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Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
12 points · 16 hours ago

Don’t do drugs, kids!

12 points · 16 hours ago

Why not? They’re so much fun! I should know. I always test them myself before I give them to my patients. It’d be irresponsible not to!

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3 points · 8 hours ago

So you have tried the Colonel’s 11 spice steamfest?

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
70 points · 1 day ago

Holy shit Lil Luteal spittin some sick bars yo

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3 points · 20 hours ago

I wish I had an award to give you. Take my poor man’s gold 🥇

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
3 points · 2 days ago

This is awesome!

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
26 points · 2 days ago

Yeah, I’m not taking sleep advice from someone who sleeps 18 hours a day lmfao

Op13 points · 2 days ago

Unless it’s one of my cats. Ha.

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15 points · 2 days ago

Cats do more during the 6 hours they’re awake than Ash does in a month.

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
37 points · 3 days ago

Idk why but the “I do it for us” made me furious. I am astounded at the lack of self awareness from this woman.

12 points · 3 days ago

Same. She has so little idea of how privileged she is, and what real fighting for health looks like.

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13 points · 3 days ago

Exactly. Plus, she’s not doing anything for anyone that isn’t Ashley. How is she so deluded into thinking she’s an advocate for the CI community?! I want her to list out the actual contributions she thinks she’s making for the chronically ill.

She really thinks she’s doing something with these word salads.

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Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
77 points · 5 days ago

You gotta watch it. I cried like a baby inside the cinema and I never cried like that since I saw Up back in 2009

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24 points · 5 days ago

I’m scared of watching it because even looking at the poster makes me want to bawl.

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
-18 points · 5 days ago

La gorra y el uniforme están bien feos.

La playa esa le hace panza a los jugadores.

Un coqui fuera peor tal vez.

Le dije a mi grupo de amistades - espero que pierdan, solo para que la historia olvide esta asquerosidad de uniforme.

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13 points · 5 days ago

Tenía q ser alguien de Ponce 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yaritzaf commented on
Posted by
3 points · 5 days ago

Now I want to watch School Ties

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September 30, 2019

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