Language Cafe – Taal Cafe

New weekly event starting in april 2023, every sunday from 4 till 6pm, Language Cafe. First edition on sunday 2nd april 2023.

This language cafe is all about language exchanging and learning through socializing!

Come hang out with us where we help each other improve our skills and meet new people. We’re open to all languages and levels, whether you aim to practice Dutch, English, Arabic, German, or any other language!
Click on the link below to indicate the language you desire to learn or practice and which one you would like to teach!

This week’s session will serve as an introduction to see everyone’s preferences, we will set together to chat over a cup of tea or coffee, and feel free to bring any game or material you would like to use.

From next week we can start matching individuals and groups with similar interests!
Join us every Sunday from 16:00 to 18:00 for some language learning fun.

Every week will include different sorts of activities and games to make language learning an exciting experience!
Attention: This is not a class and there are no teachers so don’t hesitate to jump in whenever you want.

Radical Sunday School

New weekly event starting in april 2023, every sunday from 6 till 8pm, Radical Sunday School. First edition on sunday 2nd april 2023, Introduction // On Teaching.

As students are protesting the university, calling for the democratisation, decarbonisation, and decolonisation of their education, the Radical Sunday School is opening weekly to discuss the failings of our current educational system and imagine new ways to learn. As Paolo Freire believed, education can be an emancipatory tool, liberating consciousness, and widen the options for action – and of course, it can take place anywhere, and at any time. In this ‘school’, everyone, students and not-students, is invited to participate. We will decide on the content and form freely. The options for things to discuss are endless: What is the point of today’s educational system? What is it promising, what does it deliver? How is it funded? What counts as education? What would an abolition of the university entail? How do you actually decolonise education? Or democratise it? What is the history of the university? How do fossil fuels inform our beliefs on learning? Let’s follow whatever sounds interesting and worthwhile – whatever seems important enough to be learned.

The first session will be introductory, and we will gather ideas collectively on how we would like to run future sessions. This is not intended to be a course that you would have to follow all the way through. Jump in and out whenever you like. Sessions will be held every Sunday, except for every second Sunday of the month (when Joe’s Garage is having an open assembly). Come through, and let’s educate ourselves in ways not possible inside the silly institution that is called university.

If it so goes, there is one thing already planned that we can discuss for the first session, if we choose to do so, and it is a bit of an unorthodox mesh of things. Centering on the question of whether teaching is even possible, we can discuss the role education plays in our lives, the moments we teach and are being taught, and how different educational theories view teaching differently. It might be interesting to look at Danish Folk High Schools, their history and emergence as voluntary “schools for life”, their use of myth, story, and practical labour. It might even be interesting to think of Christian mystic and anarchist Simone Weil’s ideas on education and the practice of attention. Or Paolo Freire’s emancipatory and dialogical education aiming to stimulate a critical consciousness. Attention might drift elsewhere and we needn’t discuss this necessarily. It is merely a suggestion. Let’s see where we land together!

Proxy Cafe, film subtitling and captioning

SUBTITLING AND CAPTIONING WORKSHOP [for tecchies, activists & film-loving wordwranglers]

Wednesday 19/4 (19:00) at Joe’s Garage: overview of all the different free tools that have emerged (and agonized) through the ages, with clues as to which one to use for what purpose. Bring your laptop (+mouse, +headphones, +pendrive) if you want to dive right into it and play around with them after the presentation.

Sunday 23/4 (14:00) at Joe’s Garage: more of the same on Sunday, but with ideas about ‘correct’ language, ‘faithful’ translation, ‘readable’ lines, etc. Why are all these things in scare quotes? Because there are rules about them, of course. Mountains of rules. Impossibly contradictory rules. It’s a tyranny out there, sister.

Wednesday 26/4 (18:00) at Filmhuis Cavia has just added an extra session for projectionists on Wednesday 26, at 18:00, plus a little ‘graduation ceremony’ on the big screen.

Proxy Cafe: free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, GNU/Linux, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops. Zapatista coffee.

The first 30 minutes are for landing in the space, despairing about forgotten chargers or headphones, minimal introductions, and running to the shop for frozen pizza (or byo veggie leftovers).

Proxy Cafe, Amsterdam

Benefit Voku for Mapuche Community “Lof Buchile/Oyarzo- Calfú”

Monday 3rd april 2023, Benefit Voku for Mapuche Community “Lof Buchile/Oyarzo- Calfú” in El Bolson- Patagonia. The anti-authoritarian collective Ajo Negro is cooking, food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Cinema Italia: Comrade Don Camillo (Luigi Comencini, 1965)

Sunday 2nd april 2023, Il compagno Don Camillo (1965), Comrade Don Camillo * Directed by Luigi Comencini * 109 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30. After the film, please engage and share comments, ideas, and inspiration with the host(s) of the evening!

Also known in English as ‘Don Camillo in Moscow’, this feature film was originally released in Italian, French and Russian. Based on the novels of Giovannino Guareschi, the priest Don Camillo iconically represents the point of view of the popular classes supporting the Democrazia Cristiana party in the aftermath of WW2, while his opponent, Peppone, the mayor of a small town in the Northern part of the country, is the champion of the Partito Comunista Italiano. If Pier Paolo Pasolini incarnates the tragic, Dionysian approach to Catholicism in Italy, Guareschi represents its comic, lightweight approach. The archival documentary film La Rabbia (The Anger, 1963) directed in the first half by Pasolini and in the second half by Guareschi, immortalizes this reading, and the respect that the one tributes to the other.

There are five feature films, released between 1952 and 1965 as French-Italian co-productions, inspired by the novels and drawings by Guareschi. The two actors, Fernandel (Don Camillo) and Gino Cervi (Peppone) resemble the drawings in an astonishing way. This feature film is the last of the series, and it’s directed — unlike the previous ones — by Luigi Comencini, one of the most relevant director of Italian neorealism: in particular, he directed Vittorio De Sica and Gina Lollobrigida (Pane, amore e fantasia, 1953), Alberto Sordi (Tutti a casa, 1960), and in the almost forgotten jewel Italian Secret Service (original title in English, 1968), starring Nino Manfredi and Françoise Prévost.

Comrade Don Camillo brings the stereotypical division of post-WW2 Italy into a surrealistic perception. The film goes even beyond that, as it narrates a story of hetero cis male friendship, nonetheless not without ambiguities, and the complex relation of the Italian communists with Russia, after the death of his most important leader, Palmiro Togliatti who passed away in Yalta, the 21st of August 1964.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Benefit VoKu for Phoenix

Thursday 30 march 2023, Benefit VoKu for Phoenix. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Phoenix is a safe space and peer support community under het Wereldhuis run by and for LGBTQI+ people in forced displacement. Benefits will be used to support the members for travel costs. Also there will be a short talk on Phoenix and how you can support.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Movie night: The Official Story (Luis Puenzo, 1985)

Sunday 26 March 2023, Movie night: The Official Story / La historia oficial (Luis Puenzo, 1985) * 112 minutes * In Spanish, subtitles in English. Doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30.

A classic of outspokenly political cinema, The Official Story is so ‘classic’ in its form that it even won the oscar for best foreign language film at the academy awards. It was the first time that the yankees ever deigned to acknowledge the existence of cinema, really strong cinema, in their Latin American backyard.

How could this happen at the height of Reaganism? Perhaps because this film put a bourgeois family at the centre of the (official) story, so it was easy for American audiences to relate to them. It also kind of presents an easy badie: the evil military junta (1976-1983) obscuring the business interests that supported it from way up north. Spectators with a bit more historical perspective could read this between the lines, others could just cringe-watch what these banana republic folks got up to, from the airheadedness of their candied popcorn.

Personally I think Argentinean cinema has been great at stealing 1940s Hollywood form (arguably a German invention) and packing powerful stories inside it. It’s been doing this ever since Puenzo’s feat at the oscars, persistently beating Americans at their own game. If you ask me what my favourite Hollywood movie is, I’d probably say this one.

What else does it do apart from denounce political crimes? It shifts our Che Guevara image of the guerrillero to include women. Pregnant young women were targeted very specifically because there was a market for babies in the ranks of the military junta and among middle class supporters of the regime. Why that was is a matter of some speculation that we hope to discuss before and after the movie. Maybe we’ll also read a poem or two by Juan Gelman, who became the poster boy for grandparents in search of the lost children of the desaparecidos.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Voku Benefit from the Future

Thursday 23 March 2023, Voku Benefit from the Future. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Crash bang catastrophe collapse! The timelines have been corrupte- —d d. This is no ordinary VOKU. You might have heard a group of time travellers from 2123 have found their way to the present day. How they did it? We don’t know, but they are here to serve you and tell you tales of times to come. Be dazzled. The future has arrived – but is it here to stay?

The time travellers’ first order of business in their task to save the timeline from the potential collapse of all existence will be a benefit event for a present day comrade stuck in debt to her landlord and unable to visit a sick relative. Since time travel comes at a price, a small portion of the money raised will go to materials and super-intergalactic-timewizard-woah fuel, the majority though to the cause. Remember: there is no better time to save time than this very time.

Please note, it is of utmost importance, that this is a TIME POLICE FREE EVENT. There is reason to suspect the Time Police might crack down on the time travellers and might infiltrate the Voku. Be vigilant, so time may be on our side.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.