being of chaos

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

ken getting arrested alongside barbie after she punches the guy who smacks her ass presents so many possibilities

  1. ken saw barbie punch the douchebag and was like “LET’S MAKE THIS A PARTY” and joined in on the smackdown
  2. alternatively, the guy’s friends tried to jump in and ken wasn’t having ANY of that
  3. ken saw barbie getting shoved into a big car with bright lights on the top and was like “OH BOY! can i come too?? 😊😊” and just kind of tagged along
  4. alternatively, he realized what was going on and was like “EXCUSE ME OFFICER i too have committed A Crime so please show me to The Jail with my beautiful girlfriend” so they wouldn’t be separated
  5. ken got in trouble for trying to help barbie escape but in his defense no one TOLD him resisting arrest is a crime because no one told him what being arrested or crime is
  6. ken didn’t know who these men showing up to take his girlfriend away were, but he could see she was very upset and excuse?? you cannot take barbie away from ken without her permission??? so long story short, ken punched a cop
  7. ken fully burned something down earlier and the cops were like “two birds one stone” when they came to get barbie



One time my dad came to family dinner all excited “you know that show Sherlock? I hear fans are writing whole new stories for it online”

And in perfect unison my sister and I yelled “DAD NO!” So vehemently he stopped in his tracks.

Then a look of dawning comprehension on his face.

“Oh, this is like Kirk and Spock, isn’t it”

And I died right then and there.


My mom was into fanfic back when it was still all in handmade zines passed back and forth in-person. My mother is the one who first told me what fanfic was. My mother used to print her favorite fics out on our home printer and stick them on the shelf to read again later. My mom had an Ao3 account before I'd ever heard of Ao3.

Fanfic is not some new millennial/gen z thing that nobody over 35 knows about. It's really not that weird for middle-aged folks and elders to be into it. The folks who were writing Spirk fic in the 60s are, like. Still around.


Yes they are. And some of them have given me actual money to write for them!

It's an amazing world we live in. :)


My dad has an Ao3 account. I don’t know what his preferred fandoms are. The only reason he knows mine is because I talk about them, but he doesn’t ask me for links.
