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[Criticism] The Incredible Disappearing Doomsday
How the climate catastrophists learned to stop worrying and love the calm
April 2023
Current Issue April 2023
[Official Business] A Note About Our New Log In System
How to use our easier and more secure log in system

March 28, 2023

It was reported that loyal workers are more likely to get exploited by their bosses. Read More

Changing Views on Climate Change

Fairweather friends of the planet: climate journalism’s abrupt swing from apocalypse to dreamland
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Past Issues

Harper’s Finest

[Article] from the November 1992 Issue
She’s Come for an Abortion. What Do You Say?

“You are twenty-one—exactly the same age I was when I had my one and only abortion, in London in 1938. This was way before anyone talked about the ‘right’ to an abortion, and I want to tell you my story to convey how precious a right it is. Abortions then were totally illegal; the very subject was taboo among the well-brought-up English of those days. I wouldn’t have dreamed of consulting anybody in my family, from whom I was estranged and who anyway wouldn’t have been likely to have useful ideas on the subject.”

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