Solidarity ist bei Facebook. Um dich mit Solidarity zu verbinden, tritt Facebook noch heute bei.
Solidarity ist bei Facebook. Um dich mit Solidarity zu verbinden, tritt Facebook noch heute bei.
Solidarity, profile picture



Über Solidarity
Solidarity is a group of revolutionary socialists and anti-capitalists with branches across Australia. We are committed to building social movements and the wider left. We publish Solidarity to cover the debates and developments in struggles for change, and historical and political questions facing us.

The name Solidarity invokes one of the basic values of working class struggle—standing together in the fight for our rights. It also stands for the wider solidarity we want to see uniting those fighting for change around different issues into a united fightback against the capitalist system and the ruthless drive for profits that dominates our world.

Solidarity is a member of the International Socialist Tendency.

We urge you to join us in the struggle to end the crisis, inequality and environmental destruction that threatens our world.

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