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From fury to understanding, it’s time for fundamental change.


Last year’s big electoral defeat showed people’s fury with a Coalition that considered itself untouchable, no matter what cruelty, arrogant refusal to answer or accept blame when it was exposed. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 14


Commemorating the 140th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx


We are commemorating today the 140 th anniversary of the death of the revolutionary working class leader Karl Marx.

Standing alongside his grave in London’s Highgate Cemetery three days later, Marx’s closest friend and collaborator, and the co-founder of the ideology that bears Marx’s name, Friedrich Engels, delivered a short speech  that we reprint below – Eds.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 13


Workers' Collective Action Needed To Win Significant Changes To Industrial Laws


The federal Labor Party promised significant changes to the Fair Work Act when elected in 2022. The promises were due to pressure from workers through their Unions.


more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 10


Who are these warmongers?


This week readers of the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne’s The Age have been subjected to the beating of war drums by a stable of five “experts” whose views have been collated by journalists Peter Hartcher and Matthew Knott. 
In authoritative tones, the five have warned of the inevitability of war with China in 3 years and that “we are not ready’.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 08


Women and Capitalism video released


To commemorate International Women's Day, the Party has released a video,  Women and Capitalism.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 07


Reclaiming International Working Women’s Day from the champagne lunch crew


The first piece in this series by Louisa L showed class and Aboriginality overwhelmingly influence how patriarchy is experienced. This article talks of women and the work they do.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 07


As capitalism sweeps disasters aside, women carry unequal burdens


Instead of issuing a statement, this year Louisa L sought out women’s voices in the lead-up to International Women’s Day, using their words to draw conclusions. 

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 06


Barngarla court case begins with early morning rally.


Nearly 70 people gathered outside the Federal Court at 8.30am this morning in Adelaide to mark the beginning of what is expected to be a five-day hearing which it is hoped will overturn the decision to locate a nuclear waste dump on Barngarla land at Kimba on the Eyre Peninsula.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 05


Skeletons in Holland’s closet: files on WW2 fascists to be released.


A decision taken by the Dutch government to finally open files on Nazis and their supporters in Holland during the 1930s and Second World War, has been greeted with mixed reaction. Fears have been raised about long lost and highly incriminating information suddenly entering the public domain. A number of related factors, however, might also be interest and worthy of consideration: information emerging about the Dutch Resistance and foreign policy ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 04


Kimba Nuclear Dump and The Voice from First Nations’ Journalist Perspective


A feature of the Adelaide Festival of Arts is Writers' Week held in the first week of March.
This year's Writers' Week theme according to its Director Louise Adler is "the notion of truth - truths we acknowledge, truths we feel are debatable and those beyond debate".


more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 04


Rail disasters: profits before safety


Train wrecks do not happen very often, but when they do, the disaster is often on a grand scale.
Below we feature comments on the Ohio, USA and Tempi, Greece disasters from working class parties in those countries.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 03


Police report on Wieambilla shootings too superficial


The report, following an investigation conducted by the Queensland Police and Australian security, into the Wieambilla shootings last December revealed extremely sketchy findings. The investigation, however, is apparently ongoing. Elsewhere, other information from official sources, provide information which raises questions about the findings of the investigation and add weight to a likely conspiracy.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 02


Inflation solutions mock September’s Jobs & Skills Summit.


The Government trumpeted the Jobs and Skills Summit outcomes “to deliver secure jobs with growing wages, boost incomes and living standards”. Inflation and the solutions being dumped on us are putting paid to those fantasies.

more...- Posted on 2023 Mar 01


China’s Twelve Proposals for Ending the Ukrainian Conflict


Several days ago, on February 24, to coincide with the first anniversary of Russian imperialism’s invasion of Ukraine, China released a paper stating its position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.
In general, Australian mainstream media have dismissed the Chinese statement without making the full text available for public consideration. That includes the ABC as well as the privately-owned capitalist media.

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 27


“Soldiers trained to deal with protesters”


The Australian Army continues to be trained for use against Australian citizens.

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 26


Shipbuilding Unions Demand Sovereign Build


Leaderships of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Australian Workers Union, Communications, Electricians and Plumbers Union and Professionals Australia, their members and supporters held a rally outside the SA Premier's building in Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square) on Friday 24 February.


more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 25


National Anti-AUKUS rallies held.


The Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition yesterday held rallies outside Federal Labor government MPs’ electorate offices.
These included the offices of the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Minister for Defence Richard Marles, and Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy.

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 24


Russian imperialists – out of Ukraine!


(An abridged version of this statement was distributed at a Ukrainian community rally yesterday)

Twelve months ago today, Russian imperialism committed an unforgivable act of aggression against Ukraine.
According to Putin, the aggression was to be a “special military operation”, implying a quick and limited action.
Instead, the invasion met resistance and the “special military operation” became an all-out war that has lasted for a year.
We know Putin’s justifications ...

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 23


Mparntwe Alice Springs, what’s the real emergency?


When Arrernte, Luritja, Warlpiri, Pitjantjatjara and the other Peoples of Mparntwe hear the word “emergency”, they know they’re the ones branded with it. 
Earlier this month the overwhelmingly non-Indigenous residents at a 3000 strong Alice Springs’ protest meeting called for just that – emergency action, more police and a reimposition of the NT Intervention. It was in Arrernte country, but Arrernte did not feel welcome.

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 22


“Fresh food people” and a rotten deal.


Australian Woolworths supermarket chain has recently launched the second in its Bricks series of Lego-like shopping rewards.
Spend $30 at Woolworths and you will be offered one packet of the toys.
The toys are a crass commercial ploy to enthuse young children about the Woolworths shopping experience.

more...- Posted on 2023 Feb 19


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)