Standardni widgeti


Classic Widgets is an official plugin maintained by the WordPress team that restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress widgets settings screens. It will be supported and maintained to 2024, or as long as is necessary.

Once activated and when using a classic (non-block) theme, this plugin restores the previous widgets settings screens and disables the block editor from managing widgets. There is no other configuration, the classic widgets settings screens are enabled or disabled by either enabling or disabling this plugin.


Ima li vlastite postavke?

Plugin nema vlastite postavke. Jednom kad se aktivira, resetira na standardni (“classic”) WordPress ekran za widgete i onemogući tzv. block editor za njihovo upravljanje.

Does this work with full site editing and block themes?

No, as block themes rely on blocks. See Block themes article for more information.


23. ožujka 2023.
I am using clasic attribute filter widget for many product attributes. I am not abble to load widget page with new editor... This is only solution I have for my website. Thank you.
01. veljače 2023.
Just great. Thanks for bringing them back and disabling that Gutenberg madness. When Wordpress authors will stop pushing new useless and horrible updates it will be always too late.
21. siječnja 2023.
Most usefull plugin can debug some issues, Regards
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“Standardni widgeti” je prijeveden na 34 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Update for 5.9.


Ažuriraj naziv filtera.


Prva verzija.