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“Immensely helpful! He really breaks it down for you, making it easy to choose the course I needed. Gives some good advice too! I’ve passed FAR and REG and am ready for BEC and AUD.”

-Simon V.

CPA Prep Course Reviews

#1: Becker CPA Review

Thanks to their Adapt2U software, Becker provides tailor-made study programs for all CPA candidates enrolled in their review course. With 580+ hours of video lectures and 9,200+ practice questions, it’s no surprise that Becker is endorsed by the Big 4 accounting firms and our highest-rated CPA prep course!

Visit Becker CPA Review >>

#2: Surgent CPA Review

Surgent CPA Review is a very comprehensive course and it would be a great choice for the students who want to study efficiently.Surgent trims down the material to essential topics to reduce the number of hours that you will have to study for your exams and also customizes your learning experience.

Visit Surgent CPA Review >>

#3: Gleim CPA Review

gleim cpa review course

Visit Gleim CPA Review >>

#4: Wiley CPA Review

Visit Wiley CPA Review >>

#5: Uworld Roger CPA Review

roger cpa review course

Visit Uworld Roger CPA >>


fem-testimonial“Solid site, good reviews, and useful info. Biggest takeaway is you need to know how you learn best, then choose a review course based on that.”

-Sarah F.

male-testimonial“This guy knows his stuff! I went through and read everything. Tons of good info that’s hard to find on the net. Really helped me narrow my focus and save time studying. Thanks!”

-Omeed R.

Frequently Asked Questions About The CPA Exam

Even though the CPA exam application process varies slightly from state to state, the majority of the steps are the same. You can be approved and scheduled for your first exam within 4-6 weeks if you do the steps properly; however, if you forget one tedious bit of information, the application can turn into a real pain in the ass.

As a veteran of the CPA exam, who failed the first time and passed with ease the second time, my goal is to simplify the application process for you. You can spend less time worrying about your application getting approved this way and dedicate more time to what’s actually important – studying and passing your own CPA exam!


In case you aren’t already familiar with the four different sections of the CPA exam, take a look at my post on CPA Exam Sections to learn more about them. This information is important in order to make the best decision!

Your decision on which section to take first can hugely impact how well you do on subsequent sections. Choosing the right section to take first will give you the highest probability of passing all four sections.

Keep Reading >>

Ever since I took the right steps to become a CPA, I’ve realized that doing so was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The hard work, sacrifice and sweat I put into passing the CPA exam, especially after failing the first time, now seems trivial in light of the many benefits completing the exam has produced. I’ve received multiple job offers from both private and public companies, and my accomplishments have presented new opportunities that I couldn’t have imagined after my first attempt or even just a few short months ago.

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When looking for the CPA exam review course that’s right for you, it’s very important to recognize your ideal learning style.

There are many ways that students can learn, but usually one particular technique relates to them the most, and is the most conducive to their education.

Learn More About My Learning Style >>

Your final review is where you’ll look through the tons of study material you’ve been enmeshed in for the last couple months and try to walk away from with a feeling of confidence that you know it. Don’t let the amount of material you’ve covered overwhelm you. It’s time to look through it all and squeeze it for all it’s worth.

Keep Reading >>

“The Big 4” are the 4 accounting firms that account for 80 percent of all business auditing done in the United States, and a sizable portion of global finance. They offer competitive and comfortable salaries for everyone, including entry level positions, making them the dream job for those pursuing accounting or finance.

So how do you know which of the “Big 4” is right for you? Provided below is a breakdown of the big four firms and an average starting salary range for each of them, plus some extra information to help determine the size of your starting accounting salary.