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Exploring the philosophy that life is a dream


Posted by2 days ago

“At the core of Your Being, You have the answer;
You Know Who You Are And You Know What You Want.”

I Am I Am.

The world is a projection of an Infinite number of thoughts. Each time You create a new thought, it begins in the imaginary world that is then projected into logos of the physical dream (a reflection of Your imaginary world, with density). Our Consciousness is the imaginary world that is projected and focused into what seems like a real, physical world to You. But the physical world is a collective dream inside the much larger imaginary world. The collective dream that We live in is simply a projection of each of these overlapping thoughts and assumptions with density. Everything that You see, feel, hear, taste, and smell in the physical world has been is being created by Our collective thoughts which have gained momentum, inertia, and density.

The paradigm we are beginning to shift out of was dominated by scientific laws. With more and more people moving out of stage orange into stage green. We Are stepping into a more Love-based understanding of Reality, especially as quantum physics and deep astronomy make more progress into discovering the dream-like nature of Reality. When Our collective perception shifts, so too does the nature of the dream.

"I Am" is constantly projecting all the thoughts of billions of people into the physical world.

I Am is Each of You. I Am is You.

I Am You. You Are "I Am." You Are God.

You Are Everything. You Are All That Exists.

There is no separation.

Crossposted by4 days ago
Posted by4 days ago

in a deeper than usual state of awareness i realized what i've been reading for some time but hadn't experienced yet: you are always manifesting. Just the way it is. A reality with holographic nature, where what's focused on is what appears.

I could notice how the thoughts in awareness (un/sub/con scious, the whole) where a reflection of the outside, and viceversa. It's all in awareness, of course, but through a perspective (which by definition is relative) in linear time, there is an "inside" (personality, our selves) and "outside" (the world). In reality, those are one. Interrelated, congruent. Indra's net. Infinite jewels, one jewel.

So it's a matter of perspective, of where focus/attention/energy goes. And the more you see this mechanism - not just the surface of consciousness but expanding the consious mind beyond its habitual boundaries - the more enjoyable this dream becomes, as you understand how it all appears as you need it to.

The nature of what we call "life" is dreamlike. There is nothing BUT the dreamer! All made up from it. All real/unreal.

And since it's all the dreamer (awareness itself), what awareness focuses on, it gets "more" of. The most unconscious aspects of this character seem to be beliefs, the things we take for granted, as a given, as "facts". We hear these "suggestions" from our mind and decide to believe in them, especially when it came from our parents.


- how do I go about living this way NOW. Seeing the synchronicity in all NOWS? I know it's possible. Why did i need a "deeper state of mind" to realize it?

- I may want to "change" stuff, but I also feel like when one surrenders the wants and needs from the ego, stuff automatically resolves itself. I feel like I'd like to change some beliefs because I've adopted a cocktail of negative beliefs, negative energy, that the mind hasn't let go of, so they are there somewhere (un/subconscious i guess), filtering reality so I experience it in a negative way. I'd like to let them go!

- can this be bypassed? since its all belief based, the past doesnt actually exist, its just the "other" NOW moments which we "remember" ("hold onto", i see memory as continual imagination) and which shape the "other" NOW moments which we "imagine" (past informing the future). The past changes according to the present, then I can just assume a new identity and the "childhood trauma" will not be an issue... but how? I feel like forgetting is a crucial step in here, forgetting beliefs. I also feel like we used to do that easily until we solidified our world (our minds) and became more linear in our experience.

- i can heal myself, thus i can heal "others". How do i do this? It seems like universal mind, the only mind, is fragmented and needs the different walls making up the compartmentalized consciousness dissolved. How do I do this? My family (the closest reflections in this reality, I'd say) has been sick, to say the least, for quite some time. I assume responsability and see how my own issues reflect in them. Help!

24 points
Crossposted by5 days ago
Posted by5 days ago

This book is mainly a collection of real-life stories written by Joseph Murphy from his clients, friends, and acquaintances. Despite the title "Think Yourself Rich", it is really about health, wealth, love, happiness, and just about every desire story is depicted inside the book.

There is no structure in this book because it is more like a collection of stories and lessons. And it is impossible to include any stories without extending the summary forever so I have to omit them. There are a good 100+ stories inside the book. I have decided to summarize in pointers instead. If you like to be inspired by real-life stories you may want to get this book.

Accompanying the stories are multiple bible quotes inside the book. They will be represented here by the quotes. For example the first quote of the book.

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)

The book starts off by telling us where is the secret of all power, which is conveniently located within us. The greatest secret in the world is that the Kingdom of God is within us. In it lies boundless wisdom, infinite power, infinite love, and the answer to all our problems. And we must begin to tap these tremendous powers within you.

Poverty and wealth are only a state of mind. If we wish to eradicate all the slums in the world, we must first wipe out the mental slums created in people's minds by their belief in poverty and lack.

Joseph goes about the problems his clients approach him with. There are countless and the usual remedy is that he will give them a written prayer, 1 to 2 paragraphs long, and tell them to repeat it a few times daily. Usually, this is done twice a day morning and evening before sleep. Upon affirming the written prayers and following other advice by Joseph, his friends and clients experience a complete change in their lives in a matter of weeks or months. Things happen, they visited the places they longed to visit, relationships settle, money was created, opportunities arise, health ailments mysteriously cured, and many more.

Pointers from the book and my own summary:
  1. Do not talk about the financial lack, poverty, or sickness of others. To do so is to attract more lack to yourself.

  2. When you are praying for an increase in money, be sure to stop blaming the government, the welfare system, and taxes. To do so will cause money to fly from you rather than to you. Realize that God's wealth is circulating in your life and there is always a Divine surplus.

38 points
Crossposted by6 days ago
Posted by6 days ago

What remains is without identity.

21 points
Crossposted by6 days ago
Posted by6 days ago

How do we know the difference between a memory and an imagination?

Is it possible to confuse the two?

In the future, do you think it will be possible to replace your current memory with someone else's or an entirely fabricated historical experience that is integratated with your current experience?

How do you know that hasn't already happened?

Who are you really, other than what you remember?

2 points
Posted by7 days ago

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