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Today I Fucked Up


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Posted by8 hours ago

This is still moderately a success for me though, given how shy I am on initial approach! :D

So my gym crush was at the gym today. While my schedule has changed with job times over the past 6 months, I used to see her in there every day, then I worked days for 4 months so never saw her, and today found her again! I’m quite shy approaching a woman at first even though I do well in conversation after, and so I was thinking maybe today is the day. I’m just doing cardio day on the bike and she’s in front of me getting ready to do lats, as another woman starts cleaning the squat rack she was on. Crush girl looks over to the squat rack and goes to the woman, asks if she’s done. She is! And she leaves.

Crush girl looks back at lat machine where she left ALL her stuff, down at the squat bench - back to lat machine stuff and back to the bench. She frowns and does a little bunny run over to the lat machine to grab all her crap, then books it back to the squat rack. I laughed my ass off at this, as it’s a planet fitness so racks are ALWAYS busy, and I can relate.

So i continue my hour of cardio, she finishes on the rack and comes back to the lat machine in front of me. I’ve got 10 minutes left and some other gym bro comes up and starts chatting her up. Instant depression feels but I blew them off lol. Things is i used to see like 5 guys a day approach her in the gym, so I figured she might be single but she is probably quite friendly. The guy eventually leaves, I finish my bike time, go to bathroom and wipe my face off from all the sweat. Gym bro is flexin in the mirror with his phone at the ready 🙄.

I go back out and crush girl is still there working out. I’m working up the nerve and can’t so I walk past her toward ab section, which is PACKED. Also I generally won’t approach women at the gym bc I know they’re working out to get stronger as am I, so usually I just don’t bother.

Anyway, Walk away pretending like I wasn’t going to do abs today, on the way back I FINALLY just shove myself over to the machine she’s at and wait a sec for her to notice. She sees me, says hi, turns down her headphones and I simply say “hey I wanted to let you know i saw that panic moment earlier when you were starting on the squat rack, made me laugh so thanks for that 😂 “ She laughs and goes “I was SO nervous someone was going to take the bench when I went to get my stuff!” I laughed and told her at least take her phone or water bottle next time so she doesn’t miss lol. I tell her I’ve seen her around here a lot and her progress is amazing (it is, her back is freakin ripped now), and she made that “aww thank you” face and said thank you.

HERE’S WHERE I FUCKED UP: at this point I don’t want to be like the bro, taking up her time, so I say “well thanks for the laugh, it’s nice to meet you!” She laughed and said “you’re welcome, you too!”

AND I WALKED AWAY WITHOUT GETTING HER NAME. Or giving her mine. Oh well, at least I can wave her down tomorrow or soon and apologize and introduce then 😂 Gym girl, on the off chance you read this, you’re super cute! 🤗

TL;DR - today I finally spoke to gym crush, made her laugh, and walked away without giving my name OR getting hers 🤦‍♂️

Posted by7 hours ago

TIFU by going to pee during online class

Posted by18 hours ago

So as a followup on the last one, i just remembered another instance of me just not understanding how girls flirt... Again, this one was a bit in the past. I was around 21 back then.

To loop you in. A few years ago i was part of a musical which also included professional dancers. I got off to a good start with one of them. Let's call her Anna.
So Anna and myself keep on talking and even after our musical finishes (i was an amateur actor back then) we keep in touch. She is finishing dance school in a city quite close to me. I get invited to her final rendition, which is like a final exam.

Fast forward a few days, she now works as a part time model as well. She asks me if i can review some pictures of her. The whole situation goes like this.

Anna: Hey, could you check out some fotos with me?
Me: Sure, send them over.
Anna: I can't. They are "special".
Me: Aight. We can facetime, if you want.

Anyways we started facetimeing. She goes through some pictures. Turns out, this was a nude fotoshoot, however the lighting was setup, so one didn't really see it. Very artsy.

Anna: You think i could post this on instagram.
Me: Not sure, maybe. It's a bit risky.

We keep talking a bit. Mind you, by that time i did not get the fkn hint. After all, she could be Canadian... Btw, even 6 years later, the pictures were never posted.

Weeks later, i am on a business trip in her city. I am invited to stay at her place. It is the middle of the winter. So its pretty cold. I tell her, its fine for me to sleep on the couch. We go and cook together. Drink some wine. I tell her its time for me to go to bed. I go to her room and lay on the couch with a blanked. And wouldn't you know it... it's cold af. I get back up and put on all my clothes.

Posted by14 hours ago

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