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Posted by6 days ago

My mom hit me with the “you’re at the age where you should start looking into anti-aging cream” I’m 27! At what age did you start looking into that stuff? What different options are there? I’m a little bewildered here..

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level 1

I just turned 27 and am starting to use some anti again products 😂 I’ve heard it’s better to start early and think of it as preventative measures

level 2

What do you use? I'm literally 25 but want to keep my skin looking good as long as possible

level 2

Same. Started using anti aging skincare products in my morning and evening routine starting with 27. One cannot revert age, only prevent the effects on the skin

level 2

yes. pretty much all anti-aging measures that currently exist and will in the foreseeable future--probably our lifetimes even if we're 20 now--do very little to reverse aging. only slowing it down.

based on this i would say a lot of anti-aging measures should thus start at like... well whatever age a person takes care of themselves, and those measures are effective. it's not anti-aging it's self-preservation at that point. aging is damage.

level 2

I don’t even know where to start 😩

level 1

I started at 22 because I like having a bedtime routine but everyone ages so it's not a big deal if you never use it imo

level 1

Sunscreen, but also, sun hat!!

I wish my mom was into skin care - when i was 12 or so i asked for some Purpose daily facial sin screen/ moisturizer and she told me no; daily sunscreen was only for pale Irish people.

level 1

Your genetics play the biggest role in how you’ll age. Maybe your mom was just saying what she wished she’d done at your age? (though not in an especially polite way)

level 2

I'd say sun and sun damage more than genetics..

level 1

wish males were pressured like that as well

level 2

i got my husband into a full skincare routine including spf and retinol. we joked about it in front of his family and they looked at me like i was crazy. i was like ummm do you think men shouldn’t take care of their skin??

level 2

My boyfriend is way better with his skin than me. He masks every couple of days. He looks way younger than his friends. Some of them asked him on the down low what he does.

level 2

As a man I’ve recently been getting into skin care products.

level 2

Or better yet no one. Crows feet are attractive on men, why not women? Aging is a privilege.

level 2

Why would you wish men were 'pressured' into anti-aging treatments/skincare as well? Surely it would just be better if neither men nor women felt pressure to remain looking 20 forever? This obsession with sunscreen and retinol is unhealthy. Aging is a privilege and wrinkles merely show that.

level 2

Im lol, i started doing skincare and antiaging stuff since i was 16

level 1

I made a point of starting an anti-ageing routine in my 20’s, and coming up 40 I can say the effort has paid off.


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