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NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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1 point · 2 hours ago

Can you please clarify- Are you meaning no milk at all? Or do you mean switching to sippy cups instead of bottles?

Op1 point · 2 hours ago

I guess I'm just not sure what people do - when do you stop sending breast milk (or formula, for that matter) to daycare?

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1 point · 21 minutes ago

The baby is still going to be hungry so I would just switch to formula or some other milk if you are done with breast. They can't just stop milk all together at 1 unless they are getting 100% of their nutrients from food. At that age from what I've seen it's still unlikely. Even at 2 my son needs oatmilk with his meals at school or he is starving.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
Posted by
4 points · 6 hours ago

I agree that Esme did all those things. And I do think it was sincerely messed up to have Trina in the criminal justice system considering Port Charles had judges giving out longer sentences to Black people (Shawn's case).

Everyone knew Trina was going to get the book thrown at her and the DA took special interest to make it so. She had to fight to beat the charges.

Knowing all that I still think ethically you still have to respect that she can't remember what she's done. She has an impairment, This is like Franco's brain tumor in the sense that there's an impairment separating who she is today from her prior actions. She needs psychiatric care for her memory loss. But prison isn't going to do anything to rehabilitate someone who can't even remember what they did. If and when her memory returns I think that's when she should be punished. It's not the closure everyone wants but it's what they're gonna get.

1 point · 1 hour ago

"prison can't rehabilitate someone who can't even remember what they did" might be true. However, I'm not convinced of Esme's amnesia. The actress is doing a great job fooling everyone and us but I keep remembering that she is Ryan's daughter who was able to fool everyone around him for years. Even his psychiatrist brother was convinced.

So I'm sitting on the fence about Esme's amnesia. Perhaps her reaction to Maggie will tell us the truth. Since Maggie seemed to be everything to her - her closest ally, her friend, most likely the only parent figure she has ever known, if anyone can tell if she is faking it maybe Maggie can.

As for her punishment for her crimes, if Amnesia Esme is real, won't she be sent to a psychiatric hospital instead of prison?

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1 point · 56 minutes ago

"Won't she be sent to a psychiatric hospital?"

I said she needs psychiatric treatment.

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NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Nope. You only give that for insurance and you're not insured by them. Tell them you will need the request in writing or to stop asking.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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Score hidden · 3 hours ago

Demand an extra week PTO instead. Then use up all your time off to find your next role before quitting.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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1 point · 3 hours ago

The amount of guilt and shame we expect mothers to carry did not make me smile.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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3 points · 4 hours ago

No need. There is not going to be a body.

Mason has Nikolas. Nikolas is alive. He'sHe high value target and Mason's boss wants him for leverage. We are just waiting on the "shocking" scene where someone opens the door to the empty stables. Then the recast for Nikolas will return down the road.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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5 points · 4 hours ago

Hot take- Curtis regretted divorcing Jordan long before they even signed the papers. He was so hell bent on punishing her that he threw himself into a relationship with Portia. If he was so secure in that relationship he wouldn't be letting Jordan live rent free in his head.

He's up in Jordan's face all the time because that's who he really wants. But he burned that relationship down because she didn't do what he wanted her to do.

NeverLefttheIsland commented on
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12 points · 1 day ago

So as a Black person understanding the ramifications of what Esme did to Trina I think it was disgusting and awful. But my gosh the girl can't remember. There's no justice in punishing a person who can't even learn the lesson. The people responsible is dead or in jail.

But hurt people hurt people. He is lashing out at her because Ryan can't answer for anything anymore and he can't fix things with Nikolas. Trina will get through to him that he needs to work through his lack of closure. Nobody is going to get the closure they want from all of this. Cam and Joss will always be on the Internet. Kevin lost his brother and will continue to struggle with all of that. Laura is trying to do damage control to save both of her grandchildren. Trina had the stigma of being in the system and being convicted by public opinion. Nikolas was weak and preyed on to bring out his worst. Esme became a mom and realized she's there offspring of crazy- that is a lifetime of problems. And Ace, the most innocent big baby ever, didn't ask to be here!

Op2 points · 19 hours ago

Trina was already considering dropping the charges. I remember the episode where she said “what’s the point if she can’t remember” plus now with all her drama with not knowing who her dad is I don’t think she cares that much.

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1 point · 18 hours ago

Yep I remember that too! She immediately saw it was pointless.

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