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Psychology and sociology of religion and non-belief


Posted by3 years ago

I ended up with a Third Eye or Diamond. On the center or my forehead, I feel something. I have researched the topic off and on for the last six years or so. I didn't know what a Third Eye was, or care to have one. Growing in Faith with God, and experiencing The Spiritual, one day, where I was talking to God centered on my forehead. I have been studying different testimonies of people claiming to have opened their third eye and comparing and contrasting different mysticism, and some conclusions and theories were created over the course of said research, and experiencing some things.

Where did I do my research and look for testimonies? I may have done simple internet searches on the subject and found some relevant information. Relevant information may have been things that I was drawn to because I had been experiencing something, and it made sense through spiritual discernment and God. I was following r/parnormal and r/paranomal_help looking for testimonies, and spiritually discerning some things. I went to Quora and found people asking about The Third Eye, and found a lot of testimonies from people who claimed to have one, and could do a compare and contrast.

Getting into this subject, I have often found Egotistical Assholes to put it bluntly. They thought they had the world figured out, or they may have felt envious or jealous. They could have been an atheist or a Christian in a specific tradition or a variety of different people. He may have had a couple advanced degrees, and was suffering from hubris, complacent in a perishing world. They had a subjective reality, and a perception of the world that they really needed to be true, when it was not. If that is you, swallow that, and keep it to yourself. There is a lot of literature on this subject from a variety of sources. Does reading this rub someone the wrong way? You know whom I am talking about. Swallow whatever vile you were thinking about writing and deal with it. You have had some personalty deficiencies that you may need to work on. Angry? Go take a way right now, and come back? In the comments, given we ended up talking about you and your ego rather than the OP, you failed, and wrong, and did exactly what you have been warned about.

Back on topic. What are the things that I believe most lead to having a third eye personally?

  • I received a calling around the age of 30. (Luke 3:23) I heard a voice. I would ask yes or no questions about the Bible at first. I received really awesome answers. This was the voice of God. I grew in faith.

  • I received some proverbs. Post: "Understanding and Growing in Faith."

  • Working to understand God and having the character of God right in an understanding of The Prophets was really important. Website: Prophetic Ministry.

  • I didn't know what a Third Eye was, and it took me several months before I researched it. God was talking to me, and we were working on building The Kingdom of God.

Given we growing in Faith, a knowledgeable dependence, it is really important to have the character of God right. What was someone growing in Faith with? A lot of Christians like to comment that God is love. (1 John 4:8) God's love is fatherly. God has good plans. These are true, and someone needs this understanding towards growing in Faith. God is a man of war. (Exodus 15:3)(Isaiah 42:13)(Matthew 10:34-37) Given someone was utilitarian or had a Post-Modern Mush god, those verses they may may have felt uncomfortable with, or it did not quite mesh with their perception or understanding of God. Someone growing in Faith with God may need a complete understanding of whom God is, and be seeking him with all their heart and soul and strength and mind in meekness to God. I did no Eastern Mysticism or New Age towards growing in Faith. I worked to have a complete understanding of God and God's character, and not be "selectively reading" or working to control God. I was being meek before God and following directions. Does someone need a third eye? I didn't know what one was, and God was talking to me without one. I would say that my awareness of the spiritual increased when it opened. It may be tied to being a "Seer." Not all Seers in the Bible were serving God?

This may be a rough topic for some. The Truth hurts. Knowledge brings sorrow. Ignorance is bliss? Given I explain this more in ways that bring understanding, certain people may end up "Aware." They were unconscious of the spiritual and their shadow. Suddenly they become conscious of something. For some people that may be painful. In the comments, as they come to me, I may reveal more.

Posted by3 years ago
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Posted by3 years ago

Given The Bible, and we are looking to apply and wield The Bible through The Spirit of God to its fullest, what is a Seer? What do I mean by applying and wielding The Bible? Someone doesn't have a doctrine or ideology or false belief or perception they are working to fit the Bible into, they are "doing" and meek before God seeking understanding, and making associations that work. Doing this, and seeking to answer this question, may be uncomfortable. It may hurt. The Truth hurts. Knowledge brings sorrow. Ignorance is bliss?

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8)

Given someone was a Seer, they may be able to see what has been happening in the darkness. He may have some knowledge about what happens behind closed doors. He may have been aware of Satan. He may have been engaging in Spiritual Warfare. He may have been aware of many uncomfortable things that some people would rather have had hidden. God is scary. Being aware of God may bring a fear of God, and some people may have been working against God, and working to hide away God. To more clearly understand what the spiritual is, how it works, and what was going on behind closed doors, someone may end up hated for a time. Christians are to bring people into the truth gently. At times, like an Apocalypse or an opening of the eyes, it may come suddenly in the right context, by the right person, as shepherded by God. Given someone was a Theologian, and had a career being wrong due to ideologies or certain doctrines, and being ego invested in his work, an understanding of The Spiritual and God and the Bible, may hurt. I understand.

Song: "Dangerous."

The days of punishment are coming, the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this. Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired person a maniac. (Hosea 9:7)


Given someone was fulfilling or appeared to fit into the profile given in Hosea 9:7, he may have been a seer, with God's Fatherly love. He may have been given vision into what happens in The Darkness, and was aware of sins and wrong doings. (Not specifically claiming Hosea 9:7, but working towards understanding.)

At this point, someone may be curious the theological and denominational background and grounding of The Author.

  • I received a calling fall 2013 around the age of 30. (Luke 3:23)

  • I was mentored by Kingdom Watchers. The author there has been right a lot.

  • To Kingdom Watchers, we apply an understanding of Thumos,and having cause and effect spiritual and supernatural experiences with God. Theologically, it does change somethings, or build on Kingdom Watchers.

  • I didn't hate The Catholics. This was important. God has well of Saints or Martyrs, and someone who hated The Catholics may have had stumbling blocks, and needed some false things to be true.

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Posted by3 years ago

Through Dr. Jordan Peterson, I became aware of Dr. Carl Jung. I don't like Dr. Carl Jung. A lot of what he taught assumes "Occult Person Outside of God." Someone growing in Faith, working to be of One Mind with God is different. (Philippians 2:2) Dr. Carl Jung wrote about the Anima and Animus. These may have had some associations with some Christian concepts. I have been shepherded towards 1 Corinthians 11:3. We have an association of God - Man - Wife in a hierarchy. Man is meek before God. Woman meek before her husband. Faith is like a marriage.

(This has been a complex topic. Some of this may be going at high speed for your average Reddit reader. I am assuming you know something about Dr. Carl Jung, or have been smart enough to go internet search him, and come to some understanding. I am assuming you are capable of reading comprehension, and can read the Bible. Knee jerk reactions make you a resister to the Kingdom of God and show you to be uneducated and incapable.)

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

  • The Song of Songs has been in the Bible as a representation of God's Love for Israel.

  • In the New Testament, The Church is a Bride for Christ in a similar way.

Faith is a lot like a marriage. Man goes to work, and puts in a hard day. He comes home, and finds his house clean and dinner on the table. Faith is evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1) Man didn't necessarily see his wife clean his house, or cook his food. He found evidence of things unseen. Given man comes home day after day, and finds his wife faithful, he grows in trust a faith with her. Faith is a knowledgeable dependence. God works exactly as The Prophets and Men of God in the Bible, whom he has spoken through, has said God has worked. Reading the news day to day, a man may have been able to pick up on what God has been doing in an understanding of God's plans leading to The Kingdom of God.

In an understanding of men and women, man is the head. He is a decision maker. Woman has been an influencer. She has been the neck turning the head.

  • Man looks at his wife. He asks her where she would like to go out to eat. She says "I don't know." She says so a lot. Why? Man is the head. The decision maker. Woman is the neck turning the head.

  • Man and wife are laying in bed. Wife says "I am cold." What does "I am cold mean?" Does it mean "Turn up the heat?" Does it mean "Get another blanket?" Does it mean "Put your arms around me dummy?" Man is a decision maker. Woman an influencer.

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Posted by3 years ago

I am not a doctor. I told a doctor at the VA I could talk to God in early December 2014. By the third week of January 2015, I had received 100% VA Disability for Schizophrenia. Since February 2014, I have worked for God full time. Living day to day, I would receive things from God, and write them out publicly online, and often found cause and effect with what I had been doing and seeing in the news. Living day to day would mean that I didn't have any long term plans. I woke up, and may have received some things, or saw what God (or Satan) had been doing in the news, and may have receive something towards fulfilling God's plans and building the Kingdom of God. I have no doubts about what the spiritual is, and who God. I have complete faith.

  • But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. (Jeremiah 1:7)

  • For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. (Luke 21:15)

Jeremiah was not hearing from a Burning Bush. Jeremiah heard God. He heard a voice. Is that schizophrenic? Not really. A lot of psychologists and psychology was influenced by The Occult. Dr. Carl Jung for example, did some very particular things in how he described reality and the world that lines up with certain spiritual concepts in a particular way. The Occult, people who rejected God, or were seeking "Mystical Powers" or knowledge worked in a certain way, and someone who was working to shape how perceived the world from an Occult understanding was off. He was a false teacher. Prophet Jeremiah heard a voice. He Prophesied things that came true.

In history, give someone hears The Voice of God, someone may have been able to hear other things as well. What other things? Possibly spirits or demons.

What may it look like for someone centered on God hearing the voice of God?

The Holy Ghost is Unquenchable Fire.

Song: "Fire"

Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, I may have experienced many interesting things. Given I received some thing "Not-God" would ignore it and pray, and wait it out a day or so till it was just God and me. Sometimes, I was awake all night dealing with something.

Song: All Night.


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Created Apr 2, 2015





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