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Posted by12 minutes ago

For anyone who is far into Mix: Meisei Story, what are your thoughts on it so far?

And what are your predictions for the future of the manga?

Personally, I've been enjoying it a lot. It feels a lot more laid back and just feels more friendly toward a younger audience compared to other Adachi works, but I feel like the romance has possibly the slowest progression and is possibly the weakest for an Adachi work, which is a bit disappointment. It seems like the romance is actually only starting to begin in Chapter 116 and even then it's still pretty subtle. I really wonder how long Adachi plans to make this manga.

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Welcome! This is a subreddit dedicated to Mitsuru Adachi's manga and anime, including Cross Game, H2, Mix, Touch, Rough, Katsu!, and many others. Feel free to discuss these works here.
Created Jun 9, 2020





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