The previous years mark a seminal turning point in human history. Stay safe, stay home!This is the message being sent to the world by the international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), governments and the corporate media and finally digital giants and pharmaceutical industry lobbyings commonly referred to as Big Tech and Big Pharma....
Megyn Kelly is joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., best-selling author and environmental lawyer, for an in-depth, two-part episode. In part one, they discuss overcoming disabilities and adversity, childhood vaccines, mercury and autism, the scientific evolution on vaccines, Dr. Anthony Fauci's history and power, how Fauci handled the AIDS epidemic,...
Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol, and has recently launched Z-DTox which he advises will help prevent blood clots, and help protect those with a compromised immune system, including those who have been vaccinated....
Dr. Robert Chandler describes the in-depth dangers occurring in the female reproductive systems, dysregulation of the genome, hormonal imbalance, and other alarming effects of the menstrual cycle following MRNA vaccination. Plus, jaw-dropping global crash in live births and rises in miscarriage rates....
The American Board of Internal Medicine, which is the very same board that is trying to discredit and strip Doctor Peter McCullough of his license, and which is funded in part by the CDC, held a meeting to talk about “countering misinformation” about adverse effects of the vaccines....
Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit “The Jabs Are Killing Us”...
Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine'...
This speech on "Global Genetic Genocide" by Dr. Igor Shepherd was given on November 10, 2020, at the Keep Colorado Free and Open, Community Action Meeting. From Gary D. Barnett Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team. I was able to have a...
Real people who have been suffering after taking the Covid-19 Injection...
THE MASS AWAKENING: The Pandemic Hoax and Agenda 21 - David Icke with Doctors....
Our senior have been destroyed by this COVID Vaccine...
In this video Dr. Peter McCullough gave a lecture at the 1 day conference March 2023 in Rochester, New York, called the Summit for Truth and Wellness, created by the Shannon Joy Show. Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most published cardiologist in the United States of America. He has made over 1,000 publications and 660 citations in the National...
Dr Melissa McCann is a general practitioner and practice principal of more than 12 years experience working in rural general practice settings. The concealment of vaccine induced deaths by Australian regulators, brought to light in a recent series of conferences presented by Dr McCann and the United Australia Party, has sent shockwaves around the...
China says it will start issuing all categories of visas to foreigners from Wednesday, lifting cross-border control measures it imposed three years ago at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. China stopped issuing visas to foreigners, and passports to its people, in early 2020 as the disease ravaged the central city of Wuhan. The resumption of visa...
The unprecedented injection of liquidity into the market from the Federal Reserve during that period was an attempt to stimulate an ailing economy. But before that, crypto, which closely tracked the stock market’s movements, went into a downward spiral soon after. Bitcoin crashed from $8,000 to $3,750 in a matter of hours. It was the...
The Oxford/AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S [recombinant] vaccine) COVID-19 vaccine: what you need to know...
Dr Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, the biotechnology company that worked with Pfizer to develop the world’s first Covid vaccine, has admitted on camera that he did not get jabbed with a Covid vaccine. When asked by a reporter from the German DW network why he wasn’t vaccinated, Dr. Sahin became evasive and vaguely claimed that it’s illegal for him...
This documentary by Jennifer Sharp is extremely explosive proving that this fake vaccine was a documented criminal conspiracy starting with the fraudulent injection trials. While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle. This movie provides a glimpse into the lives of the Anecdotals - those of us...

To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
- Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Stay home if you feel unwell.
- Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
- Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.
How to protect yourself against COVID-19?
When to use a mask