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BenjaminKorr commented on
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BenjaminKorr commented on
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26 points · 3 hours ago

He unabashedly attacked the underpinnings of our nation. Ideas like fair elections, rule of law, and common decency were directly and frequently challenged by him as the sitting president.

To top it all off he tried to stay in office despite losing a fair election, and stirred up an angry mob to march on congress.

BenjaminKorr commented on
Posted by
27 points · 17 hours ago

Yeah, though to be fair, those three weren't faring so well on their own until the taser was deployed.

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4 points · 6 hours ago

They’re trying to restrain him without seriously injuring him. He’s drunk fighting with no restraint. That makes it a struggle without an overwhelming advantage.

BenjaminKorr commented on
Posted by
8 points · 1 day ago

Did Bandit end up eating the caramelized apple in the end?

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2 points · 9 hours ago

No, Bluey eats it on the walk home and loses a tooth.

81 points · 1 day ago

Indoctrinate them while they’re young. Unironically. Better they see this now so that they can take Marxist garbage less seriously later on.

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1 point · 9 hours ago

“We’re raising a nation of squibs!”

-Father of Lucky

BenjaminKorr commented on
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2 points · 2 days ago

because putting half a billion dollars in one bank is a dumb thing to do.

if we bail people out of dumb decisions they just keep making more of them.

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5 points · 2 days ago

That half a billion isn’t gone though, it’s tied up in treasury bonds the bank bought. In 8 years or so when they mature all the money is there.

SVB made the mistake of tying up too much money in bonds they can’t liquidate quickly without losing lots of value in the short term. They should have spread some of their investments into short term bonds to cover big withdrawals.

TLDR: This money isn’t being printed, it’s being loaned against the maturity of the underlying bonds and the remainder covered by fees leveraged against banks covered by FDIC insurance.

BenjaminKorr commented on
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1 point · 2 days ago

Defund the Federal Reserve. Break it apart.

Go back to local credit unions and prevent them from playing games with the deposits.

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2 points · 2 days ago

So when your local credit union pulls the same kind of stunt SVB did that landed them in hot water, or likely something far more risky than tying up too many assets in illiquid vehicles, everyone with their life savings on deposit in that community should be happy with being hosed?

We had that system and moved away from it for reasons. Similar to medical history, not everything done back in the “good old days” is necessarily something anyone should want to go back to.

Not saying everything is perfect now, but we should be looking forward, not backward from here.

BenjaminKorr commented on
Posted by
3 points · 6 days ago

The bedroom of requirement.

BenjaminKorr commented on
Posted by
442 points · 9 days ago

This is absolutely true and only accelerating. A large chunk of the younger generation have been introduced to tech as tablets and smartphones, if it hasn't got a touch screen they run into problems very quickly.

Ask any parent of a tech interested 5 year old how often they've had to stop their child trying to pick what to watch on the TV by prodding the screen so hard it's a miracle it still works...

My previous employer had a (fairly awesome) apprenticeship scheme and the number of them who had basic tech knowledge missing was astounding. None of them used bookmarks, if you asked them to log in to 365 they didn't type the address in from memory, they didn't click an already saved bookmark from the 100s of times they'd used it before, every single one of them went to google and clicked the first link in the search results for "365 login"

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0 points · 9 days ago

“Heeeere phishy, phishy, phishy, phishy, phishy!!!”

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