Raising the Hardy Boys


Raising the Hardy Boys

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Raising the Hardy Boys, by Nathalie Hardy. December 2014. 236 pages. ISBN-13 978-0945648253. Price $15.95.

An award-winning collection of columns about motherhood – from an angle askew, but familiar to those who have gone through it.

Sample chapter

From the introduction . . .

Initially my column ran as “Baby on Board” and started running in the Yamhill Valley News-Register in McMinnville, Oregon. The column launched in May of 2008. Sam was seven months old and had just started eating solid foods. At this writing, he is seven years old.

And somewhere in between, roughly when I was getting the hang of things, we welcomed Jake into our family in January of 2010. And with Jake, “Raising the Hardy Boys” was born. Later, I started writing two more columns for special sections “Confessions of a Green Wannabe” and “Behind the Picket Fence”, a few of which I’ve included in this collection.

With every column I’ve written, I’ve asked myself if I was putting something out into the world that would mortify them in a locker room someday. Of course, I expect they’ll be able to take a joke or two ’cause we’re raising resilient kids here, but still…

So this book, and my columns, have always and intentionally been about me and my experiences as their mother. That is my story to tell. The rest belong to them.
Funny story though, when my boys found out my columns were going to be published into a book, there was an awkward silence.

It turns out, my now seven and four-and-three-quarter-year-old boys don’t want to be in a book. Because, they said, “people might laugh at us.”

Raising the Hardy Boys

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