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The single best thing about this job and the work we do at TPM is that I don’t have to bifurcate my life between the work I do for a living and the good I’m trying to do in the world.

That’s a luxury not everyone enjoys.

When I think about our audience, when I visualize who I’m trying to reach and to serve, it’s the folks who don’t get to pursue mission-driven work or work that directly makes the world a better place. 

I imagine us acting as emissaries on your behalf, and I feel a special dedication to you because I’ve been in that position before, too.

That’s not to say the work we do is better or more important than what you do. There are as many different ways to contribute in the world as there are people in it. But I know that feeling of being cut off from the wider world and the work of improving it. I’m grateful every day not to feel that way in this job.

Which brings me to what it means to support TPM. Joining TPM and contributing financially to what we do supports our work on behalf of all of those who are tied down by their daily obligations or their commitments to others, and who can’t venture out into the wider world. We do it for them. We do it for you. 

Thank you for that support. If you want to do more, click here.


The Fall of Meatball Ron – Egghead Analysis Edition

It is incredibly entertaining watching the dreams of Ron DeSantis and his billionaire power-broker backers crumble before our eyes. I mean, super entertaining. But beyond the hilarity there are some more serious points to note about what we’re seeing.

First a bit of stage setting.

We’re seeing lots of commentary now about all the mistakes DeSantis is making or has made. Be skeptical of that. The issue is more that his whole Trump-slaying candidacy was basically a mirage. If DeSantis didn’t exist his supporters would have had to invent him. And they did invent him, because he doesn’t exist. After 2020 and especially after the 2022 misfire there were lots of Republicans, especially the big donors and operatives, who wanted to put an end to the Trump Era. The question was who could pull that off. DeSantis was succeeding politically in Florida with a pretty Trumpian agenda. So he made a lot of sense as the guy. Ron was definitely up for it. But all the eye-popping poll results and all the big money men lining up behind him had virtually nothing to do with the actual person Ron DeSantis, who is at best not a people person or a terribly dynamic campaigner.

He was the way station for the support of people who — all things being equal — wanted to move on from Trump. The second his Trump-Slayer bonafides took a hit he was always going to drop like a stone. Which is what’s happening right now. The support was a mirage. So don’t be too hard on the guy for squandering his big chance since it was always an illusion in the first place.

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TN GOP Rep Harassed Teen Interns Before Voting to Expel Members

Back when we were writing about the three members expelled from the Tennessee state House I mentioned that it seemed like half the GOP members I looked into (either leadership or members who had run-ins with Pearson and Jones) seemed to have one scandal or another in their background. It seemed like a predictable consequence of the unbreakable hold Republicans have over the chamber: no accountability.

Well, there’s more.

Yesterday news broke that the now former vice chair of the House Republican Caucus, Rep. Scotty Campbell, had serially harassed two teen interns working for the state House. The harassment included repeated and unwanted overtures in which Campbell told one 19 year old intern who apparently lived in the same apartment complex that he fantasied about her imagined sexual encounters with other men and women, including his fantasies or claims that she was having sex with another 19 year old female intern. In other words, totally over the top, over the line and basically insane. Here’s part of the local reporter’s account.

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Journalism’s Wild Ride and the End of Buzzfeed News

I remember very clearly a decade back there were folks at TPM guffawing at “Buzzfeed News” and others, tight and distressed, saying, get real, that’s your competition now. Today Buzzfeed CEO Jonah Peretti announced that Buzzfeed News is being shuttered once and for all. It’s a remarkable and sobering arc over a relatively short span of time.

I’ve seen various wisecracks online about whether they’ll have listicles of the top ten reasons they went under. But you won’t hear that from me. A few dozen current employees are losing their jobs. There was plenty of frothiness in Buzzfeed. But the News division employed a huge number of incredibly talented journalists in the outfit’s heyday. These are not just kind words. There was a time when every news outlet had to contend with the giant sucking sound behind some of their best employees getting pulled away by the fat salaries at Buzzfeed and the very real excitement of the new, new thing and eye-popping growth. And it wasn’t just talented journalists. It wasn’t always the stuff you saw but they actually produced a huge amount of pretty amazing reporting. The subhed of the Times piece, which broke the news, called it an outfit that “won a Pulitzer Prize but never made money.”

That may be the most concise and fitting epitaph.


Listen To This: Fox And Fines

A new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast is live! This week, Josh and Kate discuss the Fox News settlement, Ron DeSantis’ lackluster foray to Washington D.C. and the Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) debacle.

You can listen to the new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast here.


Where Things Stand: Biden Shreds McCarthy’s Performative Debt Limit Bill

This is your TPM evening briefing.

President Joe Biden this afternoon skewered House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who finally released an actual list of proposals after months of yelling about amorphous “CUTS” and disingenuously tying the debt limit to spending cuts. The bill primarily targets Biden’s agenda and legislative victories. 



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The Josh marshall podcast


Ep. 270: Fox and Fines

Josh and Kate discuss the Fox News settlement, Ron DeSantis’ lackluster foray to Washington D.C. and the Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) debacle.


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