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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by5 hours ago
Posted by20 hours ago

Long story short. I (30) am black and my wife (28) is white. She got a new job as a receptionist in an elderly residence. Recently we had a discussion about why I sometimes call my closest friends by the n word and she taught it was a good idea to do that with her too since half of my friends are white too. So I started doing it and it was funny af. Then yesterday she called me from her work with the speaker on (as she was busy and never expected me to say something stupid) and the first thing I said was : Sup n****. A long moment of silence came after it and she told me she was going to call me back. Turns out the other receptionist is black and heard what I said and was outraged by it and my wife had to convince her that I am black too by showing her our pics. They ended up laughing about it.

Edit 1: I used the wrong word by saying that her colleague was outraged. Her real reaction was that she had a surprised pikachu face for 5 sec then she told my wife : It’s none of my business but do you guys call yourselves like that? My wife’s answer was : Yeah … he’s black! And they both exploded in laughter then my wife showed her our pics to comfort her. My wife told me that today her colleague invited her to lunch and they had a really good vibe.

Edit 2: To the people trying to make me look like I am a disgrace to the black community. Chill! I am happy the way I am. If it makes you irritated, follow this steps :

  • Apply cool (not cold or ice) water for at least 5 minutes by running water over the burn, soaking it in a water bath or applying a clean, wet towel.

  • Use a moisturizing lotion, such as aloe vera, once the skin has cooled.

  • Protect the burn from pressure and friction and cover with a clean, dry cotton dressing.

  • Relieve pain and swelling with ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

I am no medical expert but hope it helps!

Edit 3: about my grammar: English is my 3rd language. Sorry if your eyes hurt. If the pain doesn’t go away please refer to edit 2 and follow the steps! Cheers.

TL;DR Wife called me from work on speaker, I called her by the n word, wife is white and I am black, her black colleague was outraged, wife explained to her our situation, they laughed about it.

Post image
Posted by17 hours ago

So I posted a video on r/mademesmile of me gifting my girlfriend a stuffed animal.

Among the really sweet, positive comments, there were a few ribbing on the way I look. Which I get it, it’s Reddit, the internet, you can’t expect everyone to be super positive.

One comment said I looked like the recent child predator arrested in Normal, IL.

In an attempt to be funny, I replied to that comment:

“Nah not me!

We’ve been together for almost 3 years now. I got her another plushie for her 18th birthday last February.”

The joke is that the “math ain’t mathin” in the spirit of a sub like r/holup. The punchline is that I’m very obviously revealing an age gap that’s not legal.

The truth is we’re both in our twenties and met as adults.

So the comment saying I looked like a child predator has been deleted, leaving me dead in the water, seemingly revealing an illegal age gap (and then “hiding it” by deleting the comment). Except I didn’t deleted it, the other commenter did.

Now, the comments on the post are out for blood. They think I’m a child predator, a groomer. Which, I mean I can’t blame them, it literally looks like it without context.

Posted by1 day ago
Posted by1 day ago

Hello Reddit, I am an eighteen year old high school student who loves writing.

Ever since I was little I had enjoyed creating stories, however, I could never stick with a story and continue writing it. Recently, I had a dream and the dream was a wonderful idea for a story. So I had begun writing and within a week I had a short story of the basic idea for a much larger game/book.

I yearn for much needed criticism, my writing isn't great but it's not terrible. However I can successfully place my thoughts on paper with few grammatical errors. So let's begin with where I fucked up.

I live in a small town in Georgia of about two hundred people. The town is super religious, and my story was rather graphic. The story in itself was a nice love story between two men soldiers set in a post nuclear apocalyptic setting. The story doesn't have anything NSFW, and was simply a love story that happened to be between men, but the zombies and their descriptions were very graphic.

I had finished the short story and had asked my English teacher for much needed feedback. I sent it to her in a google doc and she said she would read it over break. Well we come back over break and my English teacher called my parents and asked for them to come in for a talk.

Today, I waited after school for my parents and they came to the school to talk with my teachers. My parents, are also super religious and I was afraid they would be angry due to the graphic content.

My English teacher was very upset about the contents of the book, NOT because of the zombies that got slaughtered, but because of the quote "Ungodly' Relationship" Between the two main characters.

My English teacher would go onto to read the story allowed which not only made me cringe because who likes to actually hear their writing. But my parents grew very angry with what I thought was a sweet little love story.

Four hours later my parents have kicked me out of the house. They are accusing me of being gay but I'm not! I just thought writing a love story between two men would be interesting because it's something I could never experience.

Currently Im staying with a friend, I dont know what I'm going to do. I might just couch hop until I can go off to college in September. On Facebook I've become the town piranha. Especially our church group, which I rather liked :/

Posted by8 hours ago

I am 26, male, and for years have lived in... not the nicest environment, ie, at home with my mother. She used to be the best and most loving mother ever, but since the death of my father four years ago she turned. She became pretty emotionally abusive, often lashing out at me for little to no reason, and laying loads of shit onto me that shouldn't be my responsibility. She became incredibly controlling and dominating, basically started ruling my life and taking advantage of me, and would get nasty and make my life hell if I said "no" to her or tried to set any kind of boundary. She also made my life hell if I ever talked about moving out, absolutely POUNDING it into my head that leaving her is not an option. Over the last four years, I lost all my friends, I lost my budding career, I lost my independence, and wound up stone broke and gaining 50 pounds. Over time, I kinda just accepted this was the rest of my life, and just continued to exist to serve my mother and all her needs and whims, while occasionally getting to do something I wanted to do.

But about a year ago, a ray of hope entered my life. One of the few friends I had left started working as a developer at a company. This wasn't just any company. This was a company I had a 10-year history with. I had created a website that had grown large, about 10 years ago, in relation to their flagship product, which still remains relevant to this day.

My friend encouraged me to apply, saying "you will be a fucking celebrity if you work here, man", and "you absolutely will get a job if you apply here". She pulled some strings, and got a recruiter to talk with me personally, over Zoom. We talked, and she was absolutely blown away by my website. She got me in touch with another recruiter, who said that applications will be opening soon, and I should apply as soon as they open, and let her know personally when I had applied.

Two weeks later, the applications opened, and I spent a WEEK perfecting it.

Myself and my friend were SO sure I was going to get this. I didn't even bother applying for anything else, because getting this job was a given.

It took FIVE WEEKS (in part because of Christmas), but I finally heard back from them saying I was through to the next round. I had to complete a virtual interview and a work sample. I did these, and submitted them. A week later, I was invited to two more interviews. These interviews went absolutely amazingly. The conversation ebbed and flowed, and was absolutely brimming with positivity. They too were absolutely blown away by my achievements and website and knowledge of their company spanning back almost its entire lifetime. One interviewer in one of my panels kept spending large chunks of the interview JUST to ask me about the website. My friend was right, I WAS being treated a bit as a celebrity, and I was only at interviews!

Coming out of these interviews, me getting this job was pretty much a certainty. My friend, her friends, and even other people she worked with at the company were all saying the same. "He will get this, absolutely, there is no doubt. People a tenth as qualified as him get hired".

After the two interviews were done, I waited, and I waited, and I waited. I was just waiting for that email saying "congratulations!" and a job offer. Days turned into weeks, and I drove myself absolutely crazy waiting for this congratulatory email. I jumped every time I heard an email sound, in case it was them (and it never was). I had a big counter in my room counting the number of days since the interview. Three weeks went by, and I still hadn't heard. It was all I could think about. Needless to say, I was not applying for ANYTHING else. I even put up with all the abuse and shit and guilt coming my way because I knew I was going to get this job which would finally break the cycle and eventually give me the money to move out.

On day 28 of waiting, four fucking weeks, I finally did hear back from them. And I think you can probably guess what happened.

I got a stone cold, generic, rejection email. It simply said, "We were really impressed with your achievements, but unfortunately we have decided not to go ahead with your candidacy".


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r/TIFU means Today I Fucked Up
Created Mar 4, 2012


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