Yoast SEO: the #1 WordPress SEO plugin
Od 2008. Yoast SEO pomogao je milijunima web stranica diljem svijeta da se rangiraju bolje u tražilicama .
Yoast’s mission is SEO for Everyone. Our plugin’s users range from the bakery around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.
Yoast SEO Free sadrži sve što vam je potrebno za upravljanje vašim SEO -om, a
Da biste visoko kotirali na tražilicama, morate pobijediti konkurenciju. Trebate bolju, bržu i jaču web stranicu od ljudi koji prodaju ili rade iste stvari kao i vi.
Yoast SEO je najčešće korišteni dodatak za WordPress SEO i pomogao je milijunima ljudi poput vas da napreduju i ostanu ispred drugih.
Yoast SEO prepun je značajki osmišljenih kako bi pomogli posjetiteljima i tražilicama da izvuku maksimum iz vaše web stranice. Neki od naših favorita su:
- Automated technical SEO improvements, like canonical URLs and meta tags.
- Advanced XML sitemaps; making it easy for Google to understand your site structure.
- Title and meta description templating, for better branding and consistent snippets in the search results.
- An in-depth Schema.org integration that will increase your chance of getting rich results, by helping search engines to understand your content.
- Full control over site breadcrumbs, so that users and search engines always know where they are.
- Faster loading times for your whole website, due to an innovative way of managing data in WordPress.
- [Premium] E-mail support for our Yoast SEO Premium users.
- [Premium] The possibility to expand Yoast SEO with the News SEO, Video SEO, Local SEO and WooCommerce SEO extensions.
- [Premium] Novo! Yoast SEO Premium dolazi s integracijom IndexNow za slanje obavijesti tražilicama poput npr. Microsoft Binga čim objavite ili ažurirate sadržaj.
- New! Yoast SEO comes with wide-ranging crawl settings that help you improve how search engines crawl your site, lowering its carbon footprint.
Znamo da je sadržaj najbitniji, zato je Yoast SEO poznat po vrhunskom sadržaju i SEO analizi . Yoast SEO vam daje:
- SEO analysis: an invaluable tool while writing SEO-friendly content with the right (focus) keyphrases in mind.
- Readability analysis: ensures that humans and search engines can read and understand your content.
- Full language support for: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swedish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Norwegian, Slovak and Greek.
- A Google preview, which shows what your listings will look like in the search results. Even on mobile devices!
- Innovative Schema blocksZa WordPress blok editor, tako da se vaš FAQ i KakoDa sadržaj mogu prikazati izravno u rezultatima pretraživanja. Plus blok mrvica za usmjeravanje vaših korisnika.
- [Premium] Internal linking blocks to easily improve the structure of your content. Easily add a table of contents block, a related links block, a subpages block, or siblings block! Plus, we’ll keep adding these easy-to-add blocks to improve your site structure.
- [Premium]Pregledi društvenih mreža koji će vam pokazati kako će se vaš sadržaj prikazivati na Twitteru i Facebooku. Plus: Predlošci za društvene mreže koji jamče dosljedan izgled.
- [Premium] The Insights tool that shows you what your text focuses on. This way you can keep your article in line with your keyphrases.
- [Premium] Optimize your content for synonyms and related keyphrases.
- [Premium] Optimize your article for different word forms of your keyphrases, as the singular and plural. But also different verb forms, synonyms, and related keyphrases. This makes for more natural content!
- [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions: write your article and get automatic suggested posts to link to!
- [Premium] An orphaned content filter to detect posts that have no links pointing towards them!
- [Premium]SEO vježbe za olakšavanje rada na vašoj web stranici poput ABC -a. Ovi SEO tijekovi rada u trenu će dovesti vašu stranicu u formu!
- [Premium] Novo! Yoast SEO Premium dolazi s novom značajkom složenosti riječi koja vam daje korisne povratne informacije o korištenju kompliciranih riječi. Ova je značajka za sada u beta verziji i samo na engleskom.
- New! Yoast SEO Free and Premium come with a new inclusive language analysis that helps you write inclusive content. This feature is opt-in and English-only for now.
Bez obzira jeste li internetski poduzetnik, bloger ili kreator sadržaja, programer, (WordPress) SEO stručnjak ili vlasnik tvrtke, Yoast SEO pomaže vam da zadržite svoju web stranicu u savršenom obliku:
- Tuning the engine of your website, so you can work on creating great content!
- Giving you cornerstone content and internal linking features to help you optimize your site structure in a breeze.
- Translating your content to structured data where possible, to help search engines understand your website.
- Helping you manage your team: with our SEO roles you can give colleagues access to specific sections of the Yoast SEO plugin.
- [Premium] Automatically creating redirects when URLs change or when pages are deleted, and providing tools to manage or create redirects.
- [Premium] Showing you social previews to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Yoast pokreće tim stručnih programera, testera, softverskih arhitekata i SEO konzultanata. Oni neprestano rade kako bi ostali na vrhu WordPress SEO -a i poboljšali dodatak sa svakim novim izdanjem.
Yoast SEO je jedini WordPress SEO dodatak koji su izradili svjetski poznati SEO stručnjaci .
Yoast tim nudi redovitu podršku na forumima WordPress.org. Ali nadamo se da razumijete da u prioritet stavljamo Premium klijente. Ova podrška putem e-pošte jedan na jedan dostupna je ljudima koji su kupili Yoast SEO Premium.
Did you know that Yoast SEO Premium contains a lot of extra features:
- A redirect manager that prevents “404: page not found” errors
- Optimize without worrying about over-optimization with intelligent word form recognition available in multiple languages.
- Internal linking blocks to structure your site easily.
- Internal linking suggestions while you’re writing.
- Preview your content to see what it will look like in the search results and when shared on social media using the Google preview and social preview.
- Cornerstone content checks that point search engines to your most important pages.
- Spojite Yoast SEO sa Zapierom da jednostavno kreirate zapove koji trenutno dijele vaše objave sa 2000+ odredišta kao što su Twitter, Facebook, i još mnogim drugim.
Ako ste ozbiljni u vezi vašeg WordPress SEO, instalirajte Yoast SEO Premium plugin! Košta malo ,štedi puno vremena
Pogledajte ove SEO dodatke tvrtke Yoast:
Yoast Local SEO optimizira vašu web lokaciju za lokalnu publiku. - Yoast Video SEO ensures that Google understands what your video is about, increasing the chances of ranking in the video results.
- Yoast News SEO for news websites that want to improve their visibility and performance in Google News.
- WooCommerce SEO for all online shops that want to perform better in the search results and social media.
Ova proširenja dobro funkcioniraju s besplatnom verzijom Yoast SEO. Naravno, premium proširenja uključuju i podršku 24 sata dnevno.
Oh, don’t forget: our Yoast Academy is for all entrepreneurs, bloggers, and anyone who wants to learn more about optimizing websites, improving your WordPress SEO, and if you want to take your content to the next level!
Yoast SEO besprijekorno se integrira u niz tema i dodataka. Posebno dobro surađujemo sa:
- The WordPress block editor (or ‘Gutenberg’ editor).
- The official AMP plugin, which changes your templates to use the ‘AMP’ HTML format.
- Google’s Web Stories plugin, which helps you to create ‘web stories’.
- Dodatak Napredna korisnička polja , kada aktivirate i ACF analiza sadržaja za Yoast SEO dodatak.
- The Elementor graditelj vew stranica
- Zapier, koji vam pomaže da automatizirate vaš tok objavljivanja.
- Algolia za poboljšanje kvalitete pretraživanja vaše web stranice.
- WordProof, koji vam pomaže dokazati vlasništvo dodavanjem vremenskih oznaka.
Želite pijaviti grešku u Yoast SEO? Najbolje je da to uradite u WordPress SEO repository on GitHub. Imajte na umu da GitHub nije forum za podršku i problemi će biti zatvoreni ako ne zadovoljavaju zahtjeve za greške.
Želite li više informacija o optimizaciji tražilica i Yoast SEO -u? Pogledajte:
- The Yoast SEO Plugin official homepage.
- The Yoast SEO Help center.
- WordPress SEO – The definitive Guide by Yoast.
- Other WordPress Plugins by Team Yoast.
- Also follow Yoast on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Snimke zaslona
Ovaj dodatak omogućava 2 bloka.
- Yoast SEO
- Yoast SEO
Starting with Yoast SEO consists of just two steps: installing and setting up the plugin. Yoast SEO is designed to work with your site’s specific needs, so don’t forget to go through the Yoast SEO first-time configuration as explained in the ‘after activation’ step!
- Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’;
- Search for ‘Yoast SEO’;
- Activate Yoast SEO from your Plugins page;
- Go to ‘after activation’ below.
- Upload the ‘wordpress-seo’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
- Activate the Yoast SEO plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress;
- Go to ‘after activation’ below.
- Trebali biste vidjeti (obavijest za) početnu konfiguraciju za Yoast SEO;
- Go through this configuration and set up the plugin for your site;
- You’re done!
Kako XML mape stranice u Yoast SEO pluginu rade?
Having an XML sitemap can be beneficial for SEO, as Google can retrieve essential pages of a website very fast, even if the internal linking of a site isn’t flawless.
The sitemap index and individual sitemaps are updated automatically as you add or remove content and will include the post types you want search engines to index. Post Types marked as noindex will not appear in the sitemap. Learn more about XML Sitemaps. -
Kako mogu dodati svoju stranicu na Google Search konzolu?
It is straightforward to add your website to Google Search Console.
1. Create a Google Search Console account and login into your account.
2. Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down.
3. Enter your website URL in the box and click ‘Continue’.
4. Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.
5. Copy the meta tag.
6. Log in to your WordPress website.
7. Click on ‘SEO’ in the dashboard.
8. Click on ‘General’.
9. Click on the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab.
10. Paste the code in the Google field and click ‘Save Changes’.
11. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.If you want more details steps, please visit our article on our help center.
The steps below are a temporary solution as manual edits made to theme files may be overwritten with future theme updates. Please contact the theme developer for a permanent solution. We’ve written an article about the importance of breadcrumbs for SEO.
To implement the breadcrumbs function in Yoast SEO, you will have to edit your theme. We recommend that prior to any editing of the theme files, a backup is taken. Your host provider can help you take a backup.
Copy the following code into your theme where you want the breadcrumbs to be. If you are not sure, you will need to experiment with placement:<?php if ( function_exists( 'yoast_breadcrumb' ) ) { yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' ); } ?>
Common places where you could place your breadcrumbs are inside your
file just above the page’s title. Another option that makes it really easy in some themes is by just pasting the code inheader.php
at the very end.In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages:[wpseo_breadcrumb]
If you need more details or a step by step guide, read our Implementation guide for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs.
How do I noindex URLS?
Yoast SEO provides multiple options for setting a URL or group of URLs to noindex. Read more about how to do this in this guide.
Google prikazuje krivi opis, kako da to popravim?
If you’ve crafted nice meta descriptions for your blog posts, nothing is more annoying than Google showing another description for your site completely in the search result snippet.
Possible causes could be:
1. wrong description in code
2. Google cache is outdated
3. Search term manipulation
4. Google ignored the meta descriptionYou can read more here on how to solve the issue with the wrong description.
Koliko često je Yoast Seo ažuriran?
Yoast SEO is updated every two weeks. If you want to know why, please read this post on why we release every two weeks!
Kako da dobijem potporu?
As our free plugin is used by millions of people worldwide, we cannot offer you all one on one support. If you have trouble with the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, you can get help on the support forums here at wordpress.org or by checking out our help center at yoast.com/help/.
The plugins you buy at Yoast are called ‘premium plugins’ (even if Premium isn’t in its name) and include a complete year of free updates and premium support. This means you can contact our support team if you have any questions about that plugin.
What happens to my data if I enable usage tracking?
This page on yoast.com explains what data we collect to improve Yoast SEO. We only collect data when you explicitly opt in. Read more about how we handle your data in our Privacy Policy.
Imam drugačije pitanje od navedenog ovdje.
Your question has most likely been answered on our help center: yoast.com/help/.
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“Yoast SEO” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“Yoast SEO” je prijeveden na 54 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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Dnevnik promjena
Release date: 2023-03-28
With Yoast SEO 20.4, you can reduce your site’s carbon footprint and improve your SEO with just a few clicks. The crawl optimization settings let you turn off crawling for certain URLs, scripts, and metadata that WordPress automatically adds. Previously only available in Premium, but now available for all! Find out more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 20.4 in our release post!
- NEW in Free: Adds the crawl optimization features to Yoast SEO Free, enabling 13M+ users to reduce their website’s carbon footprint!
- Adds a hook to adapt the meta query used to filter the post overview based on the focus keyphrase.
- Fixes a bug where a fatal error related to HelpScout would be thrown when using a version of a Yoast add-on older than 2 years.
- Fixes a bug where a PHP warning would be thrown when exporting Yoast settings.
- Fixes a bug where the Google preview in the Block editor would show the post ID in the breadcrumbs when creating a new post, or it would show the slug twice or show
when creating a new page or custom post. This would only happen before (auto-)saving the post. - Fixes a bug where the previously used keyword assessment would potentially link to an empty page of results when the focus keyphrase had been used across different post types.
- Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 6.2.
Release date: 2023-03-14
Yoast SEO 20.3 is out and comes with several enhancements, fixes, and improvements. With an improved highlighting feature and enhanced support for the Portuguese language, Yoast SEO 20.3 helps you find where you need to make SEO edits quickly and easily. Upgrade now and take your website’s SEO to the next level! Find out more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 20.3 in our release post!
- Allows the highlighting feature to highlight content in captions of Audio, Embed, Gallery, Image, Table, and Video blocks in the Block editor.
- Allows the highlighting feature to highlight content in FAQ and How-to blocks in the Block editor.
- Improves the detection of participles in the passive voice assessment for Portuguese.
- Improves the transition words assessment for Portuguese by adding new transition words. Props to mathiasribeiro.
- Fixes a bug where a fatal error would appear in oEmbed pages for media pages when those were disabled from Yoast settings.
- Fixes a bug where editing text in Classic editor while the highlighting feature is enabled would make the text unfocused and the cursor jump to the beginning of the text.
- Fixes a bug where self-closing break tags (
) would not be removed when analyzing content. - Fixes a bug where shortcodes in the Block editor would be treated as words when analyzing content.
- Fixes a bug where the color and line height in the Google preview modal would be shown incorrectly when editing in Elementor.
- Fixes a bug where the
attribute of the rating stars image was mistyped. Props to fellyph. - Fixes a bug where the
REST endpoint would return wrong values for some meta tags when called with the homepage URL as an argument. - Fixes a bug where the query parameters would be added in the middle of canonical and previous and next links in paginated pages. Props to andreas-pa.
- Avoids issuing a PHP warning because of a wrong variable type.
- Removes the beta badge for the inclusive language assessment.
Earlier versions
Za popis izmjena ranijih verzija, molimo pogledajte Yoast SEO popis logova na yoast.com