Sunday 16 November 2008: Telopea Street East Redfern

The ultimate jacaranda picture? Probably not, but I can imagine some motorists wishing Nature was not quite so insistent.

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Photo by Neil 16 November 2008

And this post represents a departure too. From here on you get your photos one at a time, two at the most. They will be tagged appropriately, but the series approach I am otherwise doing away with, having documented my three targets rather thoroughly over the past couple of months.

Redfern visions 34: Little Eveleigh Street 2

Little Eveleigh Street has changed little since M and I lived there 17 years ago, though there have been quite a few changes in the area – more on that later. It was then, and is now, a surprising oasis in deepest Redfern/Darlington. It also had a strong community feel. On this little vacant lot there were regularly neighbourhood barbecues.

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That was diagonally opposite where we were living, the house with the green roof in the next picture…

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