
there is no such thing as being “behind in life” but it’s okay to recognise that you missed out on some things whilst you were busy surviving



*sighs dreamily* what a fucking weirdo

*twirling hair* what a fucking freak


do make it weird. you have to.


so many of u I’ve known for so long but still don’t know what u look like its funny to think of ppl as their icons


WARNING!!!! Category 5 unhinged girl behavior due to lack of affection. Proceed with caution




“romeo should have checked” girl she was a corpse. she was a corpse in a crypt. She took a magic “looking like a corpse” potion and then they buried her and then romeo found her fully 100% buried what are you TALKING about

he still could’ve checked though i don’t care if its dramatic irony-

you must be really weird at funerals then


Humans didn’t make the big ben. Do you really think those dumbass Britains could make a clock that big? Those big gears are way too heavy, how’d they get those up there. No way. It was the beasts



growth is pausing as i go to open twitter and thinking “actually we don’t need to do that”


the difference is that twitter is like being actively hit in the head with hammers, whereas logging on to tumblr is like being a given a hammer and expected to hit my own head with it. which i do.


it’s so hard not to be corny and waxing poetic 24/7 like do people even understand. it is religious


I love writing. Would love to do it again someday


i’m cringe AND so funny and sexy and real. you’re allowed to be all 4




He’s so real

peak lying on your resume behavior



it really annoys me when very online people act like you can evaluate literally everything about a person based on how good they think marvel movies are. like not just their taste but their maturity level and political views. but literally one of the most intelligent hardworking and capable people i know in real life thinks marvel movies are the absolute pinnacle of cinematic achievement. he’s wrong and yet “adult baby” would never in a million years cross my mind to describe him

#people who only think about#movies think your opinions on movies are the sum total of your personality. because it’s the sum total of theirs.








90% of arguments about media could just be solved by saying “different people like different things in their stories” and leaving it at that

this person probably humanizes cops/racists, rape, child abuse, incest etc as long as its fictional lol

this is a good and normal leap in logic to make from this post!

I certainly hope they do, and not just when it’s fictional. Humanizing them is an important step in stopping the actual real-world harm.

If you recognize that they’re human, then you can understand it’s an issue of rationale and perspective, not Inherent Evil - and you can learn to think like an adversary. This is the first step in developing a good security mindset. That mindset, in turn, is the first tool you need to build functional safety measures and protections for your community.

There’s an added bonus, too - if you recognize that they’re people, you’ll notice that not many people are villains in their own narratives. They aren’t choosing to be evil, they’re rationalizing their harmful choices. And you start asking questions.

If you recognize that cops are people, you learn to ask yourself “Am I being reactionary, authoritarian, and needlessly violent?”

If you recognize that racists are people, you learn to recognize and unpack the racist lessons you were taught.

If you learn that rapists are people, you learn to actively verify consent.

By recognizing that terrible people are not Inherently Bad, but choosing to do terrible things for reasons they think justify them, you get better at protecting yourself from them - and protecting everyone around you from your worst tendencies. It’s a difficult and ongoing process, but it’ll protect you far better than any list of specific Bad Things to watch out for.

There’s a flipside to this, of course, and it’s important:

Anyone who tells you that your enemies are inhuman monsters is using you.

Either they’re trying to convince you that they couldn’t possibly be an Enemy because they’re a normal person… or they’re trying to keep you from noticing the little rationalizations. To convince you that atrocity is okay when you do it.

Don’t fall for either lie.

That last point there is really important. How often do people get away with truly atrocious shit, because everyone around them thinks that inhuman monster thing?

Of course my friend can’t be a rapist. They’re my friend, not some inhuman monster!

Of course my sibling doesn’t hit and gaslight their spouse. They’re my sibling, not some inhuman monster!

etc etc etc

So all the little and big things that point to [fill in blank] doing [thing] are rationalized and explained away. Because [fill in blank] is a person and not some inhuman monster, so they’d never!

By dehumanizing people who commit atrocities, we blind ourselves to the ability to do that shit in people we first and foremost see as people already (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) and in ourselves.

Reminds me of the cautious: People don’t want a democracy, they want a dictatorship they agree with. The problem with that, of course, is when a dictator changes you don’t get a say.