
Swaync toggle/center covers the whole screen. More info in comments. by cknyakina in swaywm

[–]cknyakina[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Still nothing... Things I have tried so far. Uninstalling and installing. Using the default configuration and clearing cache. Might this be related to GTK themes? I did change some themes a bit before I realized this. Just speculating at this point.

Swaync toggle/center covers the whole screen. More info in comments. by cknyakina in swaywm

[–]cknyakina[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Still no luck. I don't believe your configs are wrong at all. As I mentioned before, all was working well. The control center was working as is supposed to also. So it must have been something I did but I can't trace back to what I did that led to that. It's driving me nuts.

Swaync toggle/center covers the whole screen. More info in comments. by cknyakina in swaywm

[–]cknyakina[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Absolutely loved your configs. More so the bar. Do you mean the control center height?

Swaync toggle/center covers the whole screen. More info in comments. by cknyakina in swaywm

[–]cknyakina[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sure thing, got the dotfile here

Didn't change a thing except of course the directories in sway to the wallpaper and resolution.

Swaync toggle/center covers the whole screen. More info in comments. by cknyakina in swaywm

[–]cknyakina[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My notification center was working well but I don't know what I messed up but now it covers the whole screen. How can I get it to be shown on the far right end side like it was before? Right now the dark blue part will cover the desktop wallpaper or whatever app that I am using.

1M dollar coin in Toronto, Canada by REDACTED7381 in pics

[–]cknyakina 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Where are the other 4? and can they actually be used?

What is the secret to being attractive to others? by sdpat13 in AskReddit

[–]cknyakina 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I find people who keep their word attractive. Knowing that someone will follow through with what they said is admirable. I hate when I have to constantly follow up on people because I don't know whether they'll keep their word or not.

Is it too early for my boyfriend and I (27m and 26f) to be talking about marriage? by Responsible-Dog1650 in relationship_advice

[–]cknyakina 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I believe it is important to have your wants known early on during the dating stage instead of waiting for a 'perfect time'. This makes it easier to know if a person is a good match for a long-time commitment. I find it wasteful to be with a person for 5 years only for them to say they don't want children, marriage etc when the partner is of a different opinion. It is good to discuss these things early on so that you can know that there is a possibility of something happening should things align.

Random Click by ExerciseTime7649 in pics

[–]cknyakina 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is it glowing neon or just the angle of lighting?

My Carving Wooden Bead Headboard Hand Carved by Stunning-Detective-7 in woodworking

[–]cknyakina 105 points106 points  (0 children)

With such detail and attention, let alone the time spent, shouldn't it be more? I do not have industry knowledge in the same though, I am usually impressed by the art.

My Carving Wooden Bead Headboard Hand Carved by Stunning-Detective-7 in woodworking

[–]cknyakina 126 points127 points  (0 children)

Very impressive! I am in awe. How long does it take to make such carvings and how much does this cost you?

KDE connect problem by cknyakina in hyprland

[–]cknyakina[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Damn... I just did that and it now runs. Thank you very much!

KDE connect problem by cknyakina in hyprland

[–]cknyakina[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah... Launches well and all but doesn't connect. It gives me an error when I try from kde: "Process org.kde.kdeconnect received signal 6"