Issue 25 — Autumn 2023

Editorial: Toil and trouble

Omar Hassan explores the social and political ramifications of inflation and rising interest rates, growing geopolitical instability and the prospects for working-class resistance.

“Beware of the Black Bourgeoisie”: The growing role of Indigenous elites in Australian capitalism

Jordan Humphreys examines the political implications of the expansion of an Indigenous middle and capitalist class.

“Closing the Gap”? Labor’s dismal record on Indigenous rights

Nick Everett reviews Labor’s abysmal record on Indigenous rights: a history of repeated betrayals and failure to challenge racism or achieve fundamental improvement.

Workerism and autonomism in Italy’s “Hot Autumn”

Luca Tavan revisits the explosive period of working-class struggle in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and critiques the autonomist ideas that led to the defeat of the movement, and continue to shape the left today.

The sixties radicalisation and the emergence of Trotskyism on the Australian left

Mick Armstrong traces the development of Trotskyism in the context of the far left in Australia.

East Germany 1953: Workers’ forgotten rebellion against Stalinism

Tess Lee Ack looks back at the workers’ uprising in June 1953, the first challenge to the Stalinist monolith in Eastern Europe.

Review: Analysing Australian imperialism

Sam Pietsch reviews a new book analysing Australia’s role as a junior partner of US imperialism and critiquing the “rules-based international order” that serves to legitimate the interests of the US and Australian ruling classes.

Review: An insight into inequality in Australia today

Duncan Hart reviews a useful book that exposes the systemic exploitation and shameful wage theft faced by workers in Australia.

Review: Socialism in the United States

Sage Jupe reviews a timely book analysing the impasse facing both the ruling class and the working class in the US.

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