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Posted by12 days ago
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  • r/clinicalresearch - Clinical Research Pharmacist aspiring to join the pharmaceutical industry. My resume has been prepared by a professional industry resume writer. Unfortunately, I still am not even getting a preliminary call. Any advice would be helpful.
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Posted by5 days ago
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Posted by12 days ago
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Posted by12 days ago
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Posted by3 months ago
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Say for example you have $500 in "spare" money with the only necessity you have to pay being maybe a week of gas. Let's say that's $50 and that gets taken off making your "spare" money, so you now have $450 left.

Let's say you went out to eat at a restaurant. Let's say Shake Shack for this example, let's assume you are single too because a family would drain things 4x as fast. You get a couple double cheeseburgers, fries, and a large drink and desert. You now have paid $50, you now have $400.

If you go to Mcdoanlds the next 2 days just for dinner, you brought a large drink, a large fry, and two mcdoubles, that's almost $10 after tax, for two nights you are likely looking at about $20.

Let's say during those same 2 days for breakfast, you went to Dunkin Donuts. You got a large iced sweet tea, 2 donuts, a egg and bacon toast sandwich, and an order of hash browns. That's $12 and you do that for two days so that totals $24. You're total after all this is $356.

You decide to get some decent food at the grocery store that isn't processed to cook at home for dinner the same next 2 days, and maybe take some with you for work. This costs $50, you are now at $306. You also decide to by drinks, juice and milk, that's good for you and isn't artificial for the next few days, that's $20, now you are at $286.

This may not seem like much at first but you went from $500 to $286 in only 3 days from whatever extra cash you got from your paycheck because you wanted a decent meal, buy good food to cook, and went out to eat a few times. Most people get paid every two weeks, this is 3 days in we haven't even finished one week yet. Most likely that $296 may not make it to the end of week 1 for most of you. This is for the lower middle-income individuals.

Now if you are poor income, or homeless as I, you likely won't have a "spare" $500 to spend, most likely it will be if anything between $50-$100.

This means that while lower middle-class people will be struggling to maintain their finances, the lower income will be much worse off because we will be FORCED to eat cheaper food. The stuff I mentioned above is often not an option.

For us, we will have to buy processed junk and $.50 Mac n' cheese per box to last the week or more, we will have to buy the bad milk, we will have to buy the bad chicken usually in a can, processed boxed rice, canned beefaroni, artificial cheese, sodas instead of organic juice and milks, no Shake Shack only bottom of the barrel chains. I should also mention water is often unaffordable because good water in a sizable bottle that has plastic that doesn't leak into the liquid of 1L size or higher, is often $3.50-$6 per bottle.

This means that impoverished people are more likely forced into situations where they are eating and drinking unhealthy products which can result in various illnesses. These illnesses can then result in us with our bad insurances, if we have any, now having to add treatments or medications with their associated costs, likely for the rest of our lives, to our budget struggles, unless our lives miraculously change and we are suddenly able to afford better products.

The system in place makes it so the poor are basically risking becoming ill by eating what they can afford, as if they are being punished for being poor, while the middle-income (but not rich) are often better off outside the ones that are voluntarily doing dumb things to make their health worse. But the poor, we often don't have a choice. We can't get a gallon of organic grass-fed $7 milk from a store 3 times a week, go out to 5 guys or Shake Shack twice a week, which aren't good for you anyway but they are better than McDonald's and Taco Bell, but even McDonald's isn't cheap anymore, $4 for two mcdoubles, $5 fries, $1.50 large drink, and those two mcdoubles is a promo, they would be $6 otherwise. But it's better than $6 large drink, $18 for two burgers, and $6.50 for fries, but the food is worse.

Food costs increasing the last few years have made things much worse, and it all seems designed to hook most of the population making less than 32K a year to be on some pill or shot because we can only afford bad food they are legally allowed to sell and push on us at discount grocers, or sections in general grocery stores, without any accountability. Even the bad food prices have gone up, that $.50 per box Mac n' cheese is now almost $2.50 a box. That used to get you 5 boxes now it gets you one.

I just am so tired of not being able to buy real food because of cost gatekeeping, and I'm sure many people who are struggling are also dealing with this very issue. When I look at websites where people reveal their finances food is the number one drain and following that it's medical costs or a medical bill they fell in debt on because they had to go to the hospital, or insulin shots.

But when you look at those who make over $32K a year that aren't living in obviously unaffordable cities, they don't show the same results.

Some may think it's a conspiracy but I don't think it's a coincidence poor people are leading in these health problems and it's connected to the food and drink we are only able to afford most of the time. The same food that those with money avoid for those same reasons as often as possible.

And it's all 100% legal.

Some of it is 100% intentional as well with how the prices are marked. Can someone explain to me why I have to pay an unaffordable $5 for a 1L bottle of water, the most important drink you can have. But I can get 1L bottle of "carboned" or "Seltzer" plain water in a 1L bottle for only 89 cents? If they are both just water than what am I paying the $4+ premium for? Or are they lying about what's in the carbonated water bottle? Because if it's just water that's carbonated than why is there such a price difference between it, and a 1L bottle of regular clean water, and why are many people avoiding buying 89 cent carbonated plain water?

Brings up many red flags. Personally I think all of this should be illegal, everyone should have access to some form of non-detrimental food even if it's not 100% the best, instead of forcing most of the population to eat junk that was only meant to sit in your cabinet for an emergency, as a daily meal. The "experts" aren't oblivious, they know about the increases in illnesses, strokes, heart attacks diabetes, etc, and the correlations. Which no one is doing anything about.

But even middle-income people struggling have to dip into the bad food and drink often to keep control of their finances. They don't have enough to qualify for the healthy eating club, just only a few times a week. It's a big problem that no one wants to solve imo. But with poor people? It's as if they threw us in jail because being poor is a crime, and we can't choose out own food.

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Posted by2 months ago
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