Tiga and Hugh, my friends

Posted in Uncategorized on April 27, 2009 by nomirae

Background on the arrest:

In what appears to be the culmination of a several year long case the state has been building against I-69 resistance, two Indiana residents, Tiga and Hugh, were arrested this afternoon. Although the charges against the two include individual acts, for the majority they are trumped up charges of conspiracy – fairly explicitly, conspiracy to collectively organize, to challenge environmental and social devastation perpetrated by the state and capital – leveled against any (not easily recuperative) movement against I-69. Although it appears that no other warrants have been issued, that for now no other individuals will be facing the severe penalties these charges carry, it must be noted that this brash move by the state is a most blatant affront to any initiative towards social organization.

………….. http://mostlyeverything.net/

Aside from this messyness and mindfuck, I attended an amazing workshop on multiculturalism and diversity within the Jewish Community lead by a close family friend who has both African and Ashkenazi heritage.   She ‘infiltrated’ my old jewish day school and facilited her dvar in front of the same teachers who put me on ritalin in elementary school.  ah!  what nachas she has, as a Person of Color, to speak about such an untouchable topic as racism and white supremacy, and linking this to how white Jews have privilege over Jews of color. The teachers were Completely responsive, and realized that they must shift things around in the school to be more inclusive.  why?  because our Torah teaches us to dismantle racism, silly!

I will soon give a similar presentation in a class which claims to cover Jewish culture in America, but really only covers white jewish culture.  My own sephardic heritage has been basically erased from memory.

Oh, how racism has really, truly hurt us all!

Yiddish, Gelibte!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 7, 2009 by nomirae

My grandmother was shocked to hear that young Jews are wanting to learn & revive Yiddish. It was great visiting her and discussing yiddish names, keeping yuntiv, and shomer shabbesness. I obviously have a long way to go to participate fully in the Yiddishkeit movement. but a bisele es gut.

I am alone for passover in Milwaukee, as the mishpocha is partly in the East Coast, and mostly in the land that is called Israel at this time. So I am conflicted about how to observe yuntiv while in milwaukee, and then get myself to chicago Before Shabbes, but unfortunately during yuntiv, so I can participate in one radical seder which includes current day liberation moves saturday night.

Birkat Hachama will be amazing, alone. I will awaken before dawn, and ride my bike to the lakefront to watch it rise over the lake @ this spot I used to go to as a young lad. then I will say the prayer& some chants, go clean old bee hives at Growing Power, and begin the holy passover.

So. Some nazi folks are commemorating their organization’s 30 years of existence under the St. Louis arch(which represents manifest destiny& occupation of this land) . It is taking place the same weekend as another Yiddish gathering which will be a mini klez-camp.

Participate in a movement of re-building and re-claiming an aspect of Jewish identity & language?


be another body supporting the Jewish and POC community who will be invaded by nazis wanting attention.


love & liberation.

Paradigm shift & Matriarchy.

Posted in Uncategorized on March 24, 2009 by nomirae


i came across this on the Free Lakota Nation website.  This elder knows whats up!

Sending strength to Tristan and Gabby

Posted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2009 by nomirae

Hello friends, You may have already heard about my friend Tristan Anderson, who was shot in the head by the Isreali Army’s new high tech teargas canisters this past friday. What you don’t know is how/why he arrived in the West Bank. Most articles are editing much of what my friend Gabby has said- as his partner and as a witness. She also just so happens to be a Jewish comrade who went over to Israel/Palestine to see what was going on. Every other news source I’ve come across has not included her voice or further information on the process of their landing in Ni’lin to protest the buliding of the Fence/Wall in solidarity with Palestinians.

Check out the link below, or scroll down to read this article. We must remember that this sort of this happens to Palestinians daily.


In continued solidarity and intentions for Tristan’s speedy recovery, Naomi ray.


Date: 14 / 03 / 2009 Time: 11:53 تكبير الخط تصغير الخط [Ma’anImages] Bethlehem – Ma’an – An American demonstrator shot in the head by the Israeli military Friday remains in life-threatening condition after undergoing surgery overnight. “His skull is fractured. Fragments of bone went into his brain,” said Anderson’s partner, 25-year-old Gabrielle Silverman, originally from Brooklyn, New York, speaking on the phone from Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv Saturday. Silverman said doctors had removed part of the right frontal lobe of Anderson’s brain and were working to “put his face back together,” to address trauma to his eye and forehead. The hospital is refusing to release further details, she said. “It’s unclear how well he’s going to recover. He could die. He could recover completely. He could be severely brain damaged,” said Silverman, adding that Anderson’s parents are on their way to Tel Aviv from San Francisco. Israeli soldiers shot 37-year-old Tristan Anderson, of Oakland California, in the forehead with a high-velocity teargas canister at a demonstration against the Israeli West Bank separation wall in the village of Ni’lin on Friday. Palestinians and their international supporters hold demonstrations at noon every Friday in Ni’lin and other villages against the Israeli wall, which, if completed, will snake 723 kilometers through the interior of the West Bank. Israel says the barrier is for its security, but Palestinians see it as one of many means to confiscate their land and further fragment their territory. The wall was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004. Silverman also corroborated reports that Israeli soldiers had shot Anderson without provocation. “I was only a few feet away when he was shot,” at about five in the afternoon, after the main demonstration had wound down. “He was standing on the grass; nothing was happening,” she said. It was, then, “a surprise” when Israeli soldiers fired the teargas canister from an adjacent hillside. A video released by the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement, shows a scene of panic, moments after the shooting. Anderson is pictured lying in a stretcher, his face covered in blood. When a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance evacuated Anderson, they were delayed at an Israeli military checkpoint for 15 minutes, waiting while Anderson bled from his forehead and nose. They also waited for an Israeli ambulance to transport Anderson to Tel Aviv. Silverman herself came to Israel in early February on the Taglit-Birthright program which offers free trips to Israel for young Jews from around the world. She stayed on after the program ended, planning to spend a month in Israel, a month in the West Bank, and a month travelling in Egypt and Jordan. Anderson later joined her. “They shot Tristan for one of two reasons; either because they believed he was a Palestinian, or because they were indiscriminately firing. Either way we need serious accountability from the Israeli government,” Silverman said. “As a Jew and as an American I’m very ashamed,” she added.

white folks..

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on February 12, 2009 by nomirae

just dont get it.

“Trouble in Mind”, a play at Milwaukee’s pabst theatre, was packed with old white people, and a few people of color.  The play was set in 1957, and was about a theatre director who “was not prejudiced” but basically wanted the black people to protray the same ignorant-acting stereotypical characters they always play.  He wanted the ‘mama slave’ to give her son, who just voted, up to a white man so he could take him to jail away from the lynch mob.  the script within the script then would have the son shot by the mob, thus being anti-lynch mob for the innocent.  So then the acress that played the ‘mama slave’ flipped out + confroted the director that white people always want to be seen as the saviors, and that NO mother would send her son into the hands of a lynch mob.  She then goes into a 5 minute speil of playing many real stereotypical black-face/ black actor characters (which was extremely intense!), and continues to ask the director if HE would send his son.  He flipped out and yelled, “its different! my son is completely different” admitting his racism.

The play was Amazing.  Full of empowerment and realization to socialization.

but the audience?  The Rep is probably mega expensive, and thus targets a bougie crowd.  (my sister won the tickets on da radio)  It was absolutely horendous to watch the old white folks laugh histarically when she is realizing that theatre perpetuates the stereotype.  REALLY?  to laugh at something so deep, so hurtful?

The talkback was worse.  Ilana and I left in a huff, after the actresses and actors were disected.  I watched them well up in anger at a few racist comments and questions.  It was so contradictory!  Ilana asked the Black woman how she felt when people laughed during that scene, and the white dude (one who played director) responded her!  Then another actress of mixed heritage responded basically, that “people dont understand the connotation” and gave an example of attending a comedy show, laughing @ a certain part, and then a Jewish man sitting next to her asked if she understood what she was laughing at.  (OH the irony.)

But we left, and ran into my ol’ jewish guitar teacher who had seen the play already asked me straight up how i felt when people laughed during that scene.  I was estatic that someone else noticed! He was so shaken by their laughter, that he almost stood up and wanted to yell at them to stop fucking laughing!  Just like what I wanted to do but didnt for fear of messing with the actor’s concentration.

But I should have.  My silence agreed with their laughter.  And Now I regret my actions of not doing anything.

I will not assimilate.

Posted in Uncategorized on January 13, 2009 by nomirae

I feel like ripping the star that is choking my neck. Its six points tearing  my body..tugging at the fragile roots that had just started climbing deeper down into the earth….This star enslaving me into loving a people who ignores the cries of 930 souls ripped from their own bodies.  in defense.

the thousands of bodies clinging to the souls within, losing life from draining blood.  holes wripped into flesh.

JUdaism assimilated into Zionism. an imperialist colonialist redemption movement.  making land more valuable than the beings caring for it.

so people react.  “I hate jews” quoted from some anarchists in Santa Barbara.  my comrades?

GAZA!  i cry for you. i sob.  i see your wounds.   I have not grown numb to seeing bleedig palestinian bodies on the computer screen.  unlike so many “jews” who sheild their ignonring eyes.  I see you. i recognize the Nakba. I was witness to the occupation.  I KNOW this is genocide.

kadosh kadosh kadosh: adonai svaot m’lo kol ha aretz kvodo.

Holy, holy, holy, is the ONE of many colors: the whole earth is full of  their glory

farmin’ the judaism outta the sewers

Posted in alternative education systems, jew, Jewish, land, organic gardening, spiritual activism with tags on October 30, 2008 by nomirae

my jewish I.D is completely solidifying at this Jewish farming space in the North East.

so much has changed within me since the RNC crazyness.  8 of my friends are facing 250,000 in fines, plummeting them deeper into slavery of the system.

i struggle constantly with my privilege- in having the opportunity and resources to be here.  to work and crack my back open.  (but wait.  instead be at anarchist gatherings merely TALKING about doing shit with only people who are down?  hmmm.)

i dont feel guilty.

we are LIBERATING a spiritual and religious culture that has been buried by centuries of oppression and repression.  we are delving into and uncovering some holy and radical rituals and practices.

hierarchy here is not fun.  liberalism is annoying.

but realism is true.

the RnC police state.

Posted in activism, anarchism, anarchist, anti-racism, nation on September 5, 2008 by nomirae

I love someone like he is my little brother. soul sibling. This is what happened to him.

writings from Starhawk:

“…. Elliot Hughes, a sweet, nineteen year old who came to our day camp, was badly beaten when the cops knocked him off his bicycle. They stepped on his chest, and he was coughing blood all night but received no medical treatment. The guards were calling him ‘Princess’ and making homophobic remarks. We heard from Jason that last night, Elliot was making noises to protest not receiving any food for more than twelve hours. Twelve officers entered his cell. Screams were heard for over five minutes. He was tasered three times, maced, and beaten, then removed and the men were told he was being taken to a restraint chair.”


Wellness Center: wednesday sept 4. A friend of mine had been released from the women’s cell and told a horrific story of someone in the men’s cell being beaten and tortured. then Elliot walked in, and i knew it was him. his face was covered in scabs and bruises. he limped badly on one foot. He started recounting the story and we were urged to go into one of the counseling rooms for privacy.

Once he was shoved into an isolated room, multiple cops put on gloves. they first shoved a gag into his mouth, then a bag over his head so he couldn’t see what they were doing. They pressure pointed his jaw until it bruised, and pressed harder as he cried louder- continuing to tell him to “act like a man”. they punched his cheek. slammed his forehead into the pavement. they bent his already hurt ankle (from the bike accident) until it could not be bent more. he went into a concussion, and puked. they would not take the bag off his head, so the puke collected. He prayed to g-d aloud, and they told him “your god isnt here, and we are devils.”

He was crying. i held his hand, and suggested which people he should go to for energy work. afterwards, his spirit felt much lighter but physically, he looked the same.

this is one of many horrific stories. many house raids & confiscation of personal items and guns in peoples faces. car searches & impoundments. 8 organizers are facing 7.5 years and “terrorism” charges. felonies?! tasers. concussion grenades. tear gas/pepper spray. people in jail not receiving treatment. first/2nd degree burns from chemicals. targeting queers. targeting people of color. upping bail $.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO14kMfBa7Y  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRxgAN5SsHQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14xv1kr-KAI&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0sQffO1_3U&feature=related

tent city

Posted in alternative education systems, community, Jewish, organic gardening with tags , on August 24, 2008 by nomirae

I got in the Adamah fall 2008 fellowship! and will be living in a tent, in negative degree weather, with access to  a nearby compost toilet.  little time to read.. so still deciding if i should bring my english yiddish dictionary, and the 7 other books im currently reading.  (ugh ive turned into a super book nerd)

trying to find a thick sleeping bag.  and a few other thangs.  and hoping i wont be the only dissenting voice about states & countries.  but you know, in the religious world its all different. being a minority again will be ok.

jew farm school

Posted in alternative education systems, anti- occupation, cancer, jew, land, permaculture, yiddish with tags , , , on August 20, 2008 by nomirae

yess. I have applied last minute to Adamah, a farming internship experience at Eilat Chaim. and i am so excited. if i make it. I think its exactly what i need.

CA JE was interesting, had a few uncomfortable moments. Overall, it was incredible watching jewish day school teachers share ideas for alternatives and advancements within day school curricula. the 3 yiddish classes I attended were AMAZING! Nikolai Borodulin of the Workmen’s Circle knows his shit.

He discussed Stalin’s Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland.

He taught me how to read yiddish.  the similarities and differences from Hebrew.  He discussed the ‘Spiritual Resistance’ within a specific ghetto, and how they kept yiddish theatre culture alive with the youth.  Most of these people ended up escaping the ghetto and died as partisans, fighting nazis and some poles.


There were many sessions on how children can have a ‘stronger connection with israel’, which was a little creepy.  luckily, the room was packed with teachers at the only workshop that mentioned something about Isreal’s disastrous side of occupation, with the movie Encounter Point.

This sparked much needed discussion.  Many couldnt believe that someone like Ali existed, and I assured them that I had met him personally in (east) Jerusalem, and he was in fact, real and amazing.

so after completing this caje experience and being apart of the college program, I road tripped out to Philly to spend time with scattered friends, mainly a crumb of the rad jews out there.  I attended the wandering Urban reconstructionist synogogue in west philly which was interesting.  watched the gentrification play before my eyes… philly is fucked.  by none other than white radical queers!  it made me uncomfortable.  Even though i could see myself living somewhere in philly someday.

parted with friends yesterday morning and road tripped back here until this morning.  Learned that my parents had been keeping deathly news about my father’s cancer from me for the whole 2 weeks.  luckily they just learned today that the damn vegan doctor in chicago probably messed up in saying he only had a year and a half to live.  gahreaslkjl!

but lucky we are all high spirits and doing crazy research on alternatives, healing, dancing, talking to cells (including pretending like the macrophee good cells are the macabees up against the evil asyrian cancerous cells.)

hopefully ill learn some tricks at this jewish farm thing.  he will not die from cancer!  really.

bizrat hashem