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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Iggy And The Stooges Ready To Die Live LAST NEW LINK!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's post consist of that bald-headed, Courtney Love fucking, whiney voiced, Stop,Stop I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but there is no reason to post this. (Off Mic) Ready To Die Live
The Fucking Stooges Live
1. Gun  2. Job  3. Burn  4. Ready To Die  5. Gimmie Danger  6. Sex And Money  7. Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell  8. The Departed  9. 1970  10. Funhouse @ 224 

No Comprendo....

Here You Go Folks. Our post comments in in Czech...
Try reading this on a Late Saturday night...

SilentWay komentoval bahnitých vodách žijí Fillmore 4.listopadu : ".. no, je to" Chicago Blues ", ale chápu, co říkáš."

Anonymous komentoval bahnitých vodách žijí Fillmore 4.listopadu : "Muddy Waters je zcela přeceňuje, as Pokud jde o mě. On a John Lee Hooker. Taky ... "

draftervoi komentoval Tom superstars drobných WW1 v koncertní spolupráce : "Není zač a díky za připomínky. Trvalo to trochu menší detektivní práce vypátrat ... "
Anonymous komentoval Tom superstars drobných WW1 ve shodě spolupráci : "Skvělá show, díky moc za toto vysílání".
SilentWay komentoval Tom superstars drobných WW1 v koncertní spolupráce : "Další vraha příspěvek. , Já klobouk dolů pro vás dobrý pane "

SilentWay komentoval nevkusné : "Prosím, neopouštěj Anon. Rádi bychom žertu na vás v našem volném čase. =) "
SilentWay komentoval nevkusné : "Ale ne. Teď jsem byl zraněn smrtelně váš zlý slova Anon. Oh ... mimochodem ... bys mohl ... "
SilentWay komentoval vztek proti stroji žije v Londýně : ". Ježíši, Anon ... ne každý má tak krásnou duši jako vy"

Anonymous komentoval vztek proti stroji žije v Londýně : "Nevypadá jako" děvka "ke mně! Velmi krásné přírodní tělo - hezká tvář ... "
Jobe komentoval nevkusné : "Sakra ..... teď je diskuse u konce. Anon používá slovo homosexuál. Můžete vyhrát Anon. Jakmile budete tahat ... "

Anonymous komentoval nevkusné : "dobře - vážil e'body a ano, také homosexuál, jako jsi ty .."

Anonymous komentoval vztek proti stroji žije v Londýně : "Fuck - pro jednou mohl psát krásnou dívku místo děvky .. "

Anonymous komentoval Johna Calea ožívá oop : "ohromující Cale přehlídka mimochodem, díky moc! dusthammer "

SilentWay komentoval Black Angels žít Portland 2006 : "Doufám, že se vám to líbí. Já. Budeme nikde jinde nic, pokud stále máte, zeptejte se. "
Adam komentoval černé andělé žijí Portland 2006 : "výborný repost! Děkuji vám. "

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Skyhooks - Live At Festival Hall 1975

Alert!!! Alert!!! New changes coming to this blog.
1.There will now be a fee attached every time you view this blog. It will be added to your water bill. The charge will be listed under the you'll believe anything listing. Please do not hesitate to pay so that your water authority will send us our cut.
2. We are eliminating the following words from this blog. Grunties, The, Clogin, Dickpinch
3.On weekends from now on this blog will be pre-empted and filled with Pat Boone infomercials when you click a link.
4.All links from our site will now allow us to track your every move. So don't forget to wipe your ass.
More changes to come watch this site daily. @ 224 kbps See Scans


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tom Petty - WW1 Superstars In Concert CO 90-05

NOTES: This show was bootlegged on silver discs several times in the 1990s during the "copyright gap" era of silver bootlegs. One of the bootlegs, "Southern Choice" lists the venue as "Wilmington, North Carolina May 18, 1990." According to the Tom Petty Gigography at www.mudcrutch.com, there were no Tom Petty concerts in May of 1990. While Wilmington and Chapel Hill are both in North Carolina, they're one hundred and sixty miles away from each other, so the attribution of the venue isn't a mix-up involving a suburb and nearby city.

The show was also bootlegged under the title "Lost In North Carolina," "Live In North Carolina '89" on the Living Legend label, and "Free Fallin'" on the Pluto Records imprint.

The introduction to the CO 90-05 show says that Westwood One "joined the star of this evening's show for five dates of the Eastern leg of his tour." That indicates that Westwood One may have recorded several dates and venues as a source for this show. During the intro to "Southern Accents," Petty exclaims, "it's the last night!" and mentions that "this one we haven't done very much but seeing as how we're here in North Carolina I thought we'd do it..."

The Chapel Hill show was the last night of the 1989 tour. so Petty's statement indicates that song was recorded on the last night of the tour in North Carolina. So while the show may be sourced from multiple dates, an attribution of Chapel Hill Sept. 13, 1989 is a reasonable guess.

Westwood One broadcast this show at least three times:

CO 89-30, broadcast dates of November 10 - 12, 1989
CO 90-05, broadcast dates of March 1 - April 1, 1990 (the source of this version)
90-22 and/or 90-34, broadcast dates of August 22-28, 1990 This show has the discs labeled as 90-22, but the cue sheets are labeled as 90-34.

Note that the first broadcast date of November 1989 means that this can't possibly be from May 1990, so the bootleg date is incorrect.

This is digitized directly from the LPs, declicked one click at a time in Audacity. Scans included.


Tom Petty

Westwood One Superstars In Concert show #CO 90-05
Broadcast window of March 30 - April 1, 1990
Recorded at the Dean E. Smith Activities Center
at the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Sept. 13, 1989

Sides 1, 2, and 3

01. Westwood One 90-05 intro
02. Commercial - Miller Lite
03. Bye Bye Johnny
04. The Damage You've Done
05. Breakdown
06. Commercial - Miller Lite
07. Commercial - Listermint
08. Commercial - Volkswagen
09. Westwood One - Steve Downes
10. Free Fallin'
11. The Waiting
12. Commercial - Miller Lite
13. Commercial - Listermint
14. Commercial - TGIFridays (Martin Mull)
15. Westwood One - Steve Downes
16. Benmont's Boogie
17. Don't Come Around Here No More
18. Commercial - Miller Lite
19. Commercial - Volkswagen Passat
20. Commercial - Listermint
21. Westwood One - Steve Downes

Sides 4, 5, and 6
01. Southern Accents
02. Even The Losers
03. Listen To Her Heart
04. A Face In The Crowd
05. Commercial - Miller Lite
06. Commercial - Listermint
07. Commercial - Volkswagen Passat
08. Commercial - TGIFridays (Martin Mull)
09. Westwood One - Steve Downes
10. Something Big
11. I Won't Back Down
12. I Need To Know
13. Commercial - Miller Lite
14. Commercial - Dentyne
15. Commercial - TGIFridays (Martin Mull)
16. Westwood One - Steve Downes
17. Refugee
18. Runnin' Down A Dream
19. Westwood One - Steve Downes- credits
20. Commercial - Miller Lite
21. Westwood One 90-05 promo spot

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Oh boy!

Too bad I prefer those sweet little ones...
And maybe we should upload some big dicks,too (for the cute gals and men loving boys)
Oh, no, I forgot: It ought to be a music blog...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Frank Zappa Radio - 24-7

Frank Zappa Radio - 24-7

Thanks to Frank Zappa y Artistas Relacionados


Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Phantom's Divine Comedy {This Thing Is So Out Of Print}

(Spoken In a Translyvanian Accent With Apologies to Count Floyd) Tonight on Monster Chiller Theater. I present one of the scariest LP's ever. Imagine you are the singer of a big rock band. And say you get arrested for pulling your penis out. Then you get fat. Then you die supposedly However many rumors surface about you staging your own death. Rumors like you were running guns for the Sandanista's. Or the one about your satanic bakery. Or this one that you missed fame and fortune so much you hired your old band back, called them X-on drums, Y&W on bass, Z on piano and organ. So you signed with the same company that said Klattu were The Beatles. And released this. Well I'll let you be the judge. Is it him? back from the dead? See scans for details. Oh by the way(just in case) you can always click on the scans to enhance the pictures. @192(Hey don't bitch or I will invade your dreams tonight)


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Captain Beefheart - Shiny Beast Alternate Takes

Back From The Dead...
Originally posted by v-chile May 20, 2013

Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Shiny Beast
Alternate Audio Tracks

In honour of the guys,who shared the love for the Captain and who can`t do that anymore...

One of my all time favourites: The Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller).
And one of the real romanticists in Rock music,too.

Not the original release (Keep cool,music industry),this is the alternate version (but very similar) of some of the Bat Chain Puller tracks (and more).

01. Suction Prints 4:19
02. When I See Mummy 4:33
03. Candle Mambo 3:21
04. Candle Mambo 3:28
05. The Witch Doctor Life 2:07
06. Love Lies 3:29
07. Run Paint Run Run Version 1  1:50
08. Run Paint Run Run Version 2  2:15

Don Van Vliet voc,soprano sax,harm
Jeff Moris Tepper g,slide g
Bruce Lambourne Fowler trombone
Eric Drew Feldman synt.,piano,bass
Richard Redus slide guitar, g
Robert Arthur Williams dr,perc
Art Tripp III marimba

Candle Mambo:
Candle shy, candle weep
Fly, hot candle, leap
Candle roll and fold in ball
Candle large, candle small

Your threads of fire burning up,
Your feathers of fire winning night
And turning light, and turning light
Light deepest night for me, and steer for me

Spin and spin
Then and then

When I'm dancing with my love the shadows flicker up above
Up above the shadows do the Candle Mambo

Candle roll and fold in ball
Candle blur, candle whir
Candle her, candle her

While your lights are spinning round,
Your feathers of fire winning night
And turning light, and turning light

Candle crack, candle break
Correct the night's mistake

When I'm dancing with my love
The shadows flicker up above
Up above, the shadows do the Candle Mambo

Studio Recording!
Thanks to the original source!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Green Is Good...

Greenleaf - Devil Woman 

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf

Obama War On Medical Marijuana

The Ugly Truth

...stop arresting weed smokers, period. Gateway drug my ass. Please come into the 21st century.

Pete Townshend Twenty (Scoop 4)

Someone wanna go over to Willards and tell Joe he can get this here?
Songs Are
1.Flying Boy
2.There Is No Message In A Broken Heart
3.I Am An Animal
4.Lazy Fat People
5.King Rabbit
6.Crashing By Design
7.I Am Secure
8.Cool Jerk
9.A Man Without A Woman
10.I Wish I Was As Good As I Look
11.Latin Thing
12.The Shout
13.Looking For Words
14.Rat Run
16.Why Dyou Stand So Close To That Man
17.You'll Never Be Alone Again
18.How Do You Love Me Then Version 1
19.How Did You Love Me Then Version 2
20.English Boy (Live Acoustic)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Robert Cray - Warfield Sept 18, 1987 K FOG-FM

After three albums in the first half of the 80s, Cray broke through to mainstream success with 1986’s “Strong Persuader.” The album climbed to #13 on the Billboard Album Chart and received airplay on many AOR radio stations, such as San Francisco’s KFOG.
For their fifth anniversary, KFOG featured the John Hiatt and Robert Cray sets from their shows at the Warfield Theatre in a live broadcast. This is digitized from my master copy that I taped off the air, and the sound quality is excellent.

I had filled out some extra space on the cassette with a song from one o' those floppy flexi-discs that sometimes came with magazines; this one is from Guitar Player although I don't know the issue it was from the late 80s; probably 1987.

The "tape flip" falls between "Still Around" and "Same Old Funky Thing."

Robert Cray
Warfield Theatre
San Francisco, CA
September 18, 1987
Master copy of Maxell XLII>Audacity>flac

01. Phone Booth
02. Foul Play
03. Bad Influence
04. The Last Time
05. False Accusations
06. Where Do I Go From Here
07. Natural Ball
08. More Than I Can Stand
09. Still Around
10. Same Old Funky Thing
11. Right Next Door
12. I Guess I Showed Her
13. Playing In The Dirt
14. Smoking Gun
15. Too Many Cooks
16. Instrumental
17. I Asked For Water
18. Phone Booth - Guitar Player magazine soundpage

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sonic Youth - Live Bremen, Germany 1991

Sonic Youth - The Mira Tapes
Live at the Aladin
Bremen, Germany 
August 27, 1991 
Liberated Soundboard Bootleg @256

Track List:
song for karen (tunic)
dirty boots
chapel hill north carolina
i love her all the time
mary christ
kool thing
express way (for patti smith)
spot'ssz christ?!

..Thanks to whoever I got this from.

pass = fbsvw

Mira Tapes


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Joe Bonamassa - Live at The North Sea Jazz Festival 2007 {Video Stream}

Joe Bonamassa - Live at The North Sea Jazz Festival 2007
including Joe's School program interview.

In Poor Taste???

Some of you may become offended. I really don't give a shit...

...organized religion...acckkk. Why do you think they call the followers "sheep".

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rory Gallagher - Celtic Festival (Lorient, France - 1994) - FULL

Rory Gallagher -  Celtic Festival (Lorient, France - 1994)

Rory Gallagher (guitars)
David Levy (bass),
John Cooke (keyboards)
Richard Newman (drums)
+ frequent guest: Mark Feltham (harmonica)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Frank Zappa - 1978-10-13 - Capitol Theatre,NY - Early Show - Audio And Video

Frank Zappa
Capitol Theatre
Early Show

The chance is good that you already have this bootleg. If not, grab it,it`s an amazing Zappa show. Somebody called it a "Killer Show".

But the reason why I post this, now, is the video. 

If your eyes get used to the black and white foggy pictures you will get the chance to feel like 
 being onstage,too. Turn the lights down low...

It´s up to you...

Just for the setlist:




Soundboard Recording!

Thanks to the original sources!



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just A Rumour

Somebody spread this spectacular rumour about the world!
I thought it would be my duty to let you know,too...

"And now, from the Domain of Jobe Almighty, comes the spiritual snack that you've been craving: The Golden Goldfish. One tasty bite and salvation and celebrations are yours! Consider it a sign from Cheesus."

Florida woman finds "sign from God" on Goldfish cracker


Patti Burke now keeps her "sign from God" inside an earring case (Florida Today) It`s a fishy story, but the woman telling it believes it's pure gold. The Florida resident says the markings she found on a Goldfish cracker are a direct
message affirming her Christian faith.

"I believe that it`s a sign, a sign from God," Patti Burke told WKMG. "He is still in our life every day, and he wants to show that to his people."
It's not quite manna, but in Burke's eyes it's a manifestation of her faith.
The cracker in question has two markings, or imperfections, on its surface. Burke says the first marking is of a cross with a circle around it. The second marking, near the head of the fish, represents a golden crown.
"When I picked this one up, I knew he was special," she said.  "Something I`ve never seen before out of all the Goldfish I`ve eaten."

Burke admittedly has been working from a large sample size, consuming between two and three pounds of the crackers per week. She says she eats the small crackers individually, examining each one for the optimal amount of savory coating.

Burke now carries her special cracker in an earring box padded with gauze. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Old 97's - Fantasy Studio, Berkeley, CA Sept 25, 1999

Here's another one of my tapes from down in the basement...another off-air master recording of a KFOG-FM broadcast.  Sound quality is excellent.  If you like the Old 97's brand of alt-country rock, you'll like this.  And if you're not familiar with them, this is a good introduction.

Old 97s
Fantasy Studios, Berkeley, Ca
September 25, 1999
TDK SA-X 90 Master copy of FM Broadcast >
Audacity > EAC track split on sector boundaries

1.  Introduction
2.  Indefinitely
3   Lonely Holiday
4.  19
5   Murder (Or A Heart Attack)
6.  Crash On The Barrelhead
7.  Big Brown Eyes
8.  Valentine
9.  Barrier Reef
10.  Victoria
11.  Timebomb


Rory Gallagher - Don Kirshner's Rock Concert '74-'75

Back From The Dead...
Originally posted April 6, 2013

Rory Gallagher - Don Kirshner's Rock Concert
1974 & 1975

TV Broadcast/Soundboard Recording @320

Track List:
01 Cradle Rock
02 They Don't Make Them Like You Anymore
03 Who's That Comin'
04 A Million Miles Away
05 Let Me In
06 I Take What I Want
07 Ain't Too Good
08 Souped-Up Ford

Tracks 1-4 1974
Tracks 5-8 1975

Rory Gallagher - guitar, vocals
Gerry McAvoy - bass
Lou Martin - keyboards
Rod De'Ath - drums
Thanks to whomever I got this from!

pass - fbsvw

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Time Lapse/Earth


Footage Note: The slower video represents a closer resemblance to the true speed of the International Space Station; this footage was shot at one frame per second. Clips are all marked with an *.
Locations of Footage in the order they appear:

1. A Jump over the Terminator
2. Sarychev Volcano
3. From Turkey to Iran*
4. Hurricane Irene Hits the US
5. Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean Through the Cupola*
6. Central Great Plains at Night*
7. Aurora Borealis over the North Atlantic Ocean*
8. Aurora Borealis from Central U.S.*
9. Up the East Coast of North America*
10. Myanmar to Malaysia*
11. Western Europe to Central India
12. Middle East to the South Pacific Ocean
13. Aurora Borealis over Europe*
14. City Lights over Middle East*
15. European City Lights*
16. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
17. Moonglow over Canada and Northern U.S.*
18. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (1)
19. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (2)
20. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (3)
21. Stars and the Milky Way over the Atlantic*
22. The Milky Way and Storms over Africa (1)
23. The Milky Way and Storms over Africa (2)"
 Thanks to Bruce Wayne Photography!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jeff Beck - One Of The Best - Out Of Print

Jeff Beck
One Of The Best
Out Of Print
Release Date: 2006

One of the best?
Yeah,that`s right!
Perfect Jeff Beck live recording from the "Rough & Ready" era...

One failing: Crossroads with Eric Clapton`s missing...

Live performance for the BBC in 1971.

Low bitrate; nevertheless sound is fine...

01. Ice Cream Cakes 6:48
02. Morning Dew 5:09
03. Piano Solo/Going Down 4:13
04. Definetly Maybe 7:33
05. Ain`t No Sunshine 4:32
06. Goodbye Porkpie Hat 4:18
07. New Ways 7:50
08. Got The Feeling 5:59
09. Let Me Love You  6:25



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen

Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen
Ludlow Garage

We talked about the good times of the old FBS,but he`s the one
 who made it all possible:
He´s the one who never gives it up,
who even opened the "Son" and the new "FBS",
while other guys let it all go down...



Thanks to the original source!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Rickie Lee Jones - 1985-02-07 - Nakano Sun Plaza Hall - Tokyo,JPN

Rickie Lee Jones
Nakano Sun Plaza Hall

Chuck E.'s In Love 3:49
Pirates 4:02
We Belong Together  5:02
The Real End  5:56
Under the Boardwalk  3:02
Magazine  5:03
Juke Box Fury  4:45
Woody and Dutch On the Slow Train To Peking   6:11
On Saturday Afternoons In 1963  2:36

Rickie Lee Jones - voc,g,p 
Vonda Sheppard - syn,voc 
James Harrah - g, voc
George Hawkins - b, voc
Dr. Leonard Gibbs - per, voc
Art Rodriguez - dr


Soundboard Recording!

Thanks to the original source!
