his career an ability and desire to help others," said Bradford Fitch, President and CEO of CMF. "The Congressional Management Foundation is very lucky and will benefit from his experience and wisdom in both the nonprofit and business worlds," he said.

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CMF Applauds Creation of Modernization Subcommittee under Committee on House Administration

Today’s news that the modernization efforts of the 116th and 117th Congresses will continue in the form of a subcommittee under the Committee on House Administration in the 118th Congress is a win for the institution, the public servants who work there, and the people they serve.

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CMF Commends Recommendations from the Select Committee on Modernization

This latest set of outstanding recommendations from the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress is another testament to the exceptional public service these Members of Congress have performed for all Americans. The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) is especially supportive of the recommendations to modernize constituent engagement.

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The Congressional Management Foundation Supports Passage of H.R. 8827 Authorizing the House of Representatives to Pay Staff Twice Per Month

The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) applauds the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress for taking additional steps to modernize the U.S. House of Representatives. H.R. 8827 authorizes the House to pay staff twice per month instead of the current once per month schedule, a reform CMF has strongly supported and previously advocated.

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Two Congressional Staffers Recognized for Lifetime Achievement by the Congressional Management Foundation

The Congressional Management Foundation today announced the winners of its 2022 Democracy Awards for Staff Lifetime Achievement.

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CMF works internally with House and Senate offices to foster improved management practices. From interns to Chiefs of Staff to Members themselves, CMF provides services adapted to the unique congressional environment. Read more

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