Polityka prywatności

WordPress.org websites (collectively “WordPress.org” in this document) refer to sites hosted on the WordPress.org, WordPress.net, WordCamp.org, BuddyPress.org, bbPress.org, and other related domains and subdomains thereof. This privacy policy describes how WordPress.org uses and protects any information that you give us. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. If you provide us with personal information through WordPress.org, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

Odwiedzający stronę

Like most website operators, WordPress.org collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. WordPress.org’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how WordPress.org’s visitors use its website. From time to time, WordPress.org may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

WordPress.org also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. WordPress.org does not use IP addresses to identify its visitors, however, and does not disclose such information, other than under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information, as described below.

Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information

Certain visitors to WordPress.org choose to interact with WordPress.org in ways that require WordPress.org to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that WordPress.org gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, we ask visitors who use our forums to provide a username and email address.

In each case, WordPress.org collects such information only insofar as is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor’s interaction with WordPress.org. WordPress.org does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below. And visitors can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information, with the caveat that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website-related activities, like purchasing a WordCamp ticket.

All of the information that is collected on WordPress.org will be handled in accordance with GDPR legislation.

Ochrona niektórych informacji identyfikujących osobę

WordPress.org discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of project administrators, employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on WordPress.org’s behalf or to provide services available through WordPress.org, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees, contractors and affiliated organizations may be located outside of your home country; by using WordPress.org, you consent to the transfer of such information to them.

WordPress.org will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Other than to project administrators, employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations, as described above, WordPress.org discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only when required to do so by law, if you give permission to have your information shared, or when WordPress.org believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of WordPress.org, third parties, or the public at large.

If you are a registered user of a WordPress.org website and have supplied your email address, WordPress.org may occasionally send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what’s going on with WordPress.org and our products. We primarily use our blog to communicate this type of information, so we expect to keep this type of email to a minimum.

If you send us a request (for example via a support email or via one of our feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish it in order to help us clarify or respond to your request or to help us support other users. WordPress.org takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information.

Użycie danych osobistych

We will not use the information you provide when you register for an account, attend our events, receive newsletters, use certain other services, or participate in the WordPress open source project in any other way.

We will not sell or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

We would like to send you email marketing communication which may be of interest to you from time to time. If you have consented to marketing, you may opt out later.

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

Podstawa prawna do przetwarzania danych osobowych

We rely on one or more of the following processing conditions:

  • our legitimate interests in the effective delivery of information and services to you;
  • wyraźną zgodę, której udzieliłeś;
  • Zobowiązania prawne.

Dostęp do danych

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all your personal information, please follow the instructions at the end of this section.

All WordCamp attendee-provided data can be viewed and changed by the attendee via the Access Token URL that is emailed to confirm a successful ticket purchase.

Konta użytkowników WordPress.org można edytować, wykonując następujące kroki:

  1. Odwiedź https://login.wordpress.org/, po czym wprowadź login i hasło.
  2. Zostanie otwarta strona https://profiles.wordpress.org/your_username.
  3. Kliknij "Edytuj" obok swojej nazwy użytkownika.

Aby uzyskać dostęp do danych swojego konta, należy wykonać poniższe kroki:

  1. Przejdź na https://wordpress.org/about/privacy/data-export-request/.
  2. Wprowadź swój adres email.
  3. Click “Accept Declaration and Request Export”.

Note: If you have a WP.org account, it’s recommended you log in before submitting to associate your account with the request.

Retention of personal information

We will retain your personal information on our systems only for as long as we need to, for the success of the WordPress open source project and the programs that support WordPress.org. We keep contact information (such as mailing list information) until a user unsubscribes or requests that we delete that information from our live systems. If you choose to unsubscribe from a mailing list, we may keep certain limited information about you so that we may honor your request.

WordPress.org will not delete personal data from logs or records necessary to the operation, development, or archives of the WordPress open source project.

WordPress.org zachowuje dane uczestników WordCamp przez 3 lata, aby lepiej śledzić i wspierać rozwój społeczności, a następnie automatycznie usuwa nieistotne dane zebrane podczas rejestracji. Nazwiska uczestników i adresy e-mail będą przechowywane przez czas nieokreślony, aby zachować naszą zdolność do reagowania na raporty dotyczące kodeksu postępowania.

On WordCamp.org sites, banking/financial data collected as part of a reimbursement request is deleted from WordCamp.org 7 days after the request is marked paid. The reason for the 7-day retention period is to prevent organizers having to re-enter their banking details if a wire fails or if a payment was marked “Paid” in error. Invoices and receipts related to WordCamp expenses are retained for 7 years after the close of the calendar year’s audit, by instruction of our financial consultants (auditors & bookkeepers).

When deletion is requested or otherwise required, we will anonymise the data of data subjects and/or remove their information from publicly accessible sites if the deletion of data would break essential systems or damage the logs or records necessary to the operation, development, or archival records of the WordPress open source project.

Jeśli chcesz poprosić o usunięcie swojego konta i związanych z nim danych, wykonaj następujące kroki:

  1. Przejdź na https://wordpress.org/about/privacy/data-erasure-request/.
  2. Wprowadź swój adres email.
  3. Click “Accept Declaration and Request Permanent Account Deletion”.

Note: If you have a WP.org account, it’s recommended you log in before submitting to associate your account with the request.

Prawa związane z informacjami o tobie

You may have certain rights under data protection law in relation to the personal information we hold about you. In particular, you may have a right to:

  • request a copy of personal information we hold about you;
  • można poprosić o aktualizację posiadanych przez nas, twoich danych osobowych, lub niezależnie skorygować takie dane osobowe, które uważasz za nieprawidłowe lub niekompletne;
  • poprosić o usunięcie danych osobowych, które posiadamy na Twój temat z żywych systemów lub ograniczyć sposób, w jaki wykorzystujemy takie dane osobowe (informacje na temat usuwania z archiwów znajdują się w sekcji “Zachowanie danych osobowych”);
  • object to our processing of your personal information; and/or
  • withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information (to the extent such processing is based on consent and consent is the only permissible basis for processing).

If you would like to exercise these rights or understand if these rights apply to you, please follow the instructions at the end of this Privacy statement.

Odnośniki zewnętrzne

Our website may contain links to other websites provided by third parties not under our control. When following a link and providing information to a 3rd-party website, please be aware that we are not responsible for the data provided to that third party. This privacy policy only applies to the websites listed at the beginning of this document, so when you visit other websites, even when you click on a link posted on WordPress.org, you should read their own privacy policies.

Statystyki zagregowane

WordPress.org may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its websites. For instance, WordPress.org may reveal how many times a particular version of WordPress was downloaded or report on which plugins are the most popular, based on data gathered by api.wordpress.org, a web service used by WordPress installations to check for new versions of WordPress and plugins. However, WordPress.org does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described in this policy.


Additionally, information about how you use our website is collected automatically using “cookies”. Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat ciasteczek są zbieranych na WordPress.org zobacz naszą politykę cookies.

Zmiany w polityce prywatności

Chociaż większość zmian będzie prawdopodobnie niewielka, WordPress.org może zmieniać swoją Politykę Prywatności od czasu do czasu i według własnego uznania WordPress.org. WordPress.org zachęca odwiedzających do częstego sprawdzania tej strony pod kątem wszelkich zmian w swojej Polityce Prywatności. Dalsze korzystanie z tej strony po wprowadzeniu jakichkolwiek zmian w niniejszej Polityce Prywatności będzie oznaczało akceptację takiej zmiany.


Skontaktuj się z nami, jeśli masz pytania związane z naszą polityką prywatności lub z informacjami, które przechowujemy na twój mailem, na adres: dpo@wordpress.org.

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